"《CBT Nuggets CWTS認證無線技術考試教程》(CBT Nuggets CWTS Certified Wireless Technology Specialist)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: CBT Nuggets CWTS認證無線技術考試教程
英文名: CBT Nuggets CWTS Certified Wireless Technology Specialist
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Michael J. Shannon
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
CBT Nuggets 出品的CWTS Certified Wireless Technology Specialist無線技術認證考試培訓視頻教程.
教程名稱:CWNP CWTS Certified Wireless Technology Specialist——
Exam PW0-070
主講人: Michael J. Shannon
教學時長:9小時. 共18個小節教學內容.
不管你是無線技術初學者或是IT專業人員追求更高級別的無線認證,這是最適合你的培訓教程。Michael Shannon'的CWTS視頻系列給你一個了不起的無線技術基礎為你解決從業中的問題. 它也涵蓋了很多基礎知識 . 然後再決定去追求你的無線或CWNP思科CCNA認證的無線網絡管理員(CWNA)認證。整個教程包含大量實際操作訓練如:大量的硬件和軟件,以及一些優秀的現場演示,圖形化的例子....... 讓你為CWTS認證考試做好准備..
Whether your''re just starting out in wireless technology or an IT pro pursuing higher-level wireless certifications, this is the perfect training for you.
Michael Shannon''s CWTS video series gives you a terrific foundation in wireless technology that prepares you for on-the-job problem solving. It also covers the basics you''ll want uder your belt before you decide to pursue your Cisco CCNA Wireless or CWNP Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA)certifications.
Throughout the training you''ll find actual implementations for enterprise WLANs, plenty of graphical examples of hardware and software and several excellent live demonstrations. Plus, the entire series is mapped to the CWTS certification exam.
What You'll Learn
Video 1: Introduction to CWTS|10:12
This introductory Nugget to the CWTS series covers an exam and certification overview, exam objectives, and best practices for the getting the most out of this CWTS CBT Nuggets.
Video 2: The Wireless Networking Industry|25:04
This nugget covers standards and regulatory bodies such as the IEEE, governing bodies like the FCC, and the Wi-Fi alliance. There is also a brief survey of the 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n standards. The WMM, WMM-PS, WPS, WPA, and WPA2 implementations are also introduced.
Video 3: Basic Wi-Fi Technology (part 1)|28:15
Topics in this first technology nugget include: infrastructure vs. ad-hoc mode; service sets; active and passive scanning; authentication and association; frequencies and channels; and data rates vs. throughputs.
Video 4: Basic Wi-Fi Technology (part 2)|34:56
In this continuation of basic technology we will cover: range, coverage, and capacity; dynamic rate switching, channel re-use and co-location; distribution system and roaming; power-saving options and protection mechanisms.
Video 5: RF Fundamentals (part 1)|26:00
Radio Frequency Mathematics - Yes, there will be math! But don't fret because it won't be painful. Let's talk about Watts, Milivolts, Decibels, dBm, dBi, and EIRP.
Video 6: RF Fundamentals (part 2)|29:46
Discussion of radio frequency wireless properties. The topics covered include: wireless characteristics, interference issues, line-of-sight, fresnel zones, RSSI, and SNR.
Video 7: RF Fundamentals (part 3)|35:56
This nugget covers the characteristics of spread spectrum technology and more including spread spectrum concepts, DSSS, OFDM, as well as channel overlap and re-use.
Video 8: Antenna Theory|22:03
In this exploration of antenna theory we will discuss polarization, diversity, and antenna categories such as omni-directional, semi-directional and fully directional. Different types of antennas are investigated including rubber duck, patch, panel, yagi, parabolic dish, and grid. This nugget finishes up with antenna accessories like arrestors and connectors.
Video 9: Antenna Practice|36:27
We go deeper into omni directional, semi-directional, and fully directional antenna implementation. We explore additional topics like azimuth and elevation charts, antenna usage, link budget, antenna mounting, and antenna accessory deployment.
Video 10: WLAN Infrastructure Hardware|33:16
Here is an excellent exploration of a wide variety of wireless LAN components including access points, wireless bridges, wireless routers, repeaters, WLAN controllers, and PoE devices.
Video 11: Wireless Client Components|36:54
Its time to take a look at the end station side of the wireless equation. Here we look at layer 2 and layer 3 connectivity, client hardware components like PC cards and wireless USB, and accompanying client utility software.
Video 12: WLAN Design Fundamentals|43:11
This design nugget covers a number of wireless scenarios including: Small Office/Home Office (SO/HO), Branch-Office/Remote-Office (BO/RO), building-to-building, public wireless hotspots, municipal-law enforcement, corporate guest wireless vlan, wireless ISP, and planes/trains/automobiles.
Video 13: Site Surveying and Installation (part 1)|36:12
Part one of site survey concepts covers the following topics: information gathering, physical and data security requirements, site-specific documentation, as well as documenting the network, connectivity, and power. You will also learn how to understand RF coverage, client connectivity requirements, and antenna usage and placement.
Video 14: Site Surveying and Installation (part 2)|32:22
This nugget is a continuation of the previous one as we explore MCA and SCA; active and passive surveys; manual vs. predictive methods; surveying mesh access; using protocol and spectrum analyzers; and site survey best practices.
Video 15: Troubleshooting the WLAN|35:04
Troubleshooting is one of the most valuable skills that a wireless network engineer can possess. This nugget explores decreased throughput, connectivity problems, weak signal strength, and issues with device upgrades.
Video 16: Optimizing the WLAN|23:05
Let's take a look at optimization in the form of hardware selection and placement, addressing interface issues, client load-balancing, analyzing client capacity and utilization, as well as multi path and hidden node.
Video 17: Wireless Security (part 1)|36:56
The first WLAN security nugget covers legacy protections like SSID hiding, MAC filtering, and WEP; user-based security like 802.1X; pass phrase-based security; push-button/pin-based security; and TKIP and CCMP encryption.
Video 18: Wireless Security (part 2)|36:25
This final nugget of the CWTS series continues the security coverage with topics like VPNs, wireless IDS/IPS, captive portals, and regulatory compliance issues like HIPAA and PCI.
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: CBT Nuggets - CWTS Certified Wireless Technology Specialist
Whether your're just starting out in wireless technology or an IT pro
pursuing higher-level wireless certifications, this is the perfect
training for you.
Michael Shannon's CWTS video series gives you a terrific foundation in
wireless technology that prepares you for on-the-job problem solving.
It also covers the basics you'll want uder your belt before you decide
to pursue your Cisco CCNA Wireless or CWNP Certified Wireless Network
Administrator (CWNA)certifications.
Throughout the training you'll find actual implementations for enterprise
WLANs, plenty of graphical examples of hardware and software and several
excellent live demonstrations. Plus, the entire series is mapped to the
CWTS certification exam.
Interested in joining iNK ? We're currently looking to expand.
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