《基於After Effects 的深度合成技術視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Depth-Based Compositing in After Effects)[光盤鏡像] | |
下載分級 | 其他资源 |
資源類別 | 電腦基礎 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/13 |
大 小 | - |
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: Digital Tutors -
Depth-Based Compositing in After Effects
In this series of lessons we'll learn how to combine depth maps to create
correct layering between two renders. This allows us to split out scenes
into multiple render layers while keeping the correct pixels on top.
We'll begin by taking a look at what is depth-based compositing or layering
and why we would want to use it. Then we'll learn about some of the downsides
of using this technique. We'll then dive in to After Effects and create a matte
for our foreground layer using it's depth map and the background depth map.
We'll then learn how to work with depth maps including combining maps from
different scene scales, using depth-based layering to fix interpenetration
issues and making depth maps human readable and error-free.
Interested in joining iNK ? We're currently looking to expand.
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: Suppliers - Often Buy Training/Subscriptions for yourself ?
Or if you feel you can contribute in other ways, please contact..
8 8
8 8
8 8
8 a. Extract 8
8 b. Mount/Burn 8
8 c. Play & Learn 8
8 8
8 8
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