中文名: XHTML 和 HTML 基礎訓練
英文名: XHTML and HTML Essential Training
資源格式: 壓縮包
學校: Lynda.com
主講人: Bill Weinman
發行日期: 2009年07月28日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
簡介在《XHTML 和 HTML 基礎訓練》中,Bill Weinman將幫助設計師和程序員理解XHTML和HTML。在本教程中,Bill將會介紹包括:文檔結構,模塊和行內標簽,浮動圖片,管理空白空間, 段落字體的修飾,表格和框架等知識。 Bill還簡單介紹了CSS的相關知識。最後,Bill將會一步一步的指導大家建立一個正式的網站。本課程包含練習文件。
DescriptionIn XHTML and HTML Essential Training, Bill Weinman helps designers and coders understand XHTML and HTML. In the process, Bill covers document structure, block and inline-level tags, floating images, controlling white space, phrase and font markup, and tables and frames. He even provides a good introduction to CSS. Bill offers step-by-step guidance for building a complete working web site. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Understanding the structure of an HTML or XHTML document
* Creating and using templates
* Controlling white space and line breaks
* Making effective use of tables and frames
* Flowing text around an image
* Formatting tables with CSS
* Creating web pages that work properly across platforms and devices
* Reviewing a case study of a complete web site
05:10 Introduction
Welcome 01:16
Using the exercise files 01:23
Choosing a text editor 02:31
15:46 1. Introducing XHTML and HTML
Introducing HTML and XHTML 02:53
Understanding versions of HTML and XHTML 02:25
Exploring a simple XHTML page 04:47
Understanding the structure of an XHTML document 02:58
Understanding document containers 00:54
Creating and using templates 01:49
42:04 2. Text Tags
Understanding how empty space is formatted in XHTML 02:42
Using paragraph tags 02:42
Aligning paragraphs 02:49
Understanding block-level and inline tags 01:24
Controlling line breaks and spaces 05:43
Formatting text with phrase element tags 03:28
Formatting text with font markup elements 03:24
Adding document structure with headings 03:25
Formatting quotations and quote marks 02:19
Preserving pre-formatted text 01:30
Selecting a typeface 04:33
Selecting a type size 02:11
Using ordered and unordered lists 05:54
07:48 3. Image Tags
Using inline images 03:17
Flowing text around an image 02:04
Breaking lines around an image 02:27
22:34 4. Link Tags
Working with hyperlinks 07:46
Using relative URLs 03:05
Specifying a base URL 02:04
Linking within a page using fragments 04:28
Creating image links 05:11
18:34 5. Tables
Introducing tables 04:37
Formatting tables with CSS 08:50
Aligning images with tables 05:07
14:31 6. Frames
Introducing frames 07:56
Hiding frame borders 03:15
Creating inline frames using iFrame 03:20
20:50 7. Forms
Introducing forms: part 1 10:37
Introducing forms: part 2 07:45
Using CGI with forms 02:28
25:42 8. CSS
Introducing CSS 03:11
Understanding levels of inheritance 06:10
Learning CSS syntax 11:23
Using units of measure in CSS 04:58
01:40:48 9. Creating a Simple Web Page from Scratch
Exploring the finished web site 02:37
Building a document header 08:18
Placing a banner and a contact button 08:13
Laying out a main menu 06:55
Creating a layout template: main body area 13:31
Creating a layout template: sidebar area 05:17
Creating a layout template: footer content 04:46
Building a main home page: main body content 11:24
Building a main home page: sidebar content 08:52
Creating a page with a menu, graphics, and formatted links 13:26
Creating a page containing an ordered list 06:44
Creating a page containing video 10:45
00:53 Conclusion
Goodbye 00:53