中文名: Lynda.com出品CSS3先睹為快視頻教程
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: James Williamson
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
視頻/音頻編碼: 960x540 | AVC 1034Kbps | AAC 159Kbps
國家: 美國
語言: 英語
作者/主講人: James Williamson
時長:~ 6小時34分鐘
樣片: 無
簡介: Lynda.com 出品的時長6小時34分的 CSS3先睹為快視頻教程。由James Williamson 深入介紹了最新的CSS標准,包括模塊化格式、歷史、目前的浏覽器支持等級、能力和應用等。另外教程包括了如何使用新的選擇器,排版和顏色的修改,如何與box模型一同運作,以及理解媒體選擇(media queries)。本教程附帶練習文件。(文:life_is_good@YDY)
In CSS3 First Look, staff author James Williamson provides an in-depth introduction to the newest CSS standard, detailing its modular format, history, and current level of browser support, while also demonstrating its capabilities and applications The course includes tutorials on using new selectors, modifying typography and color, working with the box model, and understanding media queries. Exercise files accompany the course
Viewed Duration
03:05 Introduction
Welcome 01:20
Using the exercise files 01:45
31:24 1. Introducing CSS3
What is CSS3? 05:26
The current status of CSS3 03:29
An overview of CSS3 capabilities 02:24
Can you use CSS3 now? 05:31
Detecting support for CSS3 09:00
Understanding vendor prefixes 05:34
01:09:11 2. CSS3 Selectors
An overview of child and sibling selectors 03:11
Using child and sibling selectors 07:17
An overview of attribute selectors 03:19
Using attribute selectors 08:32
Pseudo-class UI selectors 05:56
Negation pseudo-class selectors 06:48
Target pseudo-class selectors 05:39
Structural selectors 03:58
Nth-child selector syntax 10:00
First, last, and only structural selectors 05:39
Using structural selectors to write more efficient code 08:52
45:28 3. Working with Color in CSS3
Color formats in CSS3 07:09
Transparency in CSS3 09:10
CSS3 gradients 04:11
Creating linear gradients 13:57
Creating radial gradients 11:01
49:08 4. CSS3 Typography
Working with web fonts 06:38
@font-face syntax 04:52
Downloading sample fonts 06:05
Writing @font-face declarations 07:57
Using web fonts 06:42
Using text shadows 07:14
Creating multi-column text 09:40
50:55 5. CSS3 and Page Layout
An overview of the flexible box model 04:42
Controlling box orientation 05:02
Setting element flexibility 12:59
Distributing boxes 07:54
Controlling box alignment 12:38
Working with box-sizing 07:40
01:05:51 6. The CSS3 Box Model
Using border-radius 06:20
Creating custom rounded corners 10:21
Understanding border images 05:15
Using border images 08:52
Creating box shadows 08:58
CSS3 backgrounds 04:55
Controlling background size 08:46
Creating multiple background images 06:04
Using background-origin 03:18
Clipping background content 03:02
40:08 7. CSS3 Transitions and Transforms
An overview of CSS3 2D transforms 04:26
Using 2D transforms 08:16
Setting transform origins 05:24
An overview of CSS3 transitions 05:00
Animating CSS properties 06:12
Using easing in animations 05:41
An overview of 3D transforms 05:09
37:56 8. Media Queries
Understanding media queries 06:18
Strategies for targeting multiple devices 06:04
Writing styles for target screen sizes 12:11
Deploying styles through media queries 03:55
Basing media queries on page orientation 02:24
Targeting media queries for iOS devices 07:04
01:06 Conclusion
Goodbye 01:06