"《Lullabot.com出品Drupal性能和可伸縮性 視頻教程》(Lullabot.Drupal.Performance.and.Scalability)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Lullabot.com出品Drupal性能和可伸縮性 視頻教程
英文名: Lullabot.Drupal.Performance.and.Scalability
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
學校: Lullabot.com
主講人: Matt Westgate
James Sansbury
發行日期: 2011年
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Lullabot.com出品的 Drupal性能和可伸縮性 視頻教程。
了解實現Drupal大規模高流量的環境下正常運行的秘密。性能(performance)指的是你的站點響應一個請求所用的時間。可伸縮性(scalability)指應用程序如何應對增長的流量。Matt Westgate和James Sansbury講述需要了解 Drupal在LAMP stack中的峰值性能,安裝和定制整個LAMP stack的過程,高度優化Drupal的Pressflow核心衍生工具。如何基准你的網站性能,如何安裝多種類型的高速緩存層和如何優化每個服務器的基礎設施層等等。還探討了擴展策略,機房共置與雲基礎設施的硬件網絡拓撲結構。如何脫離性能瓶頸與監控策略。以及一些Drupal7的變化和Pressflow的下一版本。通過學習你會更加善於創建高性能的Drupal部署!
Drupal Performance & Scalability
Make Drupal run like a greased cheetah!
Want to learn the secrets the pros use for making Drupal scale huge and perform with grace high traffic situations? In Drupal Performance & Scalability, Matt Westgate and James Sansbury teach you all you need to know to get peak performance out of Drupal on the LAMP stack. They carefully walk you through both installation and customization of the entire LAMP stack. They go over the highly-optimized Pressflow distribution of Drupal. They teach you how to benchmark your site's performance, how to install many types of caching layers and how to optimize each layer of your server infrastructure. They even teach you all about things like CDN integration, APC, Varnish, Memcache and other caching layers within Drupal and MySQL. They discuss scaling strategies, looking at hardware topologies for both co-located and cloud infrastructures. They teach you how to isolate performance bottlenecks and cover strategies for monitoring. They also go over some of the changes in Drupal 7 and the next release of Pressflow. By the end of this video you'll be an old pro at creating high performance Drupal deployments!
Chapter Listing
Overview of performance optimizations
LAMP stack installations
Prepping MySQL
Installing Pressflow
Using the Apache benchmark tool
Installing Alternative PHP Cache (APC)
Installing Varnish
Installing Memecached
AMP optimizations
PHP.ini optimizations
Database tuning
Content Delivery Networks
Isolating performance bottlenecks
Hardware topologies for scaling
Changes in Drupal 7
Further resources for performance & scalability