中文名: Maya面部表情動畫技術訓練教程
英文名: Digital-Tutors Facial Animation in Maya
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Delano Athias
發行日期: 2011年
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
中文名稱: Maya面部表情動畫技術訓練教程
外文名稱: Digital-Tutors Facial Animation in Maya
資源分類: 教程
文件大小: 970MB
資源格式: FLV視頻格式 附工程文件
本教程是由Digital-Tutors機構出品的Maya面部表情動畫技術訓練教程,時長:2 hrs. 38 min,官方發布時間:July 2, 2011,作者:Delano Athias。
Maya 是目前世界上最為優秀的三維動畫的制作軟件之一,主要是為了影視應用而研發的,所以在出世後不久就在《精靈鼠小弟》、《恐龍》等這些大片中一展身手。除了影視方面的應用外Maya在三維動畫制作,影視廣告設計,多媒體制作甚至游戲制作領域都有很出色的表現。初識Maya 是目前世界上最為優秀的三維動畫的制作軟件之一,它是Alias|Wavefront公司在1998年才推出的三維制作軟件。雖然相對於其他老牌三維制作軟件來說Maya還是一個新生兒,但Maya憑借其強大的功能,友好的用戶界面和豐富的視覺效果,一經推出就引起了動畫和影視界的廣泛關注,成為頂級的三維動畫制作軟件。
In this Maya tutorial we will learn tips an techniques for creating believable facial animations. This tutorial will cover the process of animating a face in Maya. We will build the animation step by step, covering time-saving and proficient techniques like smart blocking, using a checklist, how to work with reference, checking for arcs. We will even cover what to do when we encounter issues where an expression that was not anticipated calls for the control rig to be revised. By the end of this tutorial, you we will be equipped with the knowledge you need to build your own facial animations that are convincing and entertaining.
軟體版權歸原作者及其公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版 目錄:
1. Introduction and project overview
56 sec.
2. Helpful notes / reviewing the checklist
3 min. 8 sec.
3. Getting the scene ready for animation
5 min. 8 sec.
4. Studying the reference
1 min. 10 sec.
5. Modifying the cheek controls for an inhaling shape
1 min. 14 sec.
6. Starting on the extreme pass
7 min. 15 sec.
7. Blocking in the animation as the character starts to speak
6 min. 32 sec.
8. Blocking in frames 26 through 36
10 min. 25 sec.
9. Blocking in frames 44 through 65
9 min. 23 sec.
10. Blocking in frames 69 through 86
13 min. 32 sec.
11. Blocking in frames 98 through 103
9 min. 5 sec.
12. Finishing the extreme pass
18 min. 26 sec.
13. Creating controls for a more pronounced lip purse
14 min. 14 sec.
14. The breakdown pass
7 min. 37 sec.
15. Starting on the initial polish pass
6 min. 6 sec.
16. Correcting the arcs of the head
9 min. 49 sec.
17. Finishing the head pass
8 min. 8 sec.
18. Polishing the animation of the eyes
9 min. 33 sec.
19. Refining the brow animation
4 min. 8 sec.
20. Tweaking the mouth's animation
7 min. 27 sec.
21. Finalizing the animation
5 min. 12 sec.