"《TrainSignal出品VMware vSphere雲計算架構系統故障排除額外內容 視頻教程》(TrainSignal.VMware.Troubleshooting.Training.Additional.Content)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: TrainSignal出品VMware vSphere雲計算架構系統故障排除額外內容 視頻教程
英文名: TrainSignal.VMware.Troubleshooting.Training.Additional.Content
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
學校: TrainSignal
主講人: David Davis
發行日期: 2011年
TrainSignal出品的 VMware vSphere雲計算架構系統的故障排除額外內容 視頻教程。iPod 版本
內容:學習一切你需要了解對vShpere部署進行進階故障排除的專業技能與能力。David Davis講述如何利用日志文件排除vSphere管理故障,如何預防HA cluster(高可用集群High Availability Cluster)的停機,什麼方式中止vNetwork分布式交換機的處理,如何快速對vSphere備份和運行等等。
Learn Everything You Need to Know to Start Troubleshooting vSphere Like a vExpert
This course will show you how to troubleshoot vSphere using log files, how to prevent downtime with your HA cluster, ways to deal with broken vNetwork Distributed Switches, how to quickly get vSphere back up and running, and much more!
Industry Recognized
Technical Reviewer for this course, Mike Laverick, said "I much enjoyed reviewing TrainSignal's VMware Troubleshooting video! Even an old timer like myself learned a few tips and tricks along the way. I'm sure that any VMware Admin would benefit by learning troubleshooting from David Davis".
Mike Laverick is a VCP4, vExpert, and was a VMware Certified Instructor for many years. Involved in the VMware community since 2003, Laverick is the owner and author of the virtualization website RTFM Education (www.rtfm-ed.co.uk) and has published books on VMware VI3, vSphere4, and Site Recovery Manager.