Symantec公司日前宣布推出行動安全解決方案-Symantec Mobile Security 4.0,這是為目前市面上唯一針對智能型手機操作系統-Symbian OS的安全解決方案,將防毒及防火牆技術整合於單一解決方案中,提供數款Symbian 60及Symbian 80平台的智能型手機,像是Nokia 9300或Nokia 9500企業型行動裝置,免於病毒、木馬程序及病蟲等網絡威脅的攻擊及入侵;Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian 行動安全解決方案為兩年期的下載服務,適用於某些特定的諾基亞 (Nokia)及松下 (Panasonic)智能型手機。此外,目前Symantec也提供Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian解決方案60天免費試用版,使用者可至Symantec網站下載體驗試用。
Symbian操作系統是全球為數最多的智能型手機所選用的作業平台,截至目前為止,全球Symbian智能型手機出貨量超過2500萬台,40多種Symbian智能型手機行銷到全球各地超過200家行動通訊服務廠商;Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian能夠抵御今日演化中的無線運算環境所衍生的安全隱憂。如同筆記本型電腦一般,智能型手機近來廣泛被應用在各個層面,這些行動裝置與筆記本型電腦一樣,均暴露在網絡威脅高度的風險下。根據Symantec近來委托InsightExpress 所進行的一項調查顯示,智能型手機使用者除了使用娛樂功能外,他們還會利用這些無線裝置來發送電子郵件、實時傳訊、浏覽網站、通過網絡下載及分享文件,甚至是查詢其銀行賬號數據明細。
於此同時,針對無線裝置的網絡威脅也迅速的增加。根據Symantec今年3月公布的第七期Symantec網絡安全威脅報告中指出, 2004年6月發現了首個針對智能型手機的食人魚Cabir病蟲。到了2004年12月底,食人魚病蟲已經出現了11只變種,2005年2月時,食人魚病蟲在美國地區首次出現擴散的跡象。在過去9個月間其它針對智能型手機的威脅也紛紛出現,包括了Mos、Skulls及武士病蟲等數只木馬程序。
Symantec Mobile Security 4.0正式安裝後,會立即提供特定的Series 60平台手機及Nokia 9300及9500系列智能型手機,結合防毒及防火牆的整合式安全防護。這項行動安全解決方案能夠主動抵御所有 Symbian 平台上的文件型惡意程序,如病毒、木馬程序及病蟲。實時自動及手動病毒掃瞄可保護智能型手機裡的文件不受病毒蟲感染,另一方面,防火牆功能在過濾內寄與外送的聯機時,可根據規則清單判定攔阻或允許該聯機。為了確保智能型手機不受新興威脅的攻擊,Symantec獨家的LiveUpdate Wireless無線更新服務,使用者可通過智能型手機連上無線網絡後,隨時下載最新的病毒防護更新。
Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC), the global leader in information security, today announced Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian. As the only security solution for Symbian OS?mobile devices to provide integrated antivirus and firewall technologies, Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian protects Symbian OS-based Series 60 and Series 80 smartphones, such as the Nokia 9300 and 9500 enterprise devices, from network intrusions as well as from viruses, Trojan horses, and worms.
"To ensure that individuals and businesses are protected in an increasingly wireless environment, Symantec is delivering targeted solutions to address the emerging virus and security threats brought by pervasive mobile communications," said Sarah Hicks, vice president, Strategic Opportunities, at Symantec. "Through solutions such as Symantec Mobile Security for Symbian, Symantec is helping ensure that consumers and enterprises have the most effective and prudent tools for thwarting the growing number of wireless attacks."
Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian is available as a two-year downloadable service for users of select Nokia and Panasonic smartphones. In addition, a free 60-day trial version of Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian is available for download from the Symantec website.
"Symbian OS powers the world's most popular smartphones with over 25 million Symbian OS-based phones shipped to date and over 40 Symbian OS phone models currently shipping to over 200 mobile carriers worldwide," said Jerry Panagrossi, vice president of US operations, Symbian. "Symbian takes mobile security issues very seriously and continuously evolves Symbian OS to further enhance the security integrity of networks, handsets, and users' data. Symbian's partnership with Symantec and other leading mobile security solution providers ensures the availability of a range of security solutions that complement Symbian OS's integrated security model. Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian, combined with the Symantec LiveUpdate Wireless service, provides a robust end-to-end security solution available to both consumers and enterprises."
Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian offers protection from the security concerns surrounding today's evolving wireless computing environment. Smartphones are increasingly being used in much the same way as notebook computers, putting these devices at risk of threats that are similar to their mobile PC counterparts. According to a recent survey conducted for Symantec by InsightExpress, smartphone owners use their wireless devices not only for entertainment but also for emailing, instant messaging, browsing the Web, and downloading and sharing files over the Internet as well as for checking financial accounts. The survey found that 54 percent of smartphone owners use their devices to send and receive emails that include confidential personal data; more than 40 percent access bank accounts using their smartphones; and nearly one third of respondents access credit card accounts. The majority of smartphone users (55.7 percent) also store confidential personal, business, or client data on their devices.
At the same time, threats to wireless devices are increasing. According to the March 2005 bi-annual Internet Security Threat Report issued by Symantec, the first worm to target smartphones, Cabir, was released in June 2004. By the end of December 2004, 11 new variants of Cabir were reported, and in February 2005 Cabir surfaced for the first time in the United States in the wild. Other threats to smartphones also have been reported over the last nine months, including several Trojan horses-e.g., Mos, Skulls, and CommWarrior.
From the moment it is installed, Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian provides integrated antivirus and firewall capabilities for select Series 60 and Nokia 9300 and 9500 smartphones. This solution delivers proactive protection against all Symbian file-based forms of malicious threats, such as viruses, Trojan horses, and worms. Real-time automatic and on-demand virus scan capabilities protect files that are stored on the smartphone, while the firewall intercepts both incoming and outgoing connection attempts and blocks or permits them based on a list of rules. To ensure that devices are protected against new threats, LiveUpdate Wireless allows users to download the latest virus protection updates when the device has access to a wireless Internet connection.
In an enterprise environment, Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian offers administrators and end users simple and flexible management control. Configurable client settings can be set by an administrator and pushed over the air in a configuration file to the smartphone via third-party mobile device management systems. All client security components are updated using LiveUpdate Wireless technology over HTTP connections to a Symantec LiveUpdate server or a company-hosted server. Administrators can locally or remotely configure, lock, and enforce security policies for devices and can send SMS messages to the devices to trigger client applications to perform remote antivirus scans and updates.
Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 for Symbian is backed by Symantec Security Response, a team of dedicated intrusion experts, security engineers, virus hunters, and global technical support teams that work in tandem to provide extensive coverage for enterprise businesses and consumers. Symantec Security Response provides customers with comprehensive, global, 24x7 Internet security expertise to guard against today's complex Internet threats
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