中文名: Nuance PDF 閱讀器
英文名: Nuance PDF Reader
資源格式: 安裝包
版本: 免費版
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Nuance 通訊公司
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
軟件類型:應用軟件 電子閱讀
應用平台:windows xp,windows vista(32bit&64bit),win7(32bit&64bit)
[email protected]網站鏈接:http://www.nuance.com/
軟件簡介:Nuance PDF Reader為Nuance通訊公司發布的一款完全免費的PDF 閱讀軟件,支持PDF標注(高亮顯示、刪除線、下劃線等),Nuance PDF Reader還集成Web服務,可以將PDF文件在線轉換為Word、Excel或RTF格式(Office 2007格式),轉換後的文件會發送到指定郵箱;Nuance PDF Reader也可以打開XPS文件,
被稱為挑戰Adobe Reader的PDF閱讀器(Free Nuance PDF Reader Suports Microsoft Office, Challenges Adobe Reader)。相比Adobe Reader,Nuance PDF Reader占用較小的磁盤空間,安裝包只有18.14MB,安裝完成後也只有50MB左右,比之苗條了不少Adobe Reader,同時Nuance PDF Reader綠色版默認開啟了PDF文件中的JavaScript支持
*Nuance PDF Reader 免費支援中文PDF轉檔Word與搜尋劃注。
* 縮放和旋轉頁面、使用書簽在文檔中導航、跳轉到定義的頁面、查看當前文件夾中的所有PDF。
* 為PDF文本添加高亮、刪除線和下劃線。
* 在一個或多個PDF文件(文件信息或文本內容)中查找文本。
* 將XPS文件轉換為PDF文件、打印文件及保存PDF附件。
* 查看和處理PDF包和公事包(分組的文件)。
* 填寫和保存PDF表單以便於提交- 避免影印和紙張郵寄的缺點。
* 驗證數字簽名並為您的PDF 文檔簽名。
* 享受領先的文檔管理系統支持。
* Nuance PDF Reader更多細節及特性可見這裡。
Get ready to rethink your choice of free PDF reader. Nuance PDF Reader enables you to do much more than just view PDF files. You can convert PDF files to Word®, Excel®, and RTF via a hosted web service. Use annotation tools to highlight, cross-out, and underline text for more effective collaboration. Even fill out and save PDF forms. Nuance PDF Reader takes up less disk space, is more secure than Adobe® Reader®, and works with virtually any PDF file. Best of all, it’s absolutely free, proving that you really can get a whole lot of something for nothing.
Nuance PDF Reader
Introducing a free PDF reader that's small in size and big on features.
Get ready to rethink your choice of free PDF reader. Nuance PDF Reader enables you to do much more than just view PDF files. You can convert PDF files to Word®, Excel®, and RTF via a hosted web service. Use annotation tools to highlight, cross-out, and underline text for more effective collaboration. Even fill out and save PDF forms. Nuance PDF Reader takes up less disk space, is more secure than Adobe® Reader®, and works with virtually any PDF file. Best of all, it’s absolutely free, proving that you really can get a whole lot of something for nothing.
What sets Nuance PDF Reader apart from other free PDF software? It includes features typically found in premium products. Consider these advantages:
Fill and save PDF forms — Most other PDF viewers do not enable you to fill and save PDF forms without support from a premium product. Nuance PDF Reader is perfect for all kinds of applications and forms, including childcare reimbursement forms, quarterly tax forms, expense reports, purchase orders, surveys and more.
Use less disk space — At 200 MB, Adobe Reader takes up some serious disk space. Fully installed, Nuance PDF Reader uses less than 50 MB and you get features that you do not find in Adobe Reader. Talk about getting more for less.
Annotate PDFs — PDF files are great for sharing information, but without the right tools, they’re not so great for collaboration. Nuance PDF Reader provides frequently used annotation tools, letting you highlight, cross-out, and underline text for real collaboration.
Convert PDF files to Word, Excel, or RTF — With our free PDF Reader, you get the most accurate online PDF conversion available — without having to install extra software. No more copying and pasting or retyping PDF documents. Just use our hosted web service to convert PDF to Word, Excel, RTF or WordPerfect using Nuance's industry-leading OCR technology. It’s never been easier to upload, convert, and start using information previously trapped in a PDF.
PDF conversion available — without having to install extra software. No more copying and pasting or retyping PDF documents. Just use our hosted web service to convert PDF to Word, Excel, RTF or WordPerfect using Nuance's industry-leading OCR technology. It’s never been easier to upload, convert, and start using information previously trapped in a PDF.
Keep your documents safe — Nuance knows that hackers can use JavaScript to gain control of your computer and your personal information. That’s why, unlike Adobe Reader, Nuance PDF Reader can be installed with JavaScript turned off. So you gain peace of mind knowing that your valuable data is protected. If needed, JavaScript can be turned on easily during the installation process.
Enjoy 100% compatibility with Adobe® Acrobat® — With support for all PDF standards up to the current version (1.7), Nuance Reader is 100% compatible with Adobe Acrobat. So you can be confident that it will work with virtually any PDF file.
Work with PDF portfolios — In addition to supporting the full set of PDF standards, Nuance Reader supports PDF portfolios — collections of various file types assembled into a PDF. You can access each file independently of others in the portfolio and open them using the native authoring software.
Integration with Microsoft SharePoint — Now you can access and open files stored in your SharePoint® repository, or save edited files directly back to SharePoint all from within our free PDF Reader.
Stop wasting time with free PDF viewers that fall short of your needs. Download the new Nuance PDF Reader for free and enjoy a better reader experience.
軟件截圖:發布者推薦:在發基本PDF時有驢友問我截圖上的PDF閱讀器是啥。搜了一下竟然VC上沒有。但是和Nuance PDF Reader同屬一個系列的軟件VC上卻是大把大把。比如Nuance PDF Converter Enterprise、Nuance PDF Converter。大家習慣的稱它為PDF轉換軟件卻不熟知它的名字中還有個Nuance!其實Nuance PDF Reader是和它的兄弟們同樣優秀!今天把它帶來送給大家。
它被稱為可以跟Adobe Reader 叫板的閱讀器!鄙人使用過不少PDF閱讀工具,大到到現在被大家所熟知的Adobe reader 小到國內比較流行的克克閱讀器以及福晞。最終我選擇了今天帶給大家的Nuance PDF Reader。吸引我的是:他的體積不大比之Adobe的小上很多,無論安裝還是運行都迅速不少。而且,功能又較之克克閱讀器之輩要強大易用的多。
挑戰Adobe Reader的PDF閱讀器!可是本來就沒有什麼復雜的功能,相信即使英文不好的朋友都可以運用自如!相信也會有更多的人喜歡上它!
安全檢測:本軟件經過卡巴斯基全功能殺毒軟件2010 ver9.0.0.736檢測無毒。病毒庫版本2011-11-22。檢測系統為win7 64bit
安裝測試:本軟件在win xp系統以及win7-32bit和win7-64bit系統安裝成功。