中文名: 有限元分析仿真工具
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: V2010
發行時間: 2010年10月
制作發行: MSC
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
MSC Nastran的是世界上使用最廣泛的有限元分析(FEA)求解器。當涉及到模擬壓力,動力,還是現實世界的震動以及復雜的系統時,MSC Nastran仍然是目前世界上最好的和最值得信賴的軟件。今天,有限元求解器是可靠和准確的,足以通過FAA和其他監管機構的認證,所以零件到復雜裝配的制造商都選擇了有限元求解器。
最新版 MD Nastran 2010 為新一代求解器提供了突破性效能,工程師可藉由新版軟件解決許多以往無法求解的問題,包括高階非線性分析、雙向熱固耦合及延伸模擬領域,如與計算流力軟件(CFD)程序雙向同步仿真及多重模型優化等;且在計算速度上的大幅提升。
MD Nastran能讓工程師將分析領域大幅延伸,以模擬更逼近真實世界的行為。它在單一的FE求解器中包含了最佳線性及非線性的分析能力,能讓工程師能用單一的FE求解器去運作更高階的線性及非線性仿真。新版軟件主要特性包括:
● 自動螺絲預鎖分析─透過更佳的預鎖定義以及持續的接觸條件,更輕易且更准確的模擬整個組裝過程;
● 接觸分析的進化─透過區塊對區塊的接觸邏輯,得到更精確的應力結果且接觸應力的連續性更佳。而對熱應力分析而言,對不連續網格的接觸熱傳結果也將更為精確;
● 熱力學分析─透過熱機械耦合提升精確度,協助用戶解決因溫度造成機械功率消耗的問題,包含剎車盤片的升溫、道路與輪胎接觸及生產制造過程等非線性自動調適性時間步長─減少運作時間,更容易用新的時間步長場景進行設定。
最新版的MD Nastran擴展了工程師可仿真的物理范圍,提供更多精確的設計行為表示方式,並協助提升產品創新。
● 具RC網絡求解器的高階熱(thermal)功能─將在熱傳分析領域領先產業的MSC SINDA的優勢整合在MD Nastran中,以提供精確的熱傳分析結果
● 與計算流力軟件(CFD)同步分析─透過與MD Nastran的第三方CFD軟件的同步分析,可得到更精確的結構及流體分析結果
● 顯性與流固耦合的增強─加入DMP平行運算的流固耦合功能,是目前市面上最快的模擬求解器
● 動態及震動噪音的增強─更易整合測試數據,還包括在FRF及FBA的功能中,加入量測基准的FRF零件
MD Nastran 2010提供多重模型優化的功能,讓用戶可以針對兩個以上的模塊產生的不同設計條件進行優化。這讓使用者可以在一次分析中就針對所有不同領域的模型進行優化,更加強化跨領域MD Nastran的優勢。
● Pardiso及MUMPS求解器可應用於Linux及Windows機器中,進行平行及多執行序分析,讓使用者能完全運用他們自己的多核系統,且無需增加費用
● 分布式平行記憶(Distributed Memory Parallel, DMP)求解器也同樣的包含於MD Nastran非線性求解器中,可讓用戶解決更大的模型,運用更少的時間
● UMFPACK求解器導入復雜的Lanczos求解特征值,以提升效率。舉例來說,大約19萬個自由度的模型求解100個模態,可以加快50%的速度
● DMP擴大支持至內含多重材料的流固耦合問題,讓效能產生顯著的改善。舉例而言,約有1百萬元素的地雷爆炸模型,在4-CPU Linux8664的系統上,效能提升250%,若在32核心的機器上更加速到將近900%
簡介翻譯轉自xuehui @TLF 感謝
MD Nastran is an integrated simulation system with a broad set of multidiscipline analysis capabilities based on proven CAE technologies. MD Nastran enables product manufacturers to simulate everything from a single part to complex assemblies and carry out a diverse set of virtual tests. By providing a single platform for a wide range of applications, MD Nastran offers cost savings and efficiencies across engineering CAE teams.
Engineers at both small businesses and large manufacturers are often required to run a multitude of tests to ensure effective designs. While simulation solutions have helped in replacing some of the physical tests, the disparate solutions for different types of tests has placed added burden on analysts and IT departments to maintain several products.
MD Nastran can be used for multiple CAE discipline studies including multi-physics analysis. In addition to all the capabilities of MSC.Nastran, MD Nastran offers a complete set of nonlinear analysis capabilities in both implicit and explicit solution technology, thermal and exterior acoustics and also the coupling analysis between various disciplines such as thermal structural and fluid structure interaction. This enables organizations to realize the benefits of a single solution without sacrificing performance, accuracy or solution capabilities.
As part of our commitment to quality, the MD Nastran Software Quality Assurance Program complies with the applicable portions of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, Reporting of Safety Related Defects and Non-Compliances. (see Statement of Quality Assurance Policy)
Capabilities include:
Scalable solution based on MSC Nastran foundation
Multidiscipline analysis for improved efficiency
Multidiscipline optimization
Multiphysics for enhanced accuracy
Integrated pre/post processing support
Partner technologies
Industry Uses:
Aerospace & Defense: Ground loads, flight loads, engine, wings, structures, aerodynamics
Automotive: N&V, vehicle dynamics, durability, brake squeal, engines, seals, powertrain
Electronics: Cell phones, MEMS devices, computer equipment, industrial electronics, consumer electronics
Energy: Wind turbines, gear boxes, solar power, oil and gas equipment
Heavy Equipment: Construction equipment, farm equipment, ATV vehicles, plant equipment
Machinery: Conveying systems, paper handing, plant equipment, construction equipment
Medical: Cardiovascular, blood bags, drug delivery, imaging equipment, physical medicine, orthopedics
更多詳細信息 請訪問:http://www.mscsoftware.com/Products/CAE-To...ran.aspx
? ? ?
? 苘哌卟? 氨策 ? ? + + ? M A G ? N i ?T U D E + + ?
? 鞍北 薏 脖 安甙? ? 苘懿苘苘 鞍 鞍
?鞍安卑? 安? 薇? 陛 鞍 ?卑 懿哌 安? 鞍 苘 ? 卑?
曹 咣馨? 鞍猖? 安 氨? 卑 脖苓 ? ? 鞍? 弑? ?鞍輩?
哕曹 卟曹荥 ? 哌脖? 安?膊? ? ? 鞍草 鞍?? 鞍北膊?
哕曹 懿? 鼙膊膊哌? ?北?哌膊?膊? 懿 氨槽 卑鞍鞍鞍北北輩?
曹 咣鄄弑敗鄄安圹? 鼙脖苘 懿 槽蒈北曹 捋? 氨槽苘 卟北輩膊膊膊?
薏曹 ? 安鄄?捋圹膊苘 懿膊甙 捋圮 ?槽圻膊策 槽? 鞍輩哌膊苘 哌哌哌?
薏圹圮 安圹? 圹鄄捋鄄卟槽?氨?膊圹?圹鄄苘圹圹圹鄄策 鞍卑 咣圹?薏槽鄄卑?
捋鄄卟曹圹槽?捋鄄稗圹蒉圹? 膊?槽?卟圹郾圹馨槽鄄苒? 苘氨脖 薏圹?卟圯
捋鄄 卟?膊?圹脖 捋鄄槽? 鄄?圹草 捋圹佰鄄 臂圹鄄 捋郯膊? 佰圹曹苘圹?
捋鄄 膊脖膊策卟槽膊鄄 圹?圹草 圹?圹?佰圹鄄 槽蒉膊 捋圹蒇圹? ?
捋鄄 薏輩膊弑 懿圹廁鄄? 圹?圹草 槽圯圹?佰坜膊? 薏槽圹?安圹圹圹? 鞍
捋鄄 懿北脖?? 卟曹咣圮苒鄄苒膊? 輩圹膊?臂?卟曹懿膊槽?懿圹圻槽圹? 氨
捋鄄? 哌甙北 哌? 哌膊圯哌? 安膊輩?膊?? 哌哌氨曹膊哌 哌膊圹 鞍?
捋膊卑 鞍 ? 苘苒圹圹苘苘 卟圯 ? 氨?卑苓 懿? 懿策? 卟脖鞍輩
薏脖北? 懿圹膊策哌哌哌卟圮圹 鞍北? ? 苓卑 ? 北氨輩
薏北卑 ?鞍輩槽? 哌曹 氨輩脖鞍 ? 安?? ? 鞍輩?
薇卑 膊 ++S! ++b5! ++Ix 苓氨輩膊圻 氨? ? 鞍卑輩卑卑鞍 氨輩?
薇? 鞍 哕 掭 哌哌? 氨? ? 氨膊圯
卑 氨? ? ? 苓 ? 鞍 ? ? 鼙槽圻
? 氨脖?? ? ? ? 鞍膊膊? ?
? ?卟? ? 鞍卑氨北? 懿
? MD NASTRAN V2010 鄄?
? (c) MSC 鄄?
? ? 脖
? SUPPLIER...: Team MAGNITUDE 2010 DATE......: 17/10/2010 卑
? 鞍
? CRACKER....: Team MAGNITUDE 2010 SIZE......: 1 DISK 氨
? ?
脖? 北?
圻曹? 苓哕 苓哕 ? 苓哕 苓哕 苓? 苓哕 ?圻哕 苓? 苓哕 苘策?
哌哌哌?哌?策哕 策哌 曹 策哌 策咣 哌卟 策哌 哌??? ?策哌 曹苓 哌?哌哌哌?
鄄哌 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?哌槽
? ? 鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?鞍鞍 ? ?
? ?
? ?
? MD Nastran is an integrated simulation system with a broad set of ?
? multidiscipline analysis capabilities based on proven CAE ?
? technologies. MD Nastran enables product manufacturers to simulate ?
? everything from a single part to complex assemblies and carry out a ?
? diverse set of virtual tests. By providing a single platform for a ?
? wide range of applications, MD Nastran offers cost savings and ?
? efficiencies across engineering CAE teams. ?
? ?
? http://www.mscsoftware.com/Products/CAE-Tools/MD-Nastran.aspx ?
鞍 鞍
卑 氨
脖? 氨?
鄄脖苘 苘輩槽
苘苘苘?苘苘苘 ?圻哕 苓? 策哕 苓哕 ? ? ?圻哕 苓? 苓哕 苘苘苘 苘苘苘?
圮策? ?? ?哌卟 ?策咣 哕?哕? ?? ?策哌 曹苓 哌曹?
脖? ? 氨?
舶 ? 鞍鞍 鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍?鞍鞍 ? 安
? ?
? 1. Unpack&Install ?
? 2. Read .txt from /MAGNiTUDE dir ?
? 3. Enjoy! ?
? ?
? 圻哕 苓哕 策哕 苓哕 苓? ?
?? 鞍鞍?鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍北輩 ?曹苓 ?策哌 哌卟北卑鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍 鞍鞍? ??
? ?
? Magnitude, a measure of the brightness of a star - the Ancient Greek ?
? astronomers divided the stars into six magnitudes. First-magnitude ?
? stars were the brightest, and sixth-magnitude stars were the ?
? faintest. This system has been kept in modern times, when the new era ?
? of MAGNiTUDE has started. ?
? ?
? If you feel like you have the power to face first-magnitude stars ?
? contact us at: ?
? [email protected] ?
? ?
? ? ?
? 氨膊鄄鞍 ? ?
? 苘圹? 薏槽圯 ?
? 捋圹圹? 槽圹圮 氨
舶 膊圹圹? 薏圹圹圮? 氨?
脖? 槽圹圹圹圮苒圹咣圹圹圹苘? 鞍輩?
鄄卑 圹圹?哌圹圹膊 哌卟膊圹圹圹圹圹圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘懿膊膊?
苘苘 圹圹?曹苘 哌?膊曹苘?哌哌哌膊膊膊膊膊膊曹苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 ?
?鞍 鄄膊?Ascii by the Dynamic Trio: S!, b5! and Ix - (c) SAC 2005 鞍鞍鞍鞍??
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