中文名: 專業演示工具
英文名: ProPresenter
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: v4.2.1/Mac OSX/含破解文件
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Renewedvision
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
操作系統: Mac OSX 10.5 +
比如,一個大屏幕顯示歌詞,而舞台上在現場演唱歌曲。 根據觀眾的反應,樂隊領唱者也許選擇唱另一首歌,或者盡早結束歌曲,或者重覆合唱多次。 典型地,這些歌詞將通過一些線性播放的幻燈片軟件來顯示,但由於這些軟體無法根據具體的歌曲進行歌詞顯示,有限的靈活性使它們非常不得人心。而 ProPresenter可以允許程序操作者點擊“Control Panel”上的一張幻燈片, 而此時,放映機屏幕將立刻顯示新的幻燈片。
ProPresenter is a cross-platform lyric and media presentation package built from the ground up to help make powerful worship productions easy. Taking full advantage of the latest technologies, ProPresenter allows an operator to control a presentation on one screen, while dynamically affecting the visuals and lyrics experienced by an audience on one or more screens. Used by ministries all over the world for years, we have taken our valued users' feedback to create ProPresenter version 4. Boasting over 100 new features, it is our most expansive upgrade to date
What new in this version
Slide Editor:
Images dropped on slide should become image elements
Resize multiple selected presentations
Template Editor:
Slide thumbnails don't reflect slide content if Contiguous is enabled
Prevent presentations in subfolders from being loaded
Dragging a Media Cue between playlists should copy the cue, rather than re-import the file
Canvas doesn't correctly display cues with color changes
Background output issue when only two outputs are used on TH2G Analog Edition
Video/Image Bin:
Thumbnail doesn't reflect horizontal or vertical flip state
Edit Slide command changes playlist selection
Apply All button does not consistently apply font
User defined bypass of FBO render pipeline
Provide UI to disable preview display
Hovering Mouse over "Stage Display" icon displays incorrect tool tip
Playlist Import: Renamed Songs aren't properly linked in newly imported playlist
Template slides created from existing slides should not contain cues.
Preview/Program do not match with 0.0 transition time
Timeline Errors with 0.0 Transition time
Blank slides do not display with transition timer set to 0.0
Improve stability during media import
Default Presentation size is incorrect with Edge Blending enabled
Support for PC playlists
Copyright display not enabled on import
Generation issue with ultra-wide video and Scale to Fill
Video/Image Thumbnails disappear
Send Feedback form does not send user-entered email address data
Quartz Composition Support
Keynote / Powerpoint playback from within a Playlist
Color adjustments on Images
Mask Layer
Multiple settings for Stage Display
Dragging items from other playlists fails
Background Cues appear upside down
HD/SDI output is cropped/scaled
ProPresenter 4.2.1 Crack by Jaywalker
1. Extract ProPresenter.zip
2. Drag into /Applications/ or wherever you'd like
3. I highly suggest you open a Terminal and run the following command from this directory
chmod +x run.sh && ./run.sh
3a. If you ran that command, you will be prompted for your password. This script (feel free to look at it) will prevent
ProPresenter from talking with it's servers (along with some other patches.. but just to be safe)
4. Open ProPresenter
5. Register with any username you'd like.
6. Register with any serial you'd like, but the serial must be 29 digits long. Example: 12345678901234567890123456789
7. Enjoy :)
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