"《AfterBurn 4.0 for 3dsmax 9.0/2008/2009/2010/2011/2012 32/64位 頂渲簡體中文版》4.0[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: AfterBurn 4.0 for 3dsmax 9.0/2008/2009/2010/2011/2012 32/64位 頂渲簡體中文版
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 4.0
發行時間: 2011年05月16日
制作發行: 原版發行:Sitni Sati d.o.o.
中文制作:頂渲 Ma5 www.toprender.com
地區: 大陸
語言: 簡體中文
AfterBurn是基於粒子系統的氣體效果的3dsmax插件,可為3ds Max 用戶提供雲、煙、塵埃、爆炸及液體金屬等特效。被廣泛用於影視動畫(如:Flight of the Phoenix, K-19: The Widowmaker, Armageddon, Dracula 2000等許多 IMAX 電影)以及游戲(如:Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Sin等)。其強大的功能和真實的效果,令人震撼。
Here is a short list of what’s new in AfterBurn 4.0:
- New AfterBurn Shadow Map brings a great speed improvement without significant shadow quality loss. Speed improvement over Raytraced Shadows in AfterBurn 3.2 can be more than a factor of five for dynamic scenes and even up to factor of ten for static cloud animations.
- AfterBurn no longer needs special type of shadows to be able to calculate self-shadowing effect as it supports standard light’s interface for atmospheric shadows (light’s “Atmosphere Shadows” option).
- FusionWorks support. AfterBurn will properly blend with FumeFX, ScatterVL Pro and Standard 3ds max Fog. FusionWorks support also brings output to FusionWorks Z-Depth Render Element as well as output to non-clamped colors, used in .exr, or .hdr file formats.
- AFC View is a new workflow improvement that allows users to edit all AFCs and Gradients from one place.
- Geometry Clipping option enables that particles that are contained inside geometry do not render outside of it.
- Completely reworked built in noise types are now in form of a plug-ins for AfterBurn that can also be developed by 3rd parties. New 3D Texture Map allows users to use 3ds max 3D Map as a noise generator inside AfterBurn.
- AfterBurn Daemons user interface is displayed directly inside AfterBurn UI.
- New Cebas’ ThinkingParticles controller that allows using TP’s channels to replace AfterBurn values.
- New max script functionality.
操作系統:windows XP/window7 32/64位
3dsmax/design 9.0/2008/2009/2010/2011/2012 32/64位
【頂渲中文界面】【效果實例】by Ma5