"《流體動力學軟件》(Next Limit RealFlow 2012 x86/x64 With Plug-ins)2012 x32Bit & x64Bit x32Bit & x64Bit 破解[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 流體動力學軟件
英文名: Next Limit RealFlow 2012 x86/x64 With Plug-ins
別名: Realflow
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 2012 x32Bit & x64Bit x32Bit & x64Bit 破解
發行時間: 2011年7月
制作發行: NextLimit
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
RealFlow X64位 2012 最強大得流體模擬設計軟件,RealFlow一個相當好的模擬流體運算軟件,可以創建出易於控制並且非常真實的高級流體效果。您可以通過本插件制做出達到電影般的流動效果。
檢測系統:windows XP x64
Huge improvements to Hybrido workflow and performance for RealFlow 2012!
Dripping water, automatic foam generation, faster simulations and lower memory use
New emitters: Wet, Waterline, Splash&Foam, Wet&Foam
Faster input/output operations
Distance and velocity fields and velocity and vorticity maps can now be exported
Greater controllability of fluid surface – new method of combining particles and fluid fields.
Better control of the strength of interaction between objects and fluids
Secondary splashes
RealFlow 2012 now provides a built-in, easy-to-use tool to create fractured objects directly within your project.
Voronoi fracturing method
Automatic generation of multibody node for fractured object
Optimized fractures for Caronte
The Retimer Tool in RealFlow 2012 works on any of the RealFlow 2012 elements and opens up a world of possibilities:
Bullet time effects
Reversed simulations
Slow motion effects
Dynamic simulations controlled by engines
By using Servos, it is possible to use RealFlow’s dynamics solver to animate rigid bodies in a physically-correct fashion
New Layers panel – faster workflow, easier simulation, improved visibility
RealFlow 2012 also comes with some new shortcuts shelves
Nodes list can now be filtered by name
RealFlow 2012 32Bit standalone:
1. Install RealFlow.
2. Open the crack folder Copy License.txt and RFGUI.dll paste to RealFlow Installed Folder replace the existing files
Eg:- C:\Program Files\Next Limit\RealFlow 2012
3. Start RealFlow, if it's a fresh install the local
license manager should open automatically, otherwise
start it from the menu Tools > License manager.
Delete any demo license then add license and import
(from file) the included license (license.txt).
打開軟件,彈出license面板,不是第一次安裝的不會自動彈出,在menu tool>license manager打開。
通過from file找到剛才復制過去license.txt文件
4. That's all,
Thanks To XFORCE
Enjoy !!!