中文名: 外部儲存設備管理工具
英文名: DiskAid
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.11 Mac OS X
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: DigiDNA SARL
語言: 英文
應用平台:Mac OS X
操作系統:Mac OS X Lion (10.7.x) / Snow Leopard (10.6.x)
[email protected]網站鏈接:http://www.digidna.net/diskaid/
DiskAid, 是一款簡單易用的文件管理器,專用於 Apple 設備,如iPhone 或著 iPod Touch。有了 DiskAid,它就會將你的Apple 設備,變身為用途更靈活的U盤,在計算機上即插即用。使用 DiskAid,不需要對設備或計算機進行特殊的設置,只需將 iPhone 或 iPod Touch 連接至電腦,隨後的操作與你平時復制文件無異。
DiskAid 可以幫助你浏覽設備中的所有文件,通過鼠標拖放操作即可實現文件在設備之間的傳輸。此外,還支持新建文件夾,或對文件進行重命名操作。
電腦與iPhone, iPad或iPod touch間拷貝文件和文件夾
兼容PC Windows (XP, Vista, 7)和Mac OS X (Leopard, Snow Leopard)
支持iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS和iPhone 4!
支持iPod touch一代,二代和三代!
Browsing iPhone Apps contents and transferring files to or from an iOS device has never been easier with DiskAid. It automatically discovers all Apps and allows to copy files, folders or even complete file trees! Enjoy fast and dependable file copy to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch via USB connection with DiskAid and copy files, data media or folders to your iPhone iPad or iPod touch.
Copy Music & Videos from your Device and Transfer it back into iTunes (Formerly a TuneAid feature!).
DiskAid 5 replaces TuneAid and includes a brand new intuitive music & videos transfer wizard for your media copy from any iPod, iPhone and iPad to your computer.
Transfer music, movies, podcasts (audio & video), iTunes U, audiobooks, any playlist or any specific selection or mix of all these. The copy will include iTunes meta data: ratings, play counts, and more.
DiskAid will rebuild your iTunes library from your iPhone, iPod or iPad; it�s just like TuneAid, but even better!
Export all iPhone Messages, Memos and Data to your Computer Desktop.
No hacks, no hassle: just the click of a mouse button and your iPhone�s SMS messages will be copied to your computer.
DiskAid instantly exports your call history log, voicemail, voice memo, notes and your whole contacts list. Just drag and drop items from the DiskAid window to your desktop!
Copy your Camera Roll to your Computer & Transfer Photo Albums with PicsAid for free.
DiskAid accesses the contents of your iPhone or iPad Camera roll and lets your copy all stills and videos shot with the device or synced with iTunes to an iOS 5 device.
Photo libraries that had been synced using iTunes to older or alternative type of devices like iPods Classic or Nano can alternatively be copied with the additional free application PicsAid!
Access iOS File System and Browse iPhone iPad or iPod touch�s Contents with DiskAid.
Accessing iOS file system is the free core feature of DiskAid: no license or registration is necessary to enjoy file transfer to the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
Use your iPhone as an external USB Key for extra convenient storage.
Access the iPhone Operating System, files and folders. DiskAid provides a reliable, fast and secure alternative to SSH without jailbreak, thirds party installers or any other hack.
(Root access does require a jailbreak)
More Features than You Know under the Hood.
Among the set of advanced features is the option to prevent automated (and lengthy) backup when syncing iOS devices to iTunes. DiskAid can also automatically create a backup of the device when connected.