中文名: 個人筆記資料管理軟件
英文名: myBase Desktop
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v6.0.4 多國語言綠色注冊版
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Wjj Software
地區: 大陸
語言: 簡體中文,英文,法文,瑞典文
操作系統:Windows ALL
應用平台:Windows ALL
myBase 是一款用於分類管理自由格式資料的數據庫軟件,對個人用戶在微軟視窗( Windows )桌面上 實現文檔、知識、筆記、日記、圖片和網頁的分類管理任務相當有幫助。 與傳統意義上的數據庫軟件不同,myBase 通過內置的 RTF 編輯器接受圖文信息的輸入,並按樹形 列表分類保存,同時接受任意磁盤文件作為樹形列表條目的附件。 myBase 提供了更好的方式使知識/信息的捕獲、編輯、組織、查看、索引、搜索和分享變得更快捷、更容易。 並且還提供有不少的插件軟件和實用工具,便於進一步簡化操作/管理所保存的資料。
作為共享軟件的myBase並沒有頻繁出現在善用佳軟的文章中,但這並不妨礙我們對它的高度評價。myBase是資料管理/知識管理/筆記軟件中功能最全面的一款,並且極為成熟穩定,是國產優秀軟件的代表。盡管國內注冊僅需50人民幣,而國外注冊需要 US$59,但恐怕國外的用戶數量更多。當然,這與軟件的市場定位有關。但無論國內還是國外的用戶,都給myBase極高評價,並且懷有極高的敬意。5.12地震過後,在國外某軟件論壇看到一篇文章,是祝福和關心 myBase 作者的——大概只有優秀且能打動用戶的軟件,才會被用戶所關心吧。
myBase - Freeform Database, Notes Manager & Outlining Software Tool
Introducing myBase
myBase is a versatile free-form database system that allows entry of unstructured text, webpages, images, documents, emails and even arbitrary files without regard to length or format. All information is compressed with the integrated zip utility and stored in the tree structured outline form. Unlike traditional database programs, myBase accepts text input like a word processor, and provides better methods for capturing, editing, organizing, retrieving, searching and sharing information.
Creating personal or corporate knowledge base (full-text searchable)
Building tree-based research databases containing text, graphics, webpages and documents
Organizing a large and growing collection of notes and documents in one place
Securely managing random bits of personal information in your own way
A versatile tool managing prodcut/project/customer info databases
Capturing webpages/snippets and organizing them with ease
Distributing royalty-free standalone knowledge bases
Creating standalone .exe knowledge bases running on Windows without preceding setup
Writting a book in outline much more efficiently than a standard Word Processor
Diary keeper, Todo list, Address book, Documentation/Presentation/Outlining tool, URL/File organizer, RTF editor, Notes manager, eBook maker, .exe DB creator
And much more ...
System Requirements
To run myBase Desktop, you will need a Pentium 100 PC or higher, 24MB RAM or more. The operating system should be Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Key Features
myBase Desktop is a feature-rich and powerful personal information manager. Below is a simple list of key features that myBase Desktop provides.
Well thoughtout MDI user interface (See screenshots)
Organizing info items in the tree-structured outline form
Categorizing info items with hierarchical labels
UNICODE (UTF-8) support for non-ASCII characters
Built on the cross-platform freeform database engine (available on Windows/Linux/FreeBSD/PocketPC)
Fast load speed, fast access, with low RAM requirements
Large database support (2GB limit in file size for a single database)
Adjustable data compression level ( by Zlib )
Optimization for database file size
Password-protection on database or info items (branch)
Attachment storage support
Rich text editing in RTF/HTML (WYSIWYG) and Web content viewing inplace
Recycle bin support
Undeletion of info items and attachments
Revision history for RTF notes
Webpage/snippets capturing and saving
Item links, hyperlinks, symbolic links and file shortcuts
Customizable icons for visualizing info items
Customizable label tree for categorizing info items
Auto-save and auto-backup
Rtf notes print and preview
Drag-and-drop and cut-copy-paste
Comprehensive import and export specific utilities
Fast indexing engine and quick search, find as you type
Plugin for Google Desktop Search
Free database viewer
Standalone .exe database creator
HTML tree generator
MSWord outline generator
Lite version for Pocket PC
CGI for publishing myBase databases on the web
Importing data from a variety of sources
Exporting data in a variety of formats
Javascript APIs for making particular plugins
And more ...
Plugin Utilities
myBase Desktop has implemented tens of plugin utilities listed below:
Capture -> Import directory tree as hyperlinks or attachments
Capture -> Import files as child items, Text to notes, else to attachemts, each file creates a child item
Capture -> Import MS Word documents as child items
Capture -> Import text file by a delimiter, each division creates a child item
Capture -> Import selected items from within MS Outlook
Capture -> Import text from within template files
Capture -> Import info items from within another .nyf database
Capture -> Import web file by specified URL
Share -> Export info branch and map as a disk directory tree
Share -> Export all text notes and attachments to a specified directory
Share -> Export text notes to a file with text delimited
Share -> Export data records to MS Excel
Share -> Export text notes to a single HTML document
Share -> Export selected text as templates
Share -> Export MS Word outline
Share -> Export Email addresses
Share -> Export HTML Tree
Share -> Export .Exe database
Share -> Export info items to another .nyf database
Edit -> Sort selected lines by alphabet
Edit -> Check spelling with MS Word
Edit -> Remove Unwanted Returns/Spaces
Edit -> Batch Format Notes in Branch
Edit -> Batch Replace Text in Branch
Edit -> Calculate Expressions
Edit -> Make Selection Uppercase/Lowercase
Plugins -> Items for today
Plugins -> Items for next week
Plugins -> Word count
Plugins -> Search by Regular Expression
And more ...