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ֳֵֽֽ Pika Software Builder v4.9.5.2 READ NFO ֵֽֽ´
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³³ ³ pRoGrAm tYpE : Application ³ ³³
³O ֳִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ´ O³
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³O ³ cRaCkEr : tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL tEsTeR : tEaM pHrOzEn-HeLL ³ ³
³³ ֳִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ´ ³
³O ³ tItLe : Pika Software Builder v4.9.5.2 READ NFO ³ ³
³³ ֳִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ´ ³
³O ³ uRl : D'oh! --> Scroll down and read our news instead R.I.P. Sara/Squirrel (+ 12/12/2003) ³ ³
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³ ִִִִֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽתתתתִתתתִתתְִִִִִִִִִִֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽתתתִתתתִתתתתִִִִֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽ¿ ³
³ ³ ±±²²²²²²±± NFO Designed By ±±²²²²²²±± ³ ³
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³ ֲֲֳִִִִֽֽֽֽתתתתִתתתִתתִֽֽ´ c00ljim / Squirrel` ֳִֽֽתתתִתתתִתתתתֲֲִִִֽֽֽֽ´ ³
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ֽֽ¿±±³ ³ ±±²²²²²²±± lAsT uPdAtEd: 28th Mar 2010 ±±²²²²²²±± ³ ³±±ֽֽ¿
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³²²ְֽֽ ³ fIlE CRC dAtA : pHeLL.txt = E3FD5BEA ³ ְֽֽ²²³
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