中文名: 文檔加密工具
英文名: Mirage Systems Multimedia Protector Premium
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v3.0.2.910
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Mirage Computer Systems GmbH
地區: 德國
語言: 英文
問題反饋: http://www.mirage-systems.de/products/mult...n/order/
網站鏈接: http://www.mirage-systems.de/
Multimedia Protector Premium 不需要任何程序設計的知識,就可以讓您輕松的保護 Flash,視頻,音樂,圖像,PDF 文件和 Office 文檔等。所有的資料都會被加密並保存到一個獨立的文件中,您可以設定用戶的使用方式,例如密碼保護,許可證授權,網頁激活等。
Multimedia Protector protects important documents, conference materials, e-learning software, company presentations, etc., against being copied and tampered with. Companies, for example, can safeguard conference materials against misuse, information designed for the sales force against disclosure and course and workshop contents against data theft.Multimedia Protector allows protecting Flash, PDF, PowerPoint, E-Book, Video, Images and EXE (applications). Every type of document, which can be printed with a printer driver, can be protected.
All files of a project (project with Images, Video, Audio and other files) are encrypted into one single database. At no time there is an access to the original file format like flash, PDF or EXE. Multimedia Protector comes with an own Player/Viewer which requires no installation on the end user PC. All type of media like CD/DVD, Download or USB stick is supported.
Multimedia Protector requires no programming. The number of files to protect is not limited and it is Royalty Free*.Multiple license and copy protection methods including evaluation options are available:
Content Protection
Software Copy Protection
USB stick protection
Time limited evaluation versions
Network licence per PC, per User or floating license
Online Activation (also activation by E-Mail, Fax, Phone)
Integration in e-commerce systems
User interface in multiple languages
Customers in over 40 countries
Ready for Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit)
²²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²
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± ± ² ° ²² ²
± ² ± ±±²²
²²²²° ²²
² ±± Mirage Systems - Multimedia Protector Premium v3.0.2.910 ±
±°± ±±±
² ± ° ²²²²²±
±±²² ± ²
²°±²±² ±²²
±±±±°±± °±±
±±°° ±±±°°±
±° ±±±± Release Date.... 30 Jan 2011 Supplier........ Team SUN ±± ±°°±
±° ± ± ±°° ±
±° ±±± Release Size.... 10 x 5mb Cracker......... Team SUN ± ±±° ±
±± ± ± ±±±±°±
±±±± Release Format.. Zip Release Type.... Utility ±°°±
±±±± °±
±±±±± Protection...... Serial ± °±
±±±± ± °±
±±±± ° °°±±±±
±±° ±± ±±
±±±± ° http://www.mirage-systems.de/products/multimedia-protector ° °±²
±±±± °±
±±±±± ± °±
±±±± ± °±
²±²°²² ² ²²±
±²±²²²° ° ²²²
±²²±² ±² ±±²²
²²²²°² °² ²²°°°° °² ² °²° °° ²²±²²
² ±± ² °°² Release Notes ²°°° ° ² °
±°± ² ° ²² ° ² ° ° ²² ± ²²±±±
²± ° ± ²²²²²±
² ²
±±² ²
±±±±±° ² Multimedia Protector protects important documents, ²°±±
±± ² conference materials, e-learning software, company ²
²° ±²± presentations, etc., against being copied and tampered ²²
² with. ²²
² ² Companies, for example, can safeguard conference ²²²²
±±² materials against misuse, information designed for the ²
±±±±±° ² sales force against disclosure and course and workshop ²°±±
±± ² contents against data theft.Multimedia Protector allows ²
²° ±²± protecting Flash, PDF, PowerPoint, E-Book, Video, Images ²²
² ² and EXE (applications). Every type of document, which ²²²
±±² ² can be printed with a printer driver, can be protected.
² ² ²²²²
±±² All files of a project (project with Images, Video, Audio ²
² ² and other files) are encrypted into one single database.
±±±±±° ² At no time there is an access to the original file format ²°±±
±± ² like flash, PDF or EXE. Multimedia Protector comes with ²
²° ±²± an own Player/Viewer which requires no installation on ²²
±± ² the end user PC. All type of media like CD/DVD, Download ²
²° ±²± or USB stick is supported. ²²
² ²²
² ² Multimedia Protector requires no programming. The number ²²²²
±±² of files to protect is not limited and it is Royalty Free*. ²
±±±±±° ² Multiple license and copy protection methods including ²°±±
±± ² evaluation options are available: ²
²° ±²± ²²
² ² -Content Protection ²²²
² -Software Copy Protection ²²
² ² -USB stick protection ²²²²
±±² -Time limited evaluation versions ²
±±±±±° ² -Network licence per PC, per User or floating license ²°±±
±± ² -Online Activation (also activation by E-Mail, Fax, Phone) ²
²° ±²± -Integration in e-commerce systems ²²
² ² -User interface in multiple languages ²²²
±±² ² -Customers in over 40 countries
² ² -Ready for Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit) ²²²²
±±±±±° ² ²°±±
±± ² ²
² ² ± ²
²²²²°² °² ²²°°°° °² ² °²° °° ²²±²²
² ±± ² °°² iNSTALL NOTES ²°°° ° °
±°± ² ° ²² ° ² ° ° ²² ± ²²±±±
²± ° ± ²²²²±
²² ² ² ² ²²²
²²² ² ²² ²²²
²² check inside the "SUN" dir for the serial
²² °
² ² ± ²
²²²²°² °² ²²°°°° °² ² °²° °° ²²±²²
² ±± ² °°² Greetings ²°°° ° °
±°± ² ° ²² ° ² ° ° ²² ± ²²±±±
²± ° ± ²²²²±
²² ² ² ² ²²²
²²² ² ²² ²²²
²² Greetings to all our friends
²² °
² ±² ± ²
²²²²°² °² ²²°°°° °² ² °²° °° ²²±²²
² ±± ² °°² Contact Info ²°°° ° ² °
±°± ² ° ²² ° ² ° ° ²² ± ²²±±±
²± ° ± ²²²²²±
²² ² ²² ² ² ²²²
²²² ² ² ° ² ²² ²²²
±±°² Email: team(dot)sun(at)inbox(dot)lv ±²°±²
±±±±±° ²° ± ²°±±
±± ² ²² ± ²
²° ±²±² We are looking for 100Mbit+ affils, Crackers, and Sysops. ²²
² ± ²²
² ²°² If you can supply Video Stock, Tutorials, Photodiscs..... ² ²²²²
²² ² ² send us an email and we will get back to you ²² ²²²
±°² ±²°±²
±±±±° ²° ± ²°±±
±± ² ²² SUN does NOT supply files or ° ²
²° ±²±² ² provide links and info. ° ²²
²² ± ² ±± ± ²²
² ° ² ² ° ° ² ° ² ² ²² ²² ° ²
²±²² °² ² °° ²²² ±² ° ²² ² ²²°²± °±± ²±±
² °² ± °°±°°² °²° °° ²² °²°²°°²±²±°±
±±±± °±± ²°°²²²²°²°°²°°²²²°°±°²²°² ² ²
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²²²°²² ²°²²°²²²²²² °²²²°°²° NFO by d ° Last update ..\..\..
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± ² ° °² ° ° ±± ² ° ° °² ±± ± ± ² ±²
± ° ° ± ° ± ² ° ²± ± ° ±