中文名: 福昕PDF編輯器
英文名: Foxit PDF Editor
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v2.2.1.1119
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Foxit Corporation
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
Foxit PDF Editor 是第一個真正的PDF文件編輯軟件。許多人都希望能找到一個象編輯其它類型的文檔的編輯器,事實上在 Foxit PDF Editor 出現之前,根本沒有這樣的工具。每一個PDF 文件都包含很多頁面,每一頁包含各種可視對象,如文本對象、圖形對象和圖像對象。而每一個對象都由其屬性來定義其顯示的方式。
Foxit PDF Editor 的功能包括:
-編輯現有 PDF 文件或創建全新的PDF文件。
-以和 Adobe PDF Reader 幾乎相同的效果顯示 PDF 文件。
-插入 bitmap 格式的圖像。
-可撤消任意操作。-在不同 PDF 文件間拷貝粘貼任意對象。
-在 PDF 和任意 Windows 應用程序間拷貝粘貼文本。
-在 PDF 和任意 Windows 應用程序間拷貝粘貼圖像。
Open, View and Save PDF Files
Open existing document or create brand new document
Display PDF pages in full details with high quality
Zoom in and zoom out page display
Save modified PDF document to same file or a new file
Full quality in the original document retained
Insert, Remove and Modify PDF Pages
Insert new page or delete old page to document
Insert new text with embedded or non-embedded font
Insert lines, filled or non-filled rectangles or ellipses
Insert images from files of many image format
Select, Modify and Delete Page Objects
Select a single object or a group of objects
Modify font, color, size and other text properties
Modify color, width, size and other graph properties
Modify position, size and other image properties
Modify color, area, mode and other shading properties
Move, scale or rotate any text, graph, image and shading objects
Delete any text, graph, image or shading objects in pages
Take Advantage of Full Editing Features
See the modified page immediately after the changes
Undo any editing(insertion, deletion or modification)
Copy and paste page contents from or to any PDF page, with the same document or between different documents
Copy and paste text or image information from and to other Windows applications
Operating SystemsFoxit PDF Editor is an independent application , it doesn't require any other application, not even Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader, to be installed. It runs on the following Windows operating systems:
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 2003 Server
Windows Vista
Windows 7
[安全檢測] ★未通過安全檢測
[安裝測試] ★未經過安裝測試,使用者後果自負與本論壇無關。