中文名: Mindjet MindManager Pro - 思維導圖 英文名: Mindjet MindManager Pro 資源格式: 安裝包版本: 8.0.217發行時間: 2008年12月21日制作發行: Mindjet地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
安全檢測軟體: TIS2009
程序版本: 17.2.1090
引擎版本: 8.950.1091
特征碼版本: 6.128.60
Mindjet MindManager Pro可以將您頭腦中形成的思想、策略以及商務信息轉換為行動藍圖,令您的團隊和組織以一種更加快速、靈活和協調的方式開展工作。版本6通過一系列簡單的協作、分發和管理工具使其核心映射功能得到了擴展,商業人士可以快速獲得下述的企業優勢。
使用Mindjet MindManager Pro,您可以:
- 對來自多個資源的信息進行捕捉、分析和重新利用;
- 令商務過程流水線化,加快決策的制定過程;
- 輕松確保任務所有參與方都被及時通知。
提交功能強大的報告:使用MindManager Presentation模式將您的圖形顯示給他人,或者將圖形內容導出到Microsoft PowerPoint中,令復雜的思想和信息得到更快的交流;
同Microsoft Office無縫集成:同Microsoft軟件無縫集成,快速將數據導入或導出到Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Project 和 Visio中。
插入附件 - 將多個文件粘貼到一個主題上,方便了文件的管理和圖形的分發;
icrosoft Excel Linker - 在MindManager圖形中顯示Microsoft Excel表格和圖表;
主題選擇/過濾 - 基於聯合標准對主題進行快速選擇或過濾,從而僅顯示您所需要的重要信息;
自定義特性 - 創建自定義圖形組件來捕捉信息,定義主題屬性,以便創建可重復使用的信息結構;
Microsoft Outlook集成 - 在圖形中顯示Microsoft Outlook E-mail, 聯系人, 日歷, 任務, Notes 和文件夾,並同其保持同步;
主題提示 - 確保同Microsoft Outlook日歷的同步,令您的主題處於最新狀態;
Microsoft Project集成 - 導入或導出到Microsoft Project或MPX文件格式,實現同領先工程管理工具的集成;
Microsoft Visio集成 - 無縫導出到Microsoft Visio中,將圖形輕松轉換為程序圖表;
PDF導出 - 將圖形發布為PDF格式,實現獨立於平台的分發;
評論模式 - 對團隊成員或合作者作出的主題修改實施跟蹤、接受和拒絕操作;
Multimap Workspace - 通過鏈接圖形的微縮浏覽實現快速導航,使用關鍵字和信息來查找鏈接圖形;
數據交換 - 通過集成企業數據集、Web服務和RSS feed等對圖形進行定制;
宏編輯器 - 創建並編輯附加腳本,以開發自定義功能。
Break free from information overload—and soar to new heights
Do you harness the wealth of data, Web pages, and other input that comes your way every day? Is there a way to use it more effectively to formulate new ideas, sharpen your focus, and ultimately drive your success? New MindManager 8 for Windows is the answer.
Unlike the usual linear-based approach of most productivity tools, MindManager 8 uses mind-mapping technology to let you capture, organize, and communicate information using an intuitive visual canvas. You'll be able to work smarter and transform your ideas into action more quickly.
Access the right information, when you need it
MindManager 8 lets you quickly gather relevant information from the Internet and other resources.
Consolidate vast amounts of data and ideas from multiple sources onto a single map
Surf or search the Web from within MindManager 8, adding links to your map for future reference
Add dynamic content from customer databases, internal applications and other company resources
Stay in the zone and maintain your laser focus
The integrated browser, search, and editing features, MindManager 8 eliminates these types of distractions so you can stay focused on the work at hand.
Navigate quickly through all your data and other assets
Find just what you need with powerful filter and search functions
View and modify Microsoft Office documents right within MindManager
Shift into high-gear and get things done
With new automated task management in MindManager 8 you can quickly get a high-level view of status with visual indicators that bring things to light in a flash.
Map out tasks, start and due dates, resources, and status so that you don't miss a beat
Track project summary data effortlessly through automated calculations of task progress
Take control of project timelines, budgets, and resources by using Mindjet's JCVGantt add-on to MindManager 8
Communicate your ideas to the world (or just your corner of it)
MindManager 8 lets you really strut your stuff by helping you connect and communicate your ideas with others.
Transform your maps into fully interactive Adobe PDF or Flash files—there's no special software required for viewing
Post your Flash maps on Web sites or your blog
Collaborate with others on maps in real time, or present your ideas on the Web, using Mindjet Connect
What's New?
MindManager 8 for Windows comes with powerful new features to help you tame the information overload beast so you can focus on what you do best.
Mindjet Player
Communicate your vision and ideas with the world by transforming your map into a fully interactive Adobe PDF file. Or publish it as an interactive Adobe Flash file to a Web page or blog. Recipients do not need to download and install any software – most desktops are already equipped for consuming these standard file formats.
Automated Task Management
Get a quick overview plus ongoing progress on all project tasks—automatically. Visual cues and status indicators allow you to quickly determine the status of critical activities. View the ripple effect of any changes to a map and even run “what if” scenarios to see the resulting outcomes.
Integrated Microsoft Office File Editing
View and edit attached Microsoft Word, Excel, Project and PowerPoint files within MindManager. No need to disrupt your focus by constantly switching between applications – it can all happen from your map.
Integrated Web Content
Fully leverage the incredible information resources of the Internet by initiating Web searches right from a map. Real-time search results will appear whenever you view your map. Build your own Web service to add information from your company's information systems.
Embedded Web Browser
View Web pages and Adobe PDF documents without leaving your map. You'll retain your train of thought by staying focused on work at hand.
Database Linker
Setup and display real-time information in your map from databases, Excel spreadsheets, CRM systems and other company resources. Just imagine how much more productive and focused you'll be with your most critical business data right at your fingertips.
Powerful Search
MindManager now lets you search through your maps and all attached documents with ease. Or use one of today's popular desktop search applications. Rest easy, knowing any bit of information you may need is just a quick search away.
Mindjet Connect Ribbon Tab
Enjoy fast access to all Mindjet Connect features and management utilities.
Supported Operating Systems:
Microsoft® Windows® Vista 32-bit
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional, Home or Tablet PC Editions 32-bit
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 32-bit
Microsoft® Systems Management Server using Windows® Server 2003 32-bit
Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 4.5