中文名: 圖形處理軟件英文名: 3DVIA COMPOSER V6R2009X HF24 v6.3.5.1395資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2009年制作發行: 3ds地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071209173563.jpg)
借助 3DVIA Composer,您可以輕松快捷地創建用於以下方面的內容:裝配/ 拆解說明、維修程序、技術圖解、現場服務手冊、零件目錄、交互 3D 動畫、用戶手冊、基於 Web 的目錄。
利用 3DVIA Composer,非 CAD 用戶可直接從 3D CAD 數據創建相關的 2D 和 3D產品文檔。通過利用 3D 數據和其它工具,3DVIA Composer 可在文檔編制、銷售、市場推廣、客戶服務、培訓、支持和制造方面助用戶一臂之力。
有了 3DVIA Composer,公司不必在產品發生變化時重新創建或重做產品文檔,可大大節約時間和節省返工成本。此外,3DVIA Composer 可以讓您的文檔多一些圖形、少一點文字,從而節省翻譯成本;它還能通過 3D 動畫和創建交互產品文檔更好地傳達產品信息。
由於產品文檔編制是反復進行的過程,3DVIA Composer 可以在產品發生變化時自動重新生成文檔內容,它還可以讓文檔創建者使用當前獲得的部分產品信息,而無需等到產品研發完畢之後再制作相關文檔,從而節省時間和金錢。由於構建於輕化、開放、基於 XML 的架構之上,因此當獲得最新產品數據時,3DVIA Composer 能無縫應用新信息並創建更新後的文檔。
3DVIA Composer 可讀取 SolidWorks、CATIA、Pro/ ENGINEER 和其他許多標准CAD 格式的 3D CAD 數據,還可創建高度壓縮的輕化文件格式。3DVIA Composer 可輸出許多標准文件格式,包括 Microsoft Office、PDF、HTML、SVG、CGM 等,允許用戶將 3DVIA Composer 生成的內容集成到現有產品文檔中。長期以來費時費力的產品發布手工方法,例如精心制作文本文檔、根據照片繪制草圖、等待工程師制作技術圖解等,都已成為過去。
一旦在 3DVIA Composer 中創建了文檔內容,內容創建者就可以運用多種附加功能,包括允許或拒絕對可交付成果的某種訪問,保護任何 3D 內容免遭不當使用,以及將可交付成果作為獨立輸出結果分發或者使用免費高性能 3DVIA Player 實用程序進行查看。
3DVIA Composer 解決方案
3DVIA Composer 是 3DVIA Composer 解決方案的核心產品。作為一種桌面應用程序,可用於直接從 3D 數字產品數據創建產品文檔內容。
3DVIA Composer 是為非 CAD 人員設計的,不需要 CAD 知識或培訓。可以按現有公司標准創建爆炸視圖,並加上標簽和零件序號進行注解。此外,3DVIA Composer 允許創建樣式和智能視圖,後兩者可應用於任何內容以確保視覺效果的一致性。
使用 3DVIA Composer 的內置技術圖解功能可以輕松快捷地制作 2D 線條圖。輸出內容包括 3D 動畫以及 JPEG、SVG、CGM 等高分辨率圖像。
3DVIA Sync 是一種自動化工具,該工具可關聯 3DVIA Composer 生成的內容與 3DCAD 數據。元數據、幾何圖形或產品結構中的更改可以在 3DVIA Composer 生成的內容中自動進行更新,從而確保文檔的准確性和一致性。
3DVIA Safe 是一種加載項實用程序,用戶可用來控制和管理對 3DVIA Composer 生成的內容知識產權的訪問。有了 3DVIA Safe,內容創建者可以在用 3DVIA Player 播放內容時管理訪問控制,還可以使用專利技術“Secure 3D Brush”防止對知識產權的復制或盜用。
3DVIA Check 是一種加載項實用程序,利用該實用程序,用戶能確保各種操作步驟在現實中得以執行。3DVIA Check 提供動態和靜態碰撞檢測,允許用戶快速檢驗維修和裝配工藝。這樣,可以確保操作員能夠對裝配體中的零部件進行維護或修理。
3DVIA Player 是一種免費產品,文件接收者可利用它來查看 3DVIA Composer 生成的文檔。3DVIA Player 的高性能與 3DVIA Composer 沒有什麼兩樣。3DVIA Player 決不只是一個簡單的浏覽器,文件接收者可用它來獲得與產品文檔高度互動的體驗。此外,3DVIA Player 還能嵌入到 MS Office 應用程序、HTML 和 PDF 中。
代碼 ▄
▄▄█▀ ▄ LineZer0! ▄▓▄ ▀ ▄▄ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▄▄ ▄
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▀▓█▄▄█▌ ▐█▄▄█▓▀
▀▓▄▀▀▄▄ 3DVIA Composer V6R2009x HF24 v6.3.5.1395 ▄▄▀▀▄▓▀
▀▄▄ ▐█▌ █▌ ▐█ ▐█▌ ▄▄▀
▐█▓▓▀▄▄▓▀ Release Date 5/5/2009 ▀▓▄▄▀▓▓█▌
▄▄▄█▓▓▀▀▀ Nfo Date 5/5/2009 12 00 00 AM ▀▀▀▓▓█▄▄▄
█▓▓ ▓ ▓ ▓▓█
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Num. Disks xx/28 OS WinALL █ ▓██
██▓ █ Nfo Time 19 26 05.5232500 Rel Type Application █ ▓██
██▓ █ Cracker Team Lz0 Archive lz0*.zip █ ▓██
██▓ █ Packer Team Lz0 Rating 9/10 #########- █ ▓██
██▓ █ Supplier Team Lz0 Language English █ ▓██
██▓ █ Protection FlexLM █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Requirements N/A █ ▓██
██▓ █ Publisher URL http //www.3dviacomposer.com █ ▓██
██▓ █ Publisher Dassault Systemes █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ x Keyfile / License Emulator █ ▓██
██▓ █ Patch Serial █ ▓██
██▓ █ Cracked .EXE / .DLL Retail █ ▓██
██▓ █ Keygen Trainer █ ▓██
██▓ █ ▄▓▄ Loader Other ▄▓▄ █ ▓██
██▓ ▓▄ ▀ ▀ ▄▓ ▓██
▀██▓▓▌ ▄▀ ▄ ▄ ▀▄ ▐▓▓██▀
▀▓█▄▄▓▌ ▀▓▀ ▄▄▄▄▄ 1999 - 2009 ▄▄▄▄▄ ▀▓▀ ▐▓▄▄█▓▀
▀▓▄▀▀▄▄ ▄▓▀▓▀ ▀▀▄ ░░░ ░░░ ▄▀▀ ▀▓▀▓▄ ▄▄▀▀▄▓▀
▀▄▄ ▐█▌ ██▓▓█▌▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓ ░▒▒ ▄▄▄▓▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▄▄▄ ▒▒░ ▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▐█▓▓██ ▐█▌ ▄▄▀
▐█▓▓▀▄▄▓▀█ ▀▀█▄▀ ▀ ▄▓▌ ▒▓▓█▀▀ ▀▀█▓▓▒ ▐▓▄ ▀ ▀▄█▀▀ █▀▓▄▄▀▓▓█▌
▄▄▄█▓▓▀▀█▀ ▄ ▀ ▓▓██▄▓█▓▌ + I N F O + ▐▓██▄██▓▓ ▀ ▄ ▀█▀▀▓▓█▄▄▄
█▓▓ ▓▌ ▄ ▀▀▀▓▓▓▓█▄ ▄████▓▀▀▀ ▄ ▐▓ ▓▓█
██▓ █▀ ▀█ ▓██
██▓ █ Create interactive product documentation, animation, █ ▓██
██▓ █ technical illustrations and more █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ By reusing digital product definition data including 3D █ ▓██
██▓ █ design data and bills-of-material information, 3DVIA █ ▓██
██▓ █ Composer revolutionizes the product documentation process █ ▓██
██▓ █ for enterprises of all sizes. With its easy-to-use, █ ▓██
██▓ █ desktop content-creation system, 3DVIA Composer effectively █ ▓██
██▓ █ automates processes that are crucial for success in the █ ▓██
██▓ █ marketplace. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Before 3DVIA Composer, the deliverable production process █ ▓██
██▓ █ was a costly, error-prone process which had to be repeated, █ ▓██
██▓ █ usually from the start, for any product change. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Now, by using 3DVIA Composer, enterprises can quickly and █ ▓██
██▓ █ easily automate their deliverable production processes while █ ▓██
██▓ █ reducing costs and improving quality. 3DVIA Composer allows █ ▓██
██▓ █ production of product documentation to be concurrent with █ ▓██
██▓ █ the design of the product. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ ▓▄ ▀ ▀ ▄▓ ▓██
▀██▓▓▌ ▄ ▀ ▀ ▄ ▐▓▓██▀
▀▓█▄▄█▌ ▄▓▓▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▓▓▄ ▐█▄▄█▓▀
▀▓▄▀▀▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▀▓▀ ▀▀▄ ░░░ ░░░ ▄▀▀ ▀▓▀▓▄ ▀ ▄▄▀▀▄▓▀
▀▄▄ ▐█▌ ██▓▓█▌▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓ ░▒▒ ▄▄▄▓▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▄▄▄ ▒▒░ ▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▐█▓▓██ ▐█▌ ▄▄▀
▐█▓▓▀▄▄▓▀█ ▀▀█▄▀ ▀ ▄▓▌ ▒▓▓█▀▀ ▀▀█▓▓▒ ▐▓▄ ▀ ▀▄█▀▀ █▀▓▄▄▀▓▓█▌
▄▄▄█▓▓▀▀█▀ ▄ ▀ ▓▓██▄▓█▓▌+ I N S T A L L +▐▓██▄██▓▓ ▀ ▄ ▀█▀▀▓▓█▄▄▄
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██▓ █▀ ▀█ ▓██
██▓ █ 1 Unpack. █ ▓██
██▓ █ 2 Install. █ ▓██
██▓ █ 3 Read Lz0\install.txt █ ▓██
██▓ █ 4 Enjoy! █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ ▓▄ ▀ ▀ ▄▓ ▓██
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▀▄▄ ▐█▌ ██▓▓█▌▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓ ░▒▒ ▄▄▄▓▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▄▄▄ ▒▒░ ▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▐█▓▓██ ▐█▌ ▄▄▀
▐█▓▓▀▄▄▓▀█ ▀▀█▄▀ ▀ ▄▓▌ ▒▓▓█▀▀ ▀▀█▓▓▒ ▐▓▄ ▀ ▀▄█▀▀ █▀▓▄▄▀▓▓█▌
▄▄▄█▓▓▀▀█▀ ▄ ▀ ▓▓██▄▓█▓▌ + J O I N + ▐▓██▄██▓▓ ▀ ▄ ▀█▀▀▓▓█▄▄▄
█▓▓ ▓▌ ▄ ▀▀▀▓▓▓▓█▄ ▄████▓▀▀▀ ▄ ▐▓ ▓▓█
██▓ █▀ ▀█ ▓██
██▓ █ When joining Linezer0 you are not just joining a group, but █ ▓██
██▓ █ a family. We're a group built on friendship, devotion, respect █ ▓██
██▓ █ and of course the continous learning. If you are one of those █ ▓██
██▓ █ whom are just here for the glory and releases, then you have █ ▓██
██▓ █ found the wrong group. Hard work and dedication is what has █ ▓██
██▓ █ brought us to where we are today, and it is that we will █ ▓██
██▓ █ demand from you as well. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ CRACKERS █ ▓██
██▓ █ To be able to be accepted as a cracker in Linezer0, you will █ ▓██
██▓ █ need to have at least 6 months of experience from other groups █ ▓██
██▓ █ and have at least 2 people that can vouche for you before we █ ▓██
██▓ █ will even concider talking with you. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Open positions █ ▓██
██▓ █ * Keygenner s - able to analyse and keygen advanced █ ▓██
██▓ █ protection schemes. You will be working with the other █ ▓██
██▓ █ keygenners to be able to meet the advanced protections █ ▓██
██▓ █ with a joint effort. █ ▓██
██▓ █ * Dongle cracker s - need to have experience in one or █ ▓██
██▓ █ more of the following dongles, FlexLM, SentinelLM, HASP, █ ▓██
██▓ █ CRYPKEY and/or custom made license managers. We always █ ▓██
██▓ █ got big projects that you can undertake, and with the █ ▓██
██▓ █ dongle crew you will be working in a joint effort to █ ▓██
██▓ █ find sollutions - preferrably complete emulators for █ ▓██
██▓ █ the different solutions. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ CODERS █ ▓██
██▓ █ You have knowledge regarding protections like ASPACK and █ ▓██
██▓ █ ARMADILLO, and are able to code tools that can either analyse █ ▓██
██▓ █ those, or even able to unpack them. Further we require that █ ▓██
██▓ █ you have at least 4 years of coding experience, and can show us █ ▓██
██▓ █ earlier achievements either through system analysis and/or █ ▓██
██▓ █ programs you have developed. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Open positions █ ▓██
██▓ █ * Cracktro programmer - we are looking for an experienced █ ▓██
██▓ █ programmer that can develop a complete cracktro and a █ ▓██
██▓ █ update system for that particular cracktro. Experience █ ▓██
██▓ █ from the demo scene is preferred, but achievements that █ ▓██
██▓ █ can show your skills can also be accepted. █ ▓██
██▓ █ * General programmer s - you will be recieving projects █ ▓██
██▓ █ that will range from everything from updating our █ ▓██
██▓ █ existing tools, as well as develop new tools that will █ ▓██
██▓ █ be useful for the group. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ SUPPLIERS █ ▓██
██▓ █ You work as a engineer or something similar where you got █ ▓██
██▓ █ access to the latest software in the CAD/CAM area. Preferrably █ ▓██
██▓ █ with experience in the supplied software as testing your own █ ▓██
██▓ █ supply would also be required to ensure validity. We are also █ ▓██
██▓ █ interrested in people able to supply us software in the █ ▓██
██▓ █ GRAPHICS/MUSIC/PROGRAMMING area. One time suppliers are not █ ▓██
██▓ █ welcome, a steady base of supplies will be required. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ SITES █ ▓██
██▓ █ If you run a dedicated site, on a 100mbit link, a well █ ▓██
██▓ █ supported site that have at least 6 months of up-time and █ ▓██
██▓ █ decent affiliation. Then your site might be of interrest to █ ▓██
██▓ █ us. Do note that we do NOT accept site offers from the US, DE █ ▓██
██▓ █ and AT. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ ▓▄ ▀ ▀ ▄▓ ▓██
▀██▓▓▌ ▄ ▀ ▀ ▄ ▐▓▓██▀
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▀▓▄▀▀▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▀▓▀ ▀▀▄ ░░░ ░░░ ▄▀▀ ▀▓▀▓▄ ▀ ▄▄▀▀▄▓▀
▀▄▄ ▐█▌ ██▓▓█▌▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓ ░▒▒ ▄▄▄▓▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▄▄▄ ▒▒░ ▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▐█▓▓██ ▐█▌ ▄▄▀
▐█▓▓▀▄▄▓▀█ ▀▀█▄▀ ▀ ▄▓▌ ▒▓▓█▀▀ ▀▀█▓▓▒ ▐▓▄ ▀ ▀▄█▀▀ █▀▓▄▄▀▓▓█▌
▄▄▄█▓▓▀▀█▀ ▄ ▀ ▓▓██▄▓█▓▌ + L E G A L + ▐▓██▄██▓▓ ▀ ▄ ▀█▀▀▓▓█▄▄▄
█▓▓ ▓▌ ▄ ▀▀▀▓▓▓▓█▄ ▄████▓▀▀▀ ▄ ▐▓ ▓▓█
██▓ █▀ ▀█ ▓██
██▓ █ First of all you should know that we do NOT release our cracks █ ▓██
██▓ █ so that you the end-user can benefit from it in the term of █ ▓██
██▓ █ using software or any other of our releases without buying █ ▓██
██▓ █ the required licenses. Linezer0 however believe that everyone █ ▓██
██▓ █ should have the option to backup their program/game and be █ ▓██
██▓ █ able to run it without any problems. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Further we do NOT in any way condone the spreading of our █ ▓██
██▓ █ cracks, in other words we do NOT spread the releases to any █ ▓██
██▓ █ websites, P2P networks or any other public available location █ ▓██
██▓ █ and we urge that our releases should not be spread like that █ ▓██
██▓ █ at all. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ We -Linezer0- has nothing to do with the distribution of these █ ▓██
██▓ █ cracks, it is all done by third parties. As such, and █ ▓██
██▓ █ according to the laws where the individuals of Linezer0 reside, █ ▓██
██▓ █ it is not our responsibility what others desides to do with █ ▓██
██▓ █ these releases. However, let it be said quite clearly; █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ We DO NOT in any way condone the selling or redistribution █ ▓██
██▓ █ of our cracks, this was NEVER our intention. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Linezer0 does NOT take any responsibility of computer-loss █ ▓██
██▓ █ or any data-errors that may occur from using our cracks. █ ▓██
██▓ █ Keep in mind that you are using a third party sollution to █ ▓██
██▓ █ something we did not develop in the first place. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ Do note that the usage of our cracks are legal in most █ ▓██
██▓ █ countries outside the United States, IF and ONLY IF you own a █ ▓██
██▓ █ full copy of the program/game - then you may use our cracks █ ▓██
██▓ █ for backup purposes, and only that. It remains to be seen how █ ▓██
██▓ █ affected you are of the End User License Agreements EULAs . █ ▓██
██▓ █ They can't supersede domestic laws, remember that. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ According to the DMCA ACT in the Unites States, you have no █ ▓██
██▓ █ rights to circumvent a copy protection. Beware, they will █ ▓██
██▓ █ punish you harder than if you stole the shrinkwrapped software █ ▓██
██▓ █ in a mall. Though Linezer0's base of operation does not reside █ ▓██
██▓ █ in the Unites States, and thus we are NOT bound to the █ ▓██
██▓ █ US legislations like █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ * No Electronic Theft Act █ ▓██
██▓ █ * Digital Millenium Copyright Act █ ▓██
██▓ █ * The Patriot Act █ ▓██
██▓ █ * other US legislations █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ You should ALWAYS buy the software that you do use, or find █ ▓██
██▓ █ suitable Open Source replacements as there are loads , we do! █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ By using our cracks you automatically agree █ ▓██
██▓ █ to the written agreement above, and thus the responsibility █ ▓██
██▓ █ regarding whetever you are affected by any EULAs is █ ▓██
██▓ █ with YOU and YOU only. █ ▓██
██▓ ▓▄ ▀ ▀ ▄▓ ▓██
▀██▓▓▌ ▄ ▀ ▀ ▄ ▐▓▓██▀
▀▓█▄▄█▌ ▄▓▓▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▓▓▄ ▐█▄▄█▓▀
▀▓▄▀▀▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▀▓▀ ▀▀▄ ░░░ ░░░ ▄▀▀ ▀▓▀▓▄ ▀ ▄▄▀▀▄▓▀
▀▄▄ ▐█▌ ██▓▓█▌▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓ ░▒▒ ▄▄▄▓▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▄▄▄ ▒▒░ ▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▐█▓▓██ ▐█▌ ▄▄▀
▐█▓▓▀▄▄▓▀█ ▀▀█▄▀ ▀ ▄▓▌ ▒▓▓█▀▀ ▀▀█▓▓▒ ▐▓▄ ▀ ▀▄█▀▀ █▀▓▄▄▀▓▓█▌
▄▄▄█▓▓▀▀█▀ ▄ ▀ ▓▓██▄▓█▓▌ + G R E E T S + ▐▓██▄██▓▓ ▀ ▄ ▀█▀▀▓▓█▄▄▄
█▓▓ ▓▌ ▄ ▀▀▀▓▓▓▓█▄ ▄████▓▀▀▀ ▄ ▐▓ ▓▓█
██▓ █▀ ▀█ ▓██
██▓ ▓▄ ▀ CHEMiCAL REACTiON CRO ▀ ▄▓ ▓██
▀██▓▓▌ ▄ ▀ ▀ ▄ ▐▓▓██▀
▀▓█▄▄█▌ ▄▓▓▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▓▓▄ ▐█▄▄█▓▀
▀▓▄▀▀▄▄ ▀ ▄▓▀▓▀ ▀▀▄ ░░░ ░░░ ▄▀▀ ▀▓▀▓▄ ▀ ▄▄▀▀▄▓▀
▀▄▄ ▐█▌ ██▓▓█▌▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓ ░▒▒ ▄▄▄▓▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓▄▄▄ ▒▒░ ▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▐█▓▓██ ▐█▌ ▄▄▀
▐█▓▓▀▄▄▓▀█ ▀▀█▄▀ ▀ ▄▓▌ ▒▓▓█▀▀ ▀▀█▓▓▒ ▐▓▄ ▀ ▀▄█▀▀ █▀▓▄▄▀▓▓█▌
▄▄▄█▓▓▀▀█▀ ▄ ▀ ▓▓██▄▓█▓▌+ C O N T A C T +▐▓██▄██▓▓ ▀ ▄ ▀█▀▀▓▓█▄▄▄
█▓▓ ▓▌ ▄ ▀▀▀▓▓▓▓█▄ ▄████▓▀▀▀ ▄ ▐▓ ▓▓█
██▓ █▀ ▀█ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ If you want to contact Linezer0 for any reason, then feel █ ▓██
██▓ █ free to do so using the email supplied below - requests for █ ▓██
██▓ █ cracks, files or anything related to our releases is █ ▓██
██▓ █ automatically ignored using scripts , so by all means, feel █ ▓██
██▓ █ free to continue to send them, we won't even recieve them. █ ▓██
██▓ █ █ ▓██
██▓ █ ▓ EMAIL [email protected] ▓ █ ▓██
██▓ ▓▄ ▀█▀ UPDATED 7th of January 2006 ▀█▀ ▄█ ▓██
▀██▓▓▌ ▄ ▀ ▀ ▄ ▐▓▓██▀
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▀▓▄▀▀▄█▌ ▄ ▄▓▄ ▄ ▄▓▄ ▄ ▐█▄▀▀▄▓▀
▐█▌ ██▄ ▄▄▄▓▄ ▄ ▀▄▀ ▄ ▄▓▄▄▄ ▄██ ▐█▌
▄▓▀ ▄▓▀▀▓▀▓▀ ▀▀█ ░░░ ▄▄▀ ▀▄▀ ▄ ▀▄▀ ▀▄▄ ░░░ █▀▀ ▀▓▀▓▀▀▓▄ ▀▓▄
█▌▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓ ░▒▒ ▓▓▌ ▀▄▀ ▐▓▓ ▒▒░ ▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▐█
▀█▄▀ ▀ ▄▓▌ ▒▓▓█▀ ▀▀▄ ▄▀▀ ▀█▓▓▒ ▐▓▄ ▀ ▀▄█▀
▀ ▓▓▓▓▄▓▓█▌ ▀ ▀ ▐█▓▓▄▓▓▓▓ ▀
▀▀▓▓▓██ ascii proudly done ██▓▓▓▓▀
▀▓▓█▄ by cpN of cRo ▄█▓▓▀
▐▓▓▌ ▄ in 2oo6 ▄ ▐▓▓▌
▀ ▀█▄▓ ▄ ▄ ▓▄█▀ ▀
▓▓▌ ▓▌ ▄ ▀ ▀ ▄ ▐▓ ▐▓▓
▀▀▄▓▓▄▓▌ ▄▓▄ ▐▓▄▓▓▄▀▀
▀▀▀▓▄▄ ▀ ▄▄▓▀▀▀
共用伺服器:eDonkeyServer No1、eDonkeyServer No2、!! Saugstube !!