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Alchemy Catalyst是一款很有特色的軟件本地化工具。對於常見的*.exe、*.dll、*.ocx、*.rc、*.xml等文件格式都能提供很好的支持。雖然Alchemy Catalyst主要用於VC編寫軟件的本地化,但是利用插件也能實現Delphi編寫軟件的本地化。更為重要的是,Alchemy Catalyst可以可視本地化位圖、菜單、對話框、字串表、版本信息等標准資源。這就意味著,在Alchemy Catalyst的集成本地化環境(ILE)中,本地化人員能夠預覽到軟件已經本地化的界面。Alchemy Catalyst還具有一系列被稱為專家的工具,它可以幫助本地化人員快速地完成軟件的本地化過程。總之,Alchemy Catalyst提出了一套關於軟件的可視本地化的完整解決方案,無論是商業用戶還是個人用戶都能從中得到完全的需要。
Alchemy CATALYST是一個高度集成的本地化環境(ILE),為您本地化流程的所有環節提供相應的服務和工具。Alchemy的ILE功能強大,使用安全,在任何時間都確保數據是完整的。它還結合了靈活的項目管理功能,您可以創建多語言翻譯工具箱,高效的分發給您的翻譯人員和地區代理。
Alchemy CATALYST環境支持所有的Windows應用程序和幫助文件(DLL, EXE, INI, RTF, CNT, CPP, HPP等)以及所有基於XML/XHTML的文件和Internet程序。這減輕了大量不同格式文件的處理、分發、翻譯和更新的復雜性。CATALYST在一個無縫翻譯環境中,提供了本地化項目的所有重要參與人員所需的工具,您將會發現CATALYST的確是一款優秀的本地化工具。
Pioneer of Visual Localization Solutions
Alchemy CATALYST 8.0 is a visual localization environment that supports every aspect of the localization workflow: from translation to project management through to localization engineering and testing. Thanks to its powerful visual interface and advanced Translation Memory technology, localization projects take less time to complete, quality is improved, Engineering and QA cycle times are shortened and the overall cost of localization is significantly reduced.
Lower costs, higher quality
High-quality translation of software applications is crucial to the success of multi-national companies. In today's highly competitive organizations, they require solutions that lower overall costs, reduce time-to-market and improve quality. Alchemy CATALYST 8.0 meets these requirements head-on. Using advanced Translation Memory technology and an intuitive interface, it facilitates and compliments the work of localization professionals, helping them work more efficiently and produce higher quality translations.
——CATALYST為您提供一整套品質保證工具,可以用來檢驗軟件和幫助文件。該工具覆蓋了布局檢驗、忽略文本、復制熱鍵、丟失參數或控件以及拼寫檢查等內容。使用CATALYST的運行時Validation Expert,您可以對軟件進行運行時檢查,並自動檢測動態對話框和文件替換時引入的錯誤。這樣,QA專家就可以把主要精力放在功能性測試上,而不是一般性的錯誤檢查。
——CATALYST還為軟件工程師提供一系列工具,幫助他們定位並糾正本地化問題,並更新界面、幫助文件和XML文件到新版本中。工程師可以使用CATALYST SDK開發自定義編輯器和檢查器,來解析任何文本文件,並使用CATALYST 的文本解析Expert將其包含到翻譯環境中。工程師可以使用CATALYST的可視化比較Expert來檢查版本之間的變動,並決定文本變動對QA和翻譯時間表的影響。
Alchemy CATALYST 8.0 supports all aspects of the localization workflow, from translation, engineering, testing and project management. Using Alchemy CATALYST 8.0 you can enjoy:
Huge Localization Costs Savings Using Alchemy’s ezMatch™ Translation Memory technology, ensures that you never translate a sentence twice and it can be re-used several times. This improves productivity and results in significant translation savings. Additionally, since ezMatch™ technology also re-uses layout information, you also enjoy significant productivity gains in localization engineering and testing. Savings of 50-60% are possible depending on the quality of your translation memories.
Higher Quality Translation Alchemy CATALYST hides the complexity of underlying technology and file formats, presenting text for translation in highly visual and contextually rich editing environments. This enables the translator to focus on the accuracy and precision of their translations, helping organizations improve the quality of their software applications and improving their corporate brand image.
Faster Release Cycles Alchemy CATALYST provides a powerful integrated localization environment for all your desktop, mobile and online applications. It integrates smoothly with all industry leading workflow solutions and interoperates with all industry standard TM technologies. This helps maximize translation re-use, reducing project cycles and improving your time to market. This gives you first leap advantage over your competitors and helps create new revenue opportunities for your business.
Rapid Return On Investment Organizations that have deployed Alchemy CATALYST within their localization workflow have enjoyed savings on direct translation costs combined with productivity gains in engineering and testing. Coupled with faster release times to international markets, these benefits make a rapid return on investment a certainty. In a typical deployment, a return on investment can be achieved in three to six months or shorter.
Supported software and content formats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All Microsoft Desktop Development Platforms: 9x, NT, 2000, XP, Win32, Winx64, VISTA, RC, RESX, .NET Binaries(1.x and 2.0), Visual Basic.NET, Microsoft WPF
Online Help Systems: Doc-2-Help, RoboHelp, MadCap Flare, Sun Help, Oracle Help
Mobile Computing Platforms: Windows CE, Symbian, EPOC
Java Platforms: J2EE, J2SE, J2ME, JAR, .properties, WAS, EAR
Content Files: HTML (and all derivatives PHP, ASP, JSP), XHTML, XML (including derivative ASP.NET, ASP, JSP and XSL), MS Excel, DITA 1.0
Databases: All Microsoft DB technologies, Oracle 8/9/10 and IBM DB2
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Tutorials - Alchemy CATALYST Web Based Lessons
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