中文名: 刻錄軟件英文名: BurnAware Professional v2.3.1制作發行: Burnaware Technologies地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071209322928.jpg)
BurnAware Professional 一款強力的刻錄工具,它支持CD, DVD, 藍光光盤和HD-DVD的媒體,支持所有標准的光存儲介質包括 CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, BD-R/RE, HD-DVD-R/RW and DVD-RAM等,也支持相當多的刻錄設備。引用BurnAware Professional is the professional’s choice for complete CD DVD media duplication and Blu-ray Disc recording. Apart from standard features, such as data, audio and video burning, BurnAware Professional offers a wide scope of advanced functionality, allowing you to duplicate CDs and DVDs, make exact copies of discs on your hard drive, write to multiple drives simultaneously.
引用² NOTE : Yes there are a lot of
° cracked exe ! But with them,
² software still works after 10
° days (not like YPOGEiOS's
²° version...)
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071209322947.jpg)
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071209322933.jpg)
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Release ## °² BurnAware Professional v2.3.1 ° °²° °°²²°²²
Company ## °² Burnaware Technologies. °°° °²² °°°° ²²
URL ## ²² http //www.burnaware.com/ °² °²° ° ² ° ²
Cracker/Packer/Supplier ## ² TeaM DJiNN ² ° ° °°² °²
Type ## ² Cracked ° ²² °²°
Protection ## ° ²²² ASProtect+Custom ² ° ° ²² °²
OS ## ²° ² °° ° WinAll²²² ° °² °° °²°
Langage ## ° °° ²² °²² Multilingual °²° ²
Date ## ²² ° ²²² ²²² 01/03/2009° ° ° ²
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²² ²
Our friends and you, ²° ° ²²° ° 1 - Unpack and Install
yes you, ° °²° ² 2 - Copy cracked files over °
I love you too. ° °² ° originals °
°²°° °°² ° 3 - Enjoy!
²² NOTE Yes there are a lot of
° cracked exe ! But with them,
² software still works after 10
° days not like YPOGEiOS's
²° version...
² Group NEWS °
² ²
If you can help us somehow
°²° djinn at girlmail.ru
²² We're looking also for talented people
° ZGppbm5AaW5ib3gubHQ= ²
² °°°°°°°°
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²² ²²²²²
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°° °°°°°² ² Smk/AmS _-_-_-
DJiNN TEAM 2008 ²° °
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