中文名: 磁盤目錄索引軟件英文名: Camel Disc Catalog Regged資源格式: 光盤鏡像地區: 美國語言: 英文簡介:
Camel Disc Catalog Camel Disc Catalog 可以幫助你簡單快速地搜索你的收藏而不需要實際上插入任何磁盤。該軟件搜集所有的文件結構並且可以獲得額外的信息(諸如 MP3 文件的比特率或者圖片文件的分辨率)。該軟件通過新插件持續的改善可以識別額外的格式
引用If you are like most any computer user these days you have lots of optical disks – DVD movies, MP3 collections and game installation disks. They represent a small personal fortune and contain everything you need to keep your life going. Finding a disk in such a big collection is no easy task unless you have a good memory or a CD organizer like Camel Disc Catalog.
Camel Disc Catalog is a nice little CD organizer that generates a computer database to keep track and find any disk in a snap. Just insert the disk into your CD-ROM drive and scan it. The program will automatically index the structure of files and folders, record file names and create a disk snapshot. Once the disk is scanned, you add it to the database and assign to a particular category – ‘Video’, ‘Music’, ‘Photo’ or ‘Software’. You can then add additional comments to the snapshot, such as its location in the house or the name and contacts of your pal who you lend out your disk. When you need to find the disk, run Camel Disc Catalog, browse to the snapshot and see where you put it or who borrowed the disk. Not bad, huh?
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Release ## °² Camel Disc Catalog ° °²° °°²²°²²
Company ## °² TD-SOFT.NET °°° °²² °°°° ²²
URL ## ²² http //www.cameldisc.com/ °² °²° ° ² ° ²
Cracker/Packer/Supplier ## ² TeaM DJiNN ² ° ° °°² °²
Type ## ² Regged ° ²² °²°
Protection ## ° ²²² Serial ² ° ° ²² °²
OS ## ²° ² °° ° WinAll²²² ° °² °° °²°
Langage ## ° °° ²² °²² English °²° ²
Date ## ²² ° ²²² ²²² 21/02/2009° ° ° ²
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Our friends and you, ²° ° ²²° ° 1 - Unpack and Install
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