中文名: DVD播放軟件 PowerDVD 8豪華版英文名: CyberLink PowerDVD 8發行時間: 2008年地區: 台灣簡介:
首先,PowerDVD 8仍將分為Standard標准版、Deluxe豪華版、Ultra至尊版三大版本,功能各不相同:
標准版售價50-60美元,功能比較簡單,不支持藍光和AVCHD、H.264、DivX-Pro、DVD-Audio等媒體的播放,也不支持Dolby Digital HD、DTS環繞(需擴展包)、DTS HD等音效,Dolby數字環繞最高5.1聲道。
Ultra版當然就是全功能版本了,各種影音格式全部支持,而且也是唯一支持HD DVD的。另外三個版本均支持影片收集和剪輯兩種新功能。
PowerDVD 8不但支持顯卡硬件加速播放高清內容,還支持多種交互標准,包括HDi、BD-J、BD 1.1等,讓PC用戶也能享受到高清播放器的便捷。新出爐的BD 2.0也會在未來加入。
另外值得注意的是,PowerDVD 8終於能支持雙字幕了,這也是很多非英語系用戶迫切期待的特性,尤其適合那些喜歡中英雙字幕的。
斷點續播功能此前我們已經提過了,而且PowerDVD 8進行了增強,不但可以技術上次停止播放的位置,還能在重啟程序後給出多種選擇,以及暫定點的縮略圖。
除了增加功能,CyberLink還徹底改造了PowerDVD 8的用戶界面,布局發生了很大變化,整體風格類似於Windows Media Player 11,也借鑒了Windows媒體中心的一些特點
PowerDVD 8的另一項重大變化就是會整合新的“MoovieLive”軟件和網站,從而加入社交領域的爭奪。如果你願意,可以讓軟件從亞馬遜上下載電影封面、幫助你分門別類進行整理、記住何時播放了什麼電影、撰寫電影評論、對影片進行評級、查閱他人的觀後感,總之就是分享一切相關信息。
當然我們不能忘了“Movie Remixs”。它可以讓用戶對影片進行重新剪輯、增加更多字幕、甚至加入自己的錄音旁白,而且操作非常簡單,只需拖拽即可。由於並非進行復雜的視頻轉換操作,因此不需要大量的磁盤空間和超強的處理器顯卡。制作完成後,用戶還可以將其上傳到MoovieLive數據庫,和全球用戶分享。
最後是一個不太好的消息,那就是對無損音頻的完善支持還要等到升級版PowerDVD 8.5,預計8-9月份發布。當然,這是一次免費升級。
Enjoy High-Definition Movies
PowerDVD delivers award-winning playback quality for movies on the PC.
High-definition movie content - The best video quality out there, with support for video formats like AVCHD and Blu-ray Discs.
Advanced video technologies - See the beauty in each shot of every scene with TrueTheater™ Technology.
Home theater audio - Enjoy movies on the PC as if you are right at the cinema, with support for Dolby, DTS, and other home theater technologies.
Smart DVD utilities - Save battery power on your notebook (See-it-All), move language subtitles (Read-it-Clearly), and auto loop a section of dialog (Say-it-Again), with PowerDVD s award winning DVD controls.
Remix Your DVD Movies
PowerDVD lets you create new stories based on existing movies, or simply express your creativity and opinions in unconventional ways.
Movie Remix - Put your own touches to a movie by re-ordering scenes, adding subtitles, inserting animated PiPs, and recording a voice-over.
See how it works
Watch other people s remixes - Download remixes from MoovieLive and see what other people have created.
Share your remixes online - Upload your remixes to MoovieLive and let others share in your unique vision.
Collect Movie Information
PowerDVD helps you build a library of movie facts and figures, combining personal notes and disc information. Sync your movie collection to your MoovieLive account.
Your movie collection - Create a collection of movies, and keep a record of your viewing experience. Gather data and trivia about the DVDs you watch.
Reviews ratings - Write reviews about the movies you ve seen. Give a quick 5-star rating and compare that with what others like through the global rating.
Quick movie stats - Quickly check how many PowerDVD users enjoy the same movies as you. PowerDVD lets you see the number of viewers, remixes made, reviews written, and DVD owners.
Connect via MoovieLive
PowerDVD gets you connected with other users via MoovieLive.com. You can see global ratings for the movies you watch, access information about the movies other people are watching too.
Upload download remixes - Download remixes to see different takes on a movie. Upload your own remixes to share with other PowerDVD users.
Make friends - Find other people who are interested in the films you like, then get connected.
Publish your thoughts - After writing a review of a movie, why not share your review with other PowerDVD users? MoovieLive lets you upload your review, and adds your ratings to the community s global rating.
See what others have to say - Read reviews from other PowerDVD users and browse MoovieLive s database for tons of details about the movies you love (and loathe ).