![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071214291815.jpg)
VMware Fusion
在 Mac 中執行 Windows 的最完美方案
共用伺服器: www.UseNeXT.to、Em Srever No.1
共用服務時間: 全天不定時
VMware Fusion 是個系統虛擬化軟體,類似 Parallels Desktop for Mac,可讓 Intel 機種的 Mac 使用者執行 Windows、Linux 或其他 PC 作業系統。
根據 VMware 網站的說明,這套軟體的功能包含支援 Boot Camp 分割區、DirectX 8.1、多核心支援、 64 位元作業系統支援 (在 Core 2 Duo 或 Xeon 處理器),以及 VMware Converter (免費),可將 Windows PC 移轉到 VMware Fusion 相容的虛擬機器。
VMware Fusion 1.1 提供了 Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard 的支援,同時也改善 Microsoft Windows 3D 圖形顯示,並嘗試支援 DirectX 9.0。雖然支援 DirectX 3D 圖形顯示,但它尚未支援 shader。
與 Parallels Desktop for Mac 類似,VMware Fusion 1.1 支援使用 Windows Vista Boot Camp 分割磁區作為虛擬機器、新增 Windows “開始”選單項目的尋找與搜尋支援,並可透過 Unity 顯示 Windows “開始”選單與作業列。使用者也可使用 VMware Importer 的 beta 版本也來輸入 Parallels Desktop 2.5 與 3.0 虛擬系統。
其他改進還包括英語、法語、德語和日語支援,並支援 Windows Vista 32-bit 和 64-bit,與 Boot Camp 更好地結合使用,更好的 2D 繪圖功能,尤其是裝備 Santa Rosa 芯片的 MacBook Pro。
◎不需重新開機,就能在 Mac 中執行您最愛的 PC 應用程式
◎在 Mac 與 PC 之間共用資料極為容易
◎體驗與 Mac OS X 完美整合的直覺式使用者介面
Mac 與 PC, 終成眷屬
由備受肯定的虛擬桌面領導者所推出的 VMware Fusion,是在 Mac 中執行 Windows 應用程式的最完美方案。VMware Fusion 將 Mac 使用者期盼的簡潔直覺式介面與備受數百萬名使用者肯定的虛擬平台整合在一起。VMware Fusion 可讓您從 Dock 啟動 Windows 應用程式,並利用 Expose 在 Windows 和 Mac 應用程式之間進行切換透過業界最先進的虛擬技術,VMware Fusion 能充分運用 Mac 中的可用硬體來同時執行 32 與 64 位元作業系統、同時使用兩個處理器、執行選定的 3D 游戲,以及使用 USB 2.0裝置。
魚與熊掌, 可以兼得
許多需要執行 Windows 應用程式的 Mac 使用者現在可以快速地來回切換,並且不需重新開機,就能很容易地在 Mac 和 Windows 之間共用資訊。從頭到尾徹底針對 Mac 量身打造,VMware Fusion 所提供給您的是可自訂的工具列、容易管理的虛擬機套件,以及更多功能。
只有 VMware Fusion 可讓您:
·透過直覺式介面完美整合 Mac 和 PC 應用程式與資料,並且在這兩種平台之間進行切換。將Windows 應用程式最小化至 Dock、透過 Expose 在 Windows 或 Mac 應用程式之間進行切換,以及尋找並快速啟動任何 Windows 應用程式。
·自由選擇執行最新的 Microsoft Windows 版本,包括 Vista Business、Enterprise、Ultimate、Windows XP、Linux、 Solaris 或超過六十種支援的 PC 作業系統。
·倚賴在業界擁有近十年使用經驗,以及備受全球數百萬名使用者信賴的虛擬技術。VMware Fusion 採用相同的高效能虛擬化平台,此一架構運作極為穩定,功能無可比擬。
·投資經得起未來考驗的解決方案( 支援可驅動現今高階 Mac 電腦的 64 位元 Intel Core 2 Duo 和 Xeon 處理器)。現在就使用 VMware Fusion,透過它對虛擬機中 64 位元作業系統的獨特支援,迎接新世代作業系統與應用程式。
·有效運用業界的虛擬化優勢( 利用多核心 Intel Mac 的多重處理核心優點),獲取最大彈性。同時,除了具有業界肯定的 USB 2.0 裝置支援外,在低電源下執行時,也能獲得完整的電源管理來保護您的虛擬機。
- An Intel-based Mac (to run 64-bit operating systems, an Intel Mac with a Core 2 Duo or Xeon processor is required)
- 512MB of RAM (1 GB or more recommended)1
- 275MB free disk space for VMware Fusion
- 1GB free disk space for each virtual machine (10 GB or more recommended)
- Mac OS X version 10.4.9 or later
Home Page:
The most seamless way to run Windows on your Mac.
Get the best of both the Mac and PC worlds with VMware Fusion. With an intuitive Mac-native interface and a wide array of powerful features, VMware Fusion provides the most seamless way to run Windows applications on your Mac.
Seamlessly run Windows, Linux and other PC operating systems on your Intel-based Mac. VMware Fusion gives you the freedom to:
Unite Windows and Mac OS X
Seamlessly run Windows applications alongside Mac applications with the Unity features in VMware Fusion. Find and launch Windows applications quickly with the VMware Fusion launcher. Switch between Windows and Mac applications quickly with Exposé. Minimize Windows applications to the Mac OS X Dock.
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071214292049.gif)
Get the most out of your Mac
Play Windows games on your Mac. Create powerful multi-core virtual machines and run 32- and 64-bit operating systems with ease. Use your iSight camera in Windows and gain access to Windows-only USB 2.0 devices.
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071214292026.gif)
Create virtual machines with ease
VMware Fusion makes it easy to install Windows as a virtual machine on your Intel-based Mac, and makes a perfect complement to Apple Boot Camp. Use your existing Boot Camp partition as a virtual machine, or use the built-in Windows Easy Install to install a fresh copy of Windows on a new virtual machine.
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071214292036.gif)
Turn back time on the PC
Use Snapshots to save the state of your virtual machine, and revert back to that state if your PC crashes or becomes corrupted.
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071214292149.gif)
哕苘? ? 苘苘?
圹 圹? 圹
哌 圹圹? 哌
from the sky we will ? 苒圹槽圹膊? ?
rise and we will 哕 苒膊槽圹圹膊?苓
conquer as we did so 懿膊哌 ?哌鄄曹
many times before, we 苓哕 咣? 苓哕
will show the spirit 圯 苘 鄄廁?
of ... ?苓?圹膊膊 哌? ?
E M B R A C E 哕 圹策?苘?苓
苓 鄄?圹圹膊
捋 ?哌圹哌 鄄? 懿?
? 哌 ? 苘?鄄? ?
苓??圹 苒膊 ?
捋 苘 苓圮哌 ?
哌 蒇鄄苓圹苘
? 鄄? 苘圻
? 苒圹圮? 苒?
? 懿?圮?苘哌鄄? ? ?
??? 哌圮哌?
圮 哕鄄 哌圮?
懿? ? ? 圹 鄄? 苒? ?
? 苒 ?哌咣圮? ?
? 懿?圹 ? 苒?圹鄄 苘哌? ?
? ?圹 哕苒? 圹膊 ? ?
? 苘 苘 圹苘 咣苘哌 ?哌
苒鄄槽圮苘苒膊槽圮 ??圹苘咣圮 ?苘哌哕 ? 懿?
槽膊 哌鄄鄄策 苘鄄 苒??圹膊 圹 策 ? 苘? ?
苒?策咣膊 ?鄄哌 ? ?圹鄄?哌 苘圹圹圹鄄
? 圹?懿? 卟膊苘 苘圻 圹槽圹圮馨苒鄄膊策哌 鄄? ?
圮苘 敗苘鄄? ?? 哌哌?苘苒?曹哌圹膊策哌? 苘圹懿膊
圹槽圹圮 膊哌哌? 圹苘 苒哌? 鄄? 捋? 哌? 苘苒圹圹苘?
薏策 哌 薏? 鄄 圹鄄 咣苘 苒? embrace +薏?苘鄄鄄膊哌哌卟鄄鄄?
圹槽圮? 哌圮 ? 圹?圹圹 哌 哌圻? 苘苘 卟膊哌? ? 槽膊
哌圹圹? 苘 ? 圹鄄 圹鄄哌咣圹膊? 苘圹圻 圹? 苘圹圻 苘圹策 槽膊
苒膊? 捋圹苘 鄄咣?圹鄄 捋鄄?苒圹圹鄄 苒圹哌鄄哕圹圹圹?苒圹圹鄄 圹膊
苒鄄? 苘?鄄策圹?圹?圹鄄 圹鄄蒉圹?圹鄄捋鄄?圹坜圹?圹鄄捋鄄 圹鄄 佰鄄?
咣圹圮捋策 圹草 ?捋鄄 圹鄄 圹鄄蒉鄄?圹膊捋膊?圹廁鄄?圹膊捋膊苒鄄? 圹膊
?咣圹苒? 圹鄄 圹膊圹鄄? 捋鄄?咣草 捋膊?圹廁圹? ?捋鄄 策鄄
圮 卟槽? 捋鄄? 圻哌 哌咣圮苒圹膊 咣?懿?咣膊苒膊 咣鄄? 咣鄄?Tr ?圹?
咣?卟草 哌哌哌 苘 哌哌 鄄?? ? 哌哌哌 哌 懿? 哌 ?圹膊
槽圹圮 卟 槽圹圹圻 ?咣圹?圹 哌 苒?槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹??苒圹圹圹鄄 圹鄄
鄄圹 咣? 哌哕苘圹哌 embrace proudly presents... 圹圹?
策哌哕 苓哌? ?
懿? VMware Fusion v1.1.0.62573 苒?
? VMware, Inc. ?
苘苘? 哕苘?
圹? 哕? supplier.: TEAM EMBRACE ?date.......: 14, nov 2oo7 苘? 圹?
咣圹? 圹 cracker..: TEAM EMBRACE ?size.......: 35 disks/5.00 MB 圹 圹圹?
圹?圹 tester...: TEAM EMBRACE ?OS.........: WinAll 圹 圹?
苒圹 圻 packer...: TEAM EMBRACE ?language...: English 咣 圹圮
圹哌 懿 ?type.......: Virtualization 曹 哌圹
圹蒈哌 ? ?protection.: Base32+SHA1 ?哌苻圹
圹 ? ?release....: Keymaker ?圹
槽 哕 ? ? ? 苓 鄄
策圮 哌苘? ? 苘苓?苒卟
哌圮苘 哌苘 苘苘? 苘苘?苘哌 苘苒哌
?苘 ?苘圹圻哌? 哌? ? 苓? 哌哌圹圮?? 苘 ?
苒卟圮槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹曹鄄咣?
蒈?哌策苘圹 圹苘苘? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟哌 哕?
蒇?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? 苘圹圹圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹?[ PROGRAM INFO ] 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌? ?
苒膊圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹圹膊圮
? 膊圹圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹鄄? ?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
哕 舶? ?? ?? 郯? 苓
圮 郯圹 ?苒 圮 ?圹佰 苒
圹舶?圮哌 哌苒 郯槽?
哕 郾佰苓 Seamlessly run Windows, Linux and other PC operating 哕郯臂 苓
圮郾佰 苓 systems on your Intel-based Mac. VMware Fusion gives 哕 郯臂苒
郾卑槽 you the freedom to: 鄄氨臂
? 郾佰哕 苓郯臂 ?
? 苓舶? * Unite Windows and Mac OS X 郯策? ?
哕? 郯? Seamlessly run Windows applications alongside Mac 郯? 苘?
哌圮? applications with the Unity features in VMware 圮圻?
郯圻? Fusion. Find and launch Windows applications quickly 苓郯?
郯? ? with the VMware Fusion launcher. Switch between ? 郯?
郯? ? Windows and Mac applications quickly with Expos? ? 郯?
郯?? Minimize Windows applications to the Mac OS X Dock. ?郯?
苓 郯? 郯?哕
? 郯? * Get the most out of your Mac 郯? ?
哕?郯? Play Windows games on your Mac. Create powerful 郯?苘?
咣苒 multi-core virtual machines and run 32- and 64-bit 圮圻
郯圻? operating systems with ease. Use your iSight camera 苓郯?
郯? ? in Windows and gain access to Windows-only USB 2.0 ? 郯?
郯? ? devices. ? 郯?
郯?? ?郯?
苓 郯? * Create virtual machines with ease 郯?哕
? 郯? VMware Fusion makes it easy to install Windows as a 郯? ?
哕?郯? virtual machine on your Intel-based Mac, and makes a 郯?苘?
咣苒 perfect complement to Apple Boot Camp. Use your 圮圻
郯圻? existing Boot Camp partition as a virtual machine, 苓郯?
郯? ? or use the built-in Windows Easy Install to install ? 郯?
郯? ? a fresh copy of Windows on a new virtual machine. ? 郯?
郯?? ?郯?
苓 郯? * Turn back time on the PC 郯?哕
? 郯? Use Snapshots to save the state of your virtual 郯? ?
哕?郯? machine, and revert back to that state if your PC 郯?苘?
咣苒 crashes or becomes corrupted. 圮圻
郯圻? 苓郯?
郯? ? ? 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? 郯?
舶? 郯?
懿 安佰苘苘 苘苘 苘苘 苘苘郯舶 曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? 苓? 哌哌圹圮苒膊敗??
苒卟鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹膊鄄咣?
捃?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 哕?
捋?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? 苘圹圹圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹?[ RELEASE INFO ] 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌? ?
苒膊圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹圹膊圮
? 膊圹圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹鄄? ?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
哕 舶? ?? ?? 郯? 苓
圮 郯圹 ?苒 圮 ?圹佰 苒
圹舶?圮哌 哌苒 郯槽?
哕 郾佰苓 哕郯臂 苓
圮郾佰 苓 1) install vmware fusion 哕 郯臂苒
郾卑槽 2) open a terminal window 鄄氨臂
? 郾佰哕 3) chmod +x keygen_macosx 苓郯臂 ?
? 苓舶? 4) ./keygen_macosx 郯策? ?
哕? 郯? 5) enter the generated serial and enjoy 郯? 苘?
哌圮? 圮圻?
郯圻? 苓郯?
郯? ? ? 郯?
郯? ? ? 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? 郯?
舶? 郯?
懿 安佰苘苘 苘苘 苘苘 苘苘郯舶 曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? 苓? 哌哌圹圮苒膊敗??
苒卟鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹膊鄄咣?
捃?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 哕?
捋?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? 苘圹圹圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹?[ NEWS ] 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌? ?
苒鄄圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹鄄圹圮
? 膊圹圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹鄄? ?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
哕 舶? ?? 5000 releases and still going strong ?? 郯? 苓
圮 郯圹 ?苒 圮 ?圹佰 苒
圹舶?圮哌 哌苒 郯槽?
哕 郾佰苓 哕郯臂 苓
圮郾佰 苓 EMBRACE has been around since october 2000, and most 哕 郯臂苒
郾卑槽 of its members for much longer. We exist to serve the 鄄氨臂
? 郾佰哕 scene with quality releases, and to help the scene 苓郯臂 ?
? 苓舶? maintain some vestige of its former self. 郯策? ?
哕? 郯? 郯? 苘?
哌圮? 5000 fully working releases, and we re still dedicated 圮圻?
郯圻? to what we do best, bringing u quality keygens, in 苓郯?
郯? ?style We ve been around for over 6 years now, and we ? 郯?
郯? ?aren t planning on leaving anytime soon. ? 郯?
郯?? ?郯?
苓 郯? Times have changed since we first started doing this, 郯?哕
? 郯? and so have we, but we re still here. It is however, 郯? ?
哕?郯? time that the scene itself starts embracing some of 郯?苘?
咣苒 this change aswell, instead of dwelling on the past. 圮圻
郯圻? Because of this, we would like to ask all our fellow 苓郯?
郯? ?sceners to consider the following: ? 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? a 1-month MU rule on our own releases, and we would 郯?
郯? like YOU to follow our lead. Everyone is tired of 郯?
郯? releasing/testing/trading the same releases over and 郯?
郯? over again, and it s up to *us* to change this. There 郯?
郯? are plenty of uncracked, useful applications out there, 郯?
郯? begging for some attention. So stop wasting your time 郯?
郯? on crap just because it updates a lot and it serves in 郯?
郯? boosting the number of releases your group does. We 郯?
郯? know that we ve done similar things in the past, as 郯?
郯? most groups, but this doesnt dismiss the truth in this 郯?
郯? message, its never too late to change. 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? In light of this same issue, we would also like to 郯?
郯? encourage everyone to TEST your releases We spend 郯?
郯? *a lot* of time to make sure everything we pre WORKS, 郯?
郯? and so should you Remember, *WE* ARE the SCENE and we 郯?
郯? SHOULD enforce some standards on ourselves 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? You don t agree? Fine, we ll keep doing what we feel 郯?
郯? is right anyway, and the end-user can continue to 郯?
郯? expect quality over quantity from us. 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? As a final note, I would like to send out greetings 郯?
郯? to all our past and present members for making this 郯?
郯? group of ours what it is. I love you all 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? -(e)- 郯?
郯? once you ve tried it, you ll never want anything else 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? EMBRACE does this for fun, not for profit. 郯?
郯? 郯?
懿 安佰苘苘 苘苘 苘苘 苘苘郯舶 曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? 苓? 哌哌圹圮苒膊敗??
苒卟鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹膊鄄咣?
捃?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 哕?
捋?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? 苘圹圹圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹?[ DISCLAIMER ] 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌? ?
苒鄄圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹鄄圹圮
? 膊圹圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹鄄? ?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
舶? ?? ?? 郯?
郯圹 ?苒 苒? D I S C L A I M E R 苒? 圮 ?圹佰
鄄佰 圮哌 ? ? 哌苒 郯槽
郾佰苓 哕郯臂
苒卑?苓 EMBRACE, nor its members, can be held responsible 哕 郯臂?
郾卑槽 for anything they release. If it is illegal in your 鄄氨臂
?郾佰哕 country (as it is in most), you ARE NOT ALLOWED to 苓郯臂 ?
?苓舶?? use it, under any circumstances. We are in the scene ?郯策??
哕 郯?咣 for the fun, NOT to harm software developers. Good 圻 郯? 苓
哌圮?? software deserves your respect, go buy it ?圮圻?
?郯圻? 苓郯??
圹苒佰 ? ? 郯圮圹
哌圹? ? Our software is released as is . We are in no way ? 圹圻?
苒? 郯圹? to be blamed for anything that happens to your pc if 咣郯?
?苓 郯?? you use this. The author here by disclaims all the ?郯?哕
? 郯? ? warranties related to this software, expresed or ? 郯? ?
哕?郯?? implid, including damage to hardware/software and/or ?郯?苘?
咣苒 any date from the user of this product. 苒?圮圻
?郯圻? 哕咣佰 ?
苒 郯? ? Your use of this product assumes that you have read ? 郯? 圮
圹?郯? ?and accepted this disclaimer. ? 郯?苒?
哌圹佰 ? ? 郯圹哌
苒? 圹?苓 哕 圹? 苒?
??郯圹? 苒郯???
? 郯?圹圮苘 ?哌 ? ?哌 ? 苘苒圹 郯? ?
哕圮圹哌 咣圹 苒苘苘苘圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘圮苘苘苒苘苘苘苘苘 圹圻 哌圹苒苓
舶?苘苒圹?氨膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊卑 圹圹苘?郯?
懿 安佰圹圹圻?苘苘 哌哌哌邊哌哌哌哌咣哌哌哌哌策哌哌哌哌 苘苘 哌圹圹圹安?曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? ? 苒哌哌苘 ? ?苒? 苓? 哌哌圹圮苒膊敗??
苒鄄鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? 佰? ?苓? 苘曹馨 ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹膊鄄圹?
捋?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? ?膊?苘? ?苒膊策卟膊曹? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 咣?
捋?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮?卟槽? ?咣策 卟膊槽槽圹圻哌哌 懿圹圹策?苒?
咣哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹膊苘? 苓 苒? 薏圹哌 苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘膊?[ 哌 GREETS ? ] 膊曹苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌? 苘圹圹圹鄄圹膊膊 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 膊槽槽圹圹圹圹苘 哌? ?
苘哌哕?咣圻哌?苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌圹?苘哌哕?
苓 ? 捋 ?苓哌哌 哌哌哕 ?圯 ? 哕
? ?? 苓 ? ? 哕 ?? ?
圮舶?? ?郯曹?
咣圹? 苒圹?
舶圻? ? 圻郯?
卑?膊 苘苒圹 鄄 郯?
卑?? Greetings to ? 哌哌哌哌圹 ?郯?
苘卑? [/CODEBOX]