《Microsoft Bookshelf 2000》,應用軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: Microsoft Bookshelf 2000發行時間: 1999年制作發行: Microsoft Corporation地區: 美國簡介: By providing instant and integrated access to nine top reference resources, Bookshelf 2000 is the ultimate writer s com
"《Microsoft Bookshelf 2000》,應用軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: Microsoft Bookshelf 2000發行時間: 1999年制作發行: Microsoft Corporation地區: 美國簡介:
By providing instant and integrated access to nine top reference resources, Bookshelf 2000 is the ultimate writer s companion. You ll radically improve your documents, presentations, and e-mails with these writing tools. You can even install American Heritage Dictionary definitions and Roget s Thesaurus entries on your hard drive for instant access to definitions and synonyms. Integration with Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows makes it a snap to transfer text, images, and articles back into Office documents. One-click access to all Bookshelf resources makes finding what you need easy and fast.
Bookshelf 2000 provides instant and integrated access to these nine top reference resources:
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition;
The Original Roget s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases;
The Columbia Dictionary of Quotations;
Encarta Manual of Style and Usage;
Microsoft Press Computer and Internet;
Encarta Desk Encyclopedia; Encarta Desk World Atlas;
The Encarta 2000 New World Almanac;
and The Encarta 2000 New World Timeline.
[已通過安全檢測]McAfee Enterprise 8.5
[共享服務器]:DonkeyServer No2/03
軟件版權歸原作者及原軟件公司所有 如果你喜歡 請購買正版軟件
微軟書架2000 (Microsoft Bookshelf 2000) 是微軟公司出品的英語詞典和慣用法參考書集成軟件。軟件包含9本英語參考書:分別是1:美國傳統詞典 2:羅熱英語同義詞詞典 3:哥倫比亞英語引用語詞典 4:微軟英卡塔英語文體和慣用法詞典 5:微軟上網和計算機指南 6和7: 微軟英卡塔案頭詞典(帶世界地圖) 8:微軟英卡塔英語新詞詞典(年鑒)9:微軟英卡塔新世界年表
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