"《Ahead Nero v7.2.3.2b 英文版+注冊機》(Ahead Nero v7.2.3.2b Premium Edition (2006))[Bin],應用軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: Ahead Nero v7.2.3.2b 英文版+注冊機英文名: Ahead Nero v7.2.3.2b Premium Edition (2006)資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2006年制作發行: Ahead公司地區: 德國簡介:
Nero 7可以編輯音頻、錄影、相片、數據和電視,當您抓取,制作,編輯,刻盤備份,或者享受完全家庭娛樂活動體驗時,為您提供所有數字式媒介需要。 創造您的相片和錄影有趣的幻燈節目,編輯您的家庭錄影與生氣蓬勃的3D菜單模板為專業質量DVD,燒錄您的喜愛DVD備份,轉換您音頻和視頻文件到CD/DVD、電視、消費者電子設備,並且分享您的特別記憶。隨包帶有18種應用與一個用戶友好的用戶接口。 Nero 7超編輯真實地是您需要處理您的數字式生活的唯一的伙伴。
*集成電視時間轉移, DVD放音和A/V文件放音
nfo文件:Nero 7 Premium v7.2.3.2b.nfo
代碼Nero 7 Premium v7.2.3.2b
Sometimes you can get skipping audio, please test it and it it does skip when you burn a cd audio and test it
then replace it with the .dll i have included
You can replace the mp3 dll s in Program Files Common Files Ahead AudioPlugins
哕苘? ? 苘苘?
圹 圹? 圹
哌 圹圹? 哌
from the sky we will ? 苒圹槽圹膊? ?
rise and we will 哕 苒膊槽圹圹膊?苓
conquer as we did so 懿膊哌 ?哌鄄曹
many times before, we 苓哕 咣? 苓哕
will show the spirit 圯 苘 鄄廁?
of ... ?苓?圹膊膊 哌? ?
E M B R A C E 哕 圹策?苘?苓
苓 鄄?圹圹膊
捋 ?哌圹哌 鄄? 懿?
? 哌 ? 苘?鄄? ?
苓??圹 苒膊 ?
捋 苘 苓圮哌 ?
哌 蒇鄄苓圹苘
? 鄄? 苘圻
? 苒圹圮? 苒?
? 懿?圮?苘哌鄄? ? ?
??? 哌圮哌?
圮 哕鄄 哌圮?
懿? ? ? 圹 鄄? 苒? ?
? 苒 ?哌咣圮? ?
? 懿?圹 ? 苒?圹鄄 苘哌? ?
? ?圹 哕苒? 圹膊 ? ?
? 苘 苘 圹苘 咣苘哌 ?哌
苒鄄槽圮苘苒膊槽圮 ??圹苘咣圮 ?苘哌哕 ? 懿?
槽膊 哌鄄鄄策 苘鄄 苒??圹膊 圹 策 ? 苘? ?
苒?策咣膊 ?鄄哌 ? ?圹鄄?哌 苘圹圹圹鄄
? 圹?懿? 卟膊苘 苘圻 圹槽圹圮馨苒鄄膊策哌 鄄? ?
圮苘 敗苘鄄? ?? 哌哌?苘苒?曹哌圹膊策哌? 苘圹懿膊
圹槽圹圮 膊哌哌? 圹苘 苒哌? 鄄? 捋? 哌? 苘苒圹圹苘?
薏策 哌 薏? 鄄 圹鄄 咣苘 苒? embrace +薏?苘鄄鄄膊哌哌卟鄄鄄?
圹槽圮? 哌圮 ? 圹?圹圹 哌 哌圻? 苘苘 卟膊哌? ? 槽膊
哌圹圹? 苘 ? 圹鄄 圹鄄哌咣圹膊? 苘圹圻 圹? 苘圹圻 苘圹策 槽膊
苒膊? 捋圹苘 鄄咣?圹鄄 捋鄄?苒圹圹鄄 苒圹哌鄄哕圹圹圹?苒圹圹鄄 圹膊
苒鄄? 苘?鄄策圹?圹?圹鄄 圹鄄蒉圹?圹鄄捋鄄?圹坜圹?圹鄄捋鄄 圹鄄 佰鄄?
咣圹圮捋策 圹草 ?捋鄄 圹鄄 圹鄄蒉鄄?圹膊捋膊?圹廁鄄?圹膊捋膊苒鄄? 圹膊
?咣圹苒? 圹鄄 圹膊圹鄄? 捋鄄?咣草 捋膊?圹廁圹? ?捋鄄 策鄄
圮 卟槽? 捋鄄? 圻哌 哌咣圮苒圹膊 咣?懿?咣膊苒膊 咣鄄? 咣鄄?Tr ?圹?
咣?卟草 哌哌哌 苘 哌哌 鄄?? ? 哌哌哌 哌 懿? 哌 ?圹膊
槽圹圮 卟 槽圹圹圻 ?咣圹?圹 哌 苒?槽圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹??苒圹圹圹鄄 圹鄄
鄄圹 咣? 哌哕苘圹哌 embrace proudly presents... 圹圹?
策哌哕 苓哌? ?
懿? Ahead Nero v7.2.0.3b 苒?
? c Ahead ?
苘苘? 哕苘?
圹? 哕? supplier. TEAM EMBRACE ?date....... 28, apr 2oo6 苘? 圹?
咣圹? 圹 cracker.. TEAM EMBRACE ?size....... 25 disks/5.00 MB 圹 圹圹?
圹?圹 tester... TEAM EMBRACE ?OS......... WinAll 圹 圹?
苒圹 圻 packer... TEAM EMBRACE ?language... English 咣 圹圮
圹哌 懿 ?type....... Burning 曹 哌圹
圹蒈哌 ? ?protection. Custom ?哌苻圹
圹 ? ?release.... Keymaker ?圹
槽 哕 ? ? ? 苓 鄄
策圮 哌苘? ? 苘苓?苒卟
哌圮苘 哌苘 苘苘? 苘苘?苘哌 苘苒哌
?苘 ?苘圹圻哌? 哌? ? 苓? 哌哌圹圮?? 苘 ?
苒卟圮槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹曹鄄咣?
蒈?哌策苘圹 圹苘苘? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟哌 哕?
蒇?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? 苘圹圹圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹? PROGRAM INFO 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌? ?
苒膊圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹圹膊圮
? 膊圹圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹鄄? ?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
哕 舶? ?? ?? 郯? 苓
圮 郯圹 ?苒 圮 ?圹佰 苒
圹舶?圮哌 哌苒 郯槽?
哕 郾佰苓 Nero 7 Premium enables you to experience your 哕郯臂 苓
圮郾佰 苓 digital media in completely new and innovative ways. 哕 郯臂苒
郾卑槽 With the addition of a Nero Home - media manager, 鄄氨臂
? 郾佰哕 you can now have the complete PC and TV experience. 苓郯臂 ?
? 苓舶? Whether you want to access your media files from the 郯策? ?
哕? 郯? comfort of your living room, or complete digital 郯? 苘?
哌圮? media projects on your PC, Nero 7 Premium is all you 圮圻?
郯圻? need. 苓郯?
郯? ? ? 郯?
郯? ? Now, with more features than ever before, this ? 郯?
郯?? powerful software can transform your digital photos ?郯?
苓 郯? into professional animated slideshows, backup all of 郯?哕
? 郯? your valuable data, manage or search your media 郯? ?
哕?郯? files, edit video or photos, create DVDs including 郯?苘?
咣苒 menus , and stream your files over a media server, 圮圻
郯圻? and compress files to take on the go. Beginners and 苓郯?
郯? ? experts alike will be amazed by what one solution ? 郯?
郯? ? can do. Really, it s that good. ? 郯?
郯?? ?郯?
苓 郯? 郯?哕
? 郯? Your own personal Hollywood movie studio. 郯? ?
哕?郯? 郯?苘?
咣苒 If you ve ever wanted to turn your old home videos 圮圻
郯圻? into Hollywood quality movies, you now can with Nero 苓郯?
郯? ? 7 Premium - among many other digital media projects ? 郯?
郯? ? create your own professional DVDs, compose beats, ? 郯?
郯?? edit videos with transitions and menus, compress to ?郯?
苓 郯? various profiles Mobile, Portable, Standard, Cinema 郯?哕
? 郯? and HDTV , burn a CD/DVD, design CD labels, and much 郯? ?
哕?郯? more. These are just some of the ways that Nero 7 郯?苘?
咣苒 Premium can help you explore your creative side. 圮圻
郯圻? 苓郯?
郯? ? ? 郯?
郯? ? Save and Restore with BackItUp 2. ? 郯?
郯?? ?郯?
苓 郯? Backup your entire system up on spanning over 郯?哕
? 郯? several CDs/DVDs, schedule an automatic backup with 郯? ?
哕?郯? Job Scheduler, drag and drop the files you want to 郯?苘?
咣苒 save, create an FTP backup, or password protect your 圮圻
郯圻? data. Whichever you choose, Nero 7 makes sure that 苓郯?
郯? ? your important files stay right where you need them. ? 郯?
郯? ? ? 郯?
郯?? ?郯?
苓 郯? Make your memories last a lifetime-and then some 郯?哕
? 郯? 郯? ?
哕?郯? The days of storing your photos in huge, heavy photo 郯?苘?
咣苒 albums are over. With Nero 7 Premium, you can store, 圮圻
郯圻? manage and edit all of your digital photos with 苓郯?
郯? ? ease. In addition to that, you can turn your photos ? 郯?
郯? and videos into slideshows, add transitions and 郯?
郯? music, burn them to DVD, and then give them to 郯?
舶? friends and family to watch on their DVD players. 郯?
懿 安佰苘苘 苘苘 苘苘 苘苘郯舶 曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? 苓? 哌哌圹圮苒膊敗??
苒卟鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹膊鄄咣?
捃?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 哕?
捋?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? 苘圹圹圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹? RELEASE INFO 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌? ?
苒膊圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹圹膊圮
? 膊圹圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹鄄? ?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
哕 舶? ?? ?? 郯? 苓
圮 郯圹 ?苒 圮 ?圹佰 苒
圹舶?圮哌 哌苒 郯槽?
哕 郾佰苓 哕郯臂 苓
圮郾佰 苓 Use the included keymaker to register ... 哕 郯臂苒
郾卑槽 鄄氨臂
? 郾佰哕 ** WORKING NOTE ** 苓郯臂 ?
? 苓舶? The keygen by DVT does not seem to work very well, 郯策? ?
哕? 郯? since the only way nero accepts its keys is in the 郯? 苘?
哌圮? installer, which basically patches the keys into the 圮圻?
郯圻? registry. This also means you can t switch versions 苓郯?
郯? ? ultra to premium or vice versa , nor register any ? 郯?
郯? ? plugins, since you do all this through the ? 郯?
郯? ProductCenter in Nero StartSmart. Our serials pass 郯?
郯? *all* the checks, so enjoy a fully working release. 郯?
舶? 郯?
懿 安佰苘苘 苘苘 苘苘 苘苘郯舶 曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? 苓? 哌哌圹圮苒膊敗??
苒卟鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹膊鄄咣?
捃?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 哕?
捋?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? 苘圹圹圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹? NEWS 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌? ?
苒鄄圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹鄄圹圮
? 膊圹圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹鄄? ?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
哕 舶? ?? ?? 郯? 苓
圮 郯圹 ?苒 圮 ?圹佰 苒
圹舶?圮哌 哌苒 郯槽?
哕 郾佰苓 哕郯臂 苓
圮郾佰 苓 EMBRACE has been around since october 2000, and most 哕 郯臂苒
郾卑槽 of its members for much longer. We exist to serve the 鄄氨臂
? 郾佰哕 scene with quality releases, and to help the scene 苓郯臂 ?
? 苓舶? maintain some vestige of its former self, without the 郯策? ?
哕? 郯? carders and lamers prevalent in these turbulent times. 郯? 苘?
哌圮? 圮圻?
郯圻? 苓郯?
郯? ?We ve been silent for a while, but it is once again ? 郯?
郯? ?time for us to step up and show everyone how its done. ? 郯?
郯?? The scene is growing older and is getting stuck in its ?郯?
苓 郯? ways, and we intend to do everything we can to make 郯?哕
? 郯? the scene move forward instead of standing still. In 郯? ?
哕?郯? the mean time we ll dedicate ourselves to bringing you 郯?苘?
咣苒 quality keygens, as ever. Expect to hear from us 圮圻
郯圻? 苓郯?
郯? ? ? 郯?
郯? EMBRACE does this for fun, not for profit. 郯?
郯? 郯?
郯? 郯?
懿 安佰苘苘 苘苘 苘苘 苘苘郯舶 曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? 苓? 哌哌圹圮苒膊敗??
苒卟鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹膊鄄咣?
捃?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 哕?
捋?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? 苘圹圹圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹? DISCLAIMER 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌? ?
苒鄄圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹鄄圹圮
? 膊圹圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹鄄? ?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
舶? ?? ?? 郯?
郯圹 ?苒 苒? D I S C L A I M E R 苒? 圮 ?圹佰
鄄佰 圮哌 ? ? 哌苒 郯槽
郾佰苓 哕郯臂
苒卑?苓 EMBRACE, nor its members, can be held responsible 哕 郯臂?
郾卑槽 for anything they release. If it is illegal in your 鄄氨臂
?郾佰哕 country as it is in most , you ARE NOT ALLOWED to 苓郯臂 ?
?苓舶?? use it, under any circumstances. We are in the scene ?郯策??
哕 郯?咣 for the fun, NOT to harm software developers. Good 圻 郯? 苓
哌圮?? software deserves your respect, go buy it ?圮圻?
?郯圻? 苓郯??
圹苒佰 ? ? 郯圮圹
哌圹? ? Our software is released as is . We are in no way ? 圹圻?
苒? 郯圹? to be blamed for anything that happens to your pc if 咣郯?
?苓 郯?? you use this. The author here by disclaims all the ?郯?哕
? 郯? ? warranties related to this software, expresed or ? 郯? ?
哕?郯?? implid, including damage to hardware/software and/or ?郯?苘?
咣苒 any date from the user of this product. 苒?圮圻
?郯圻? 哕咣佰 ?
苒 郯? ? Your use of this product assumes that you have read ? 郯? 圮
圹?郯? ?and accepted this disclaimer. ? 郯?苒?
哌圹佰 ? ? 郯圹哌
苒? 圹?苓 哕 圹? 苒?
??郯圹? 苒郯???
? 郯?圹圮苘 ?哌 ? ?哌 ? 苘苒圹 郯? ?
哕圮圹哌 咣圹 苒苘苘苘圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘圮苘苘苒苘苘苘苘苘 圹圻 哌圹苒苓
舶?苘苒圹?氨膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊膊卑 圹圹苘?郯?
懿 安佰圹圹圻?苘苘 哌哌哌邊哌哌哌哌咣哌哌哌哌策哌哌哌哌 苘苘 哌圹圹圹安?曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? ? 苒哌哌苘 ? ?苒? 苓? 哌哌圹圮苒膊敗??
苒鄄鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? 佰? ?苓? 苘曹馨 ? ? 苒?哌圮 哌圹膊鄄圹?
捋?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? ?膊?苘? ?苒膊策卟膊曹? 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 咣?
捋?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮?卟槽? ?咣策 卟膊槽槽圹圻哌哌 懿圹圹策?苒?
咣哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹膊苘? 苓 苒? 薏圹哌 苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘膊? 哌 GREETS ? 膊曹苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌? 苘圹圹圹鄄圹膊膊 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 膊槽槽圹圹圹圹苘 哌? ?
苘哌哕?咣圻哌?苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌圹?苘哌哕?
苓 ? 捋 ?苓哌哌 哌哌哕 ?圯 ? 哕
? ?? 苓 ? ? 哕 ?? ?
圮舶?? ?郯曹?
咣圹? 苒圹?
舶圻? ? 圻郯?
卑?膊 苘苒圹 鄄 郯?
卑?? Greetings to ? 哌哌哌咣? ?郯?
苘卑? ? 舶避?
懿策弑佰 ? TEAMS The ones that deserve it ? 郯邊咣曹
鄄 舶? 舶? 膊
卟曹苒安 ? PERSONAL Everyone who deserves it ? 舶圮懿策
哌圹圮 ? 苒圹哌
郯策? 圹苘苘苘? ? 策舶?
舶?膊 圹圻哌 鄄 舶??
?安安 ? ? ?舶舶 ?
?苘鄄槽? 苒膊圮??
?策?膊哌苘哌哌哕? 苘哌哌哕苓卟?哌?
草 斑苓哕苒 圹苘苓哌 哌哕苘圹 圮苓哕甙 捋
曹 苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮 苒圹圹圻哌哌 懿圹圹策? 懿
哌? 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苒圻?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌?
鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹? CONTACT US 圹圮苘苘苘?哌哌卟膊膊? ?
哌?苘苘圹圹圹圹圹圹圹 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 圹圹圹圹圹圹圹苘苘 哌卟
苒鄄圹圹圹圻哌哌 苘苘苘苒? 咣苘苘苘?哌哌咣圹圹圹槽圮
哌槽圹?苘圻哌哌 哌哌咣苘 苒圹策?
哕?? 圹 ? ?圹 ?曹?
舶? ?? ?? 郯?
郯圹 ?苒 圮 ?圹佰
?鄄佰 圮哌 Contact us 哌苒 郯槽 ?
? 郾佰苓 ? 哕郯臂 ?
苓 郾佰哕 WWW NOT/NEVER AVAILABLE 卟?苘圹圮苘 苓郯臂 哕
? 苓舶? 卟策? 哌曹 郯策? ?
哕? 郯? 鄄 郯? 苘?
哌圮? don t try to contact us, if we need you 膊 圮圻?
郯圻? we will contact you. 苘策 苓郯?
舶?? 鄄 圮郯?
懿 安佰哕苘 苘苘 苘鄄膊曹苘苒鄄郯舶 曹
?苘安槽苘圹圻哌? 哌? 苘苒圻哌 哌哌鄄鄄膊膊敗??
苒卟鄄槽圻? 苒哌 苒? ? 苒哌? 苒?哌圮 哌鄄膊鄄咣?
蒈?斑策苘圹 圹苘苘? 圹 圮 哕苘苒?圹苘卟甙 哕?
蒇?苓槽圹鄄?哌哌咣圹圹圮? ? 咣苒鄄膊鄄圹哌哌?懿圹圹策?苒?
哕哌 圹圹膊膊膊膊苘苘 哌圹? 苓 哕 卟策?苘苘膊膊膊膊圹圹 哌苓
? 鄄膊膊哌哌?苘苘苘苘圹圮 苒 苒?圮 苘苘?苘 懿圹苘苘苘苘 哌哌卟膊膊? ?
? 哌圹圹苘?? 哌咣? ? 圹哌? ?苘苒圹圻? ?
哌哌圹圮? 苘圹圻哌?
圹? NFO last updated 24 nov 2004 圹?
苓哌 哕 Created by tross / cRo 苓 哌哕
? ?
苘苓 苘苘苘苘 苘苘苘苘 哕苘
圹圮苘圹哌 苒? 咣? 哌圹苘苒圹
哌哌? ? ?哌 ? ? 哌哌?
? ? 苘 ? ?
? ? ?
? ?苘 ? ?
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