![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071178.jpg)
已通過殺毒軟件檢測:金山毒霸2006,病毒庫 2006-2-9
已經過運行測試,測試平台: Windows XP SP2
共享服務器名稱:Razorback 2.0
去年,微軟收購了一些小型安全公司,另外還包括在2003年6月收購的GeCAD軟件反病毒技術和知識產權(IP)、2004年12月收購的Giant AntiSpyware、2005年2月的Sybari Software、2005年7月的FrontBridge Technologies。現在的安全軟件制造商,包括Symantec,雖然聲稱不會對微軟進行反病毒起訴,但已經開始對微軟即將入侵安全軟件市場這一舉動充滿抱怨。最近已經有消息發布,明年Windows Vista的大多數版本(包括Home Basic Edition)都將包含反病毒、反垃圾郵件和反間諜軟件技術。雖然微軟也給其它安全軟件制造商留出了空間,但究竟在實質上能夠留下多少空間還尚待分曉。
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071154.jpg)
圖2 掃描結束
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071255.jpg)
圖3 OneCare主窗口
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071251.jpg)
圖4 OneCare優化過程結束
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071303.jpg)
圖5 OneCare優化報告
作為對Windows平台內一些間諜軟件、惡意代碼和小范圍病毒潛在威脅的回應,微軟將最近獲得的安全技術與自己的In-house機制相結合來打造OneCare Live(開發代碼為Atlanta)。微軟的市場部門發布了OneCare一些主要功能的摘要:
對Windows 2000用戶而言,有一個壞消息:Windows OneCare Live需要Windows XP或更高版本。測試的版本是Beta版,最終版本會有一些改變。下面是OneCare Live系統需求的詳細列表:
Windows XP家庭版、專業版、媒體中心版或Tablet PC版(SP2),Beta版需要英文版
Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP SP2 (IE 6.0.2900.2180)
300 MHz或更高的CPU
256 MB內存
550 MB可用硬盤空間(在系統分區)
56 kbps或更快的Internet連接(建議使用寬帶接入Internet)
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071305.jpg)
圖6 開始掃描
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071478.jpg)
圖7 掃描窗口
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071479.jpg)
圖8 掃描結束
OneCare能夠自動更新,類似於Windows XP SP2自動更新功能打開時的情況。用戶也可以通過手動方式進行自動更新。
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071487.jpg)
圖9 後台更新
就象你期望的那樣,Windows OneCare大多數時間會最小化到系統托盤,就象多數反病毒軟件一樣。OneCare有時會彈出一個警告信息,這個警告是從微軟網站發出的,提示用戶有新的可能的安全威脅、軟件更新等。這正應了OneCare Live中的“live”一詞。
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071493.jpg)
圖10 OneCare警告信息
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071518.jpg)
圖11 OneCare的優化功能
OneCare也包括了一個防火牆,與Windows XP SP2的防火牆非常類似,或者說幾乎完全相同。
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071521.jpg)
圖12 OneCare防火牆
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071531.jpg)
圖13 OneCare備份提醒
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071600.jpg)
圖14 OneCare捕獲一個病毒
如果某些IE窗口包含ActiveX控制,Windows OneCare能夠在清除惡意ActiveX控制之前,自動凍結與關閉之些IE窗口。
OneCare Live的響應
Exploit:JS/Msdds.A (病毒)
YourSiteBar (間諜軟件)
TrojanDownloader:Win32/Small.ADR (嵌入JPEG文件的病毒)
Gator (間諜軟件)
Mirror_plugin.exe (間諜軟件)
沒有檢測到 (關閉了網絡傳輸)
同時應該注意到OneCare是一種注冊服務,類似於Norton AntiVirus。OneCare的擁有者將獲得一年的標准更新。如果希望得到更長時間的更新,則需要繼續購買這種注冊服務。許多用戶有喜歡這種“軟件即服務”的購買模式,因為這種模式使得用戶無法在真正地完全擁有這款軟件想用多久就用多久。
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071606.jpg)
圖15 OneCare基於安全注冊的產品
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071675.jpg)
圖16 關於屏幕
English Introduction: Step 1: Check out the Windows OneCare icon in the notification area of your Windows taskbar.
This icon lets you know that Windows OneCare is running in the background while you go about your regular tasks. The icon has three colors to alert you to your Windows OneCare status.
A green icon means that your status is Good. Protection Plus features like antivirus and firewall are up-to-date, your computer is not due for a tune-up or a backup, there are no actions to take requiring your attention. Windows OneCare is running in the background, monitoring your system to prevent threats like viruses or spyware.
A yellow icon means that your status is Fair. Usually this means that you have an action to take, such as scheduling or running a tune-up or backup, or downloading a non-critical update. A yellow icon means there is no immediate threat to your system, but you should take care of the action as soon as you can to return your system to green.
A red icon means that your computer is At Risk. This can happen if, for example, Windows OneCare is unable to update Antivirus with the latest virus definitions due to a lost Internet connection, or if the Windows OneCare Firewall is turned off.
Step 2: GET GREEN. Get to know the Windows OneCare interface and set your protection, performance, and backup preferences.
Double-click the Windows OneCare icon to open the main window. Take a few moments to get to know the interface and to set up how you want Windows OneCare to handle tasks like backup and tune-up.
![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071215071727.jpg)
Common Tasks lists quick links to functions such as virus scanning and backup.
Other Tasks is where you can set your preferences for automatic tasks and manage your subscription.
The Help Center is your go-to page for answers to common how do I...? questions.
Your overall PC health status is shown here. If this area is not green, Windows OneCare will display what actions you need to take (with links to instructions or more information) to get your PC back on track.
You can find the current versions and status for Windows OneCare features here.
And here you’ll find more links to common tasks, including checking for antivirus updates.
Step 3: STAY GREEN. Follow up on Windows OneCare Actions to Take and Advisories.
If Windows OneCare shows a yellow or red icon in the notification area, double-click the icon to open the main window. You’ll find instructions under Actions to Take to restore your status to green.
Keep your Windows OneCare installation up-to-date. Go to www.windowsonecare.com to manage your Windows OneCare subscription, as well as to get tips for keeping your family and your personal information safe on the Internet.
About your first tune-up and backup
After installation, Windows OneCare will automatically run your first tune-up at 1:00 AM. After that, regular tune-ups are set to run every four weeks at 1:00 AM. Tune-ups can take awhile, so we set the default tune-up time for the middle of the night when you probably won t be using the computer. (Remember, your computer must be turned on for the tune-up to run ) Or if you prefer, you can set your own tune-up schedule by going to View or change settings. You can also click Run Tune-up in the Windows OneCare main window to run one directly.
Windows OneCare checks whether you’ve backed up your important files, and so it will prompt you to run a backup shortly after the 1:00 AM tune-up is complete. If you do not have a means to make backup discs (that is, there is no writeable CD or DVD drive (CD-RW or DVD-RW) connected to your computer), you can change your backup settings so that Windows OneCare will not check for backups.
To view and change your Windows OneCare settings:
Double-click the Windows OneCare icon to open the Windows OneCare main window.
Click View or change settings under Other Tasks in the left column. The Windows OneCare Settings window will open.
Click the Tune-up tab to view and change your tune-up settings.
Click the Backup tab to view and change your backup settings.