版本號: CS2
軟件語言: 英文版本
運行環境: /2000/XP
軟件大小: 104MB
軟件分類: 國產軟件 / 注冊版 / 圖形工具
Adobe GoLive CS2 software lets you unlock the power of CSS with intuitive visual tools such as prebuilt CSS objects that you can drag and drop to build sophisticated sites. Jump-start your designs by easily converting Adobe InDesign layouts into Web pages. Or, design Web and mobile content in an advanced, standards-based coding environment.
Enhanced live rendering
Preview changes to Web and mobile content in a real-time, integrated engine built on the Opera reg; browser that supports Small-Screen Rendering (SSR).
Simple visual tools to build and edit CSS-based pages
Build Web pages that conform to open standards using innovative new visual CSS workflows based on the CSS Editor and CSS prebuilt block objects.
Visual CSS authoring for mobile devices
Easily author and validate standards-compliant CSS content for mobile devices using simple visual tools.
Visual SVG-t inspection and authoring for mobile
View SVG-t content in split-view interfaces, enabling art tree, source, and XML outline views and access to an animation scrubbing timeline for rapid development.
Total site management
Track and manage everything in your site, from assets to links, uploading content using Secure FTP and WebDAV via SSH or SSL. Easily synchronize local and remote files.
Complete development environment for OMA, W3C, and 3GPP standards
Develop for mobile using global industry standards, including CSS, XHTML, SVG Tiny, SMIL, MPEG-4, and more.
Collaborative asset management
Track your team-based projects using popular content versioning systems like Perforce, CVS, or Version Cue reg;, or use Local/Network File System Directory Versioning.
Quick Start developer mode
Open GoLive in a comfortable, code-only mode — great for developers who still want access to GoLive site management features.
Automated favicon creation
Reduce the time it takes to create favicons, using an easy drag-and-drop interface.
Enhanced InDesign Package for GoLive
Transfer assets from Adobe InDesign reg; software to GoLive with drag-and-drop ease, open an InDesign package in GoLive and export to XHTML to jump-start your site, or flow tagged InDesign content into CSS templates.
專業的、基於標准的 Web 和移動設備許可
使用 Adobe GoLive CS2 軟件,您可以借助直觀的可視工具(如預先構建的 CSS 對象,可通過拖放這些對象來構建復雜的站點)充分利用 CSS 的功能。 將 Adobe InDesign reg; 版面方便地轉換為 Web 頁面,從而加快設計的速度。 此外,還可以在基於標准的高級編碼環境中設計 Web 和移動設備內容。
Intel reg; Pentium reg; III 或 4 處理器
Microsoft reg; Windows reg; 2000(帶有 Service Pack 3 或 4)或 Windows XP(帶有 Service Pack 1 或 2)
192 MB 內存(推薦 256 MB)
700 MB 可用硬盤空間
1,024x768 監視器分辨率(帶有 16 位視頻卡)
CD-ROM 驅動器
對於 Adobe PostScript reg; 打印機:PostScript Level 2 或 PostScript 3
多媒體功能需要 QuickTime 6.5;移動設備創作需要 QuickTime 3GPP 組件
需要通過 Internet 或電話連接進行激活
Adobe Stock Photos 需要寬帶 Internet 連接(Adobe Stock Photos 服務可能不適用於某些國家或地區、語言和貨幣,而且此項服務可能會發生變化。 此服務的使用受 Adobe Stock Photos (美國) 服務條款的約束。