應用平台:Windows NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003, Server 2008 (64), Server 2008 R2 (64), and Windows 7
借助無代理應用虛擬化,可加快應用程序部署速度,並簡化 應用程序遷移。借助 ThinApp,可將應用程序打包到單個可執行文件中,這些可執行文件將在相互完全隔離並與操作系統完全隔離的狀態下運行,從而實現在端點設備上無沖突地執行。應用程序包可以部署到不同的 Windows 平台,從而消除了成本高昂的重新編碼和回歸測試,使您能將現有應用程序輕松遷移到 Windows 7。
借助 Windows 7 支持延長舊版應用程序的壽命
由於無需重新編碼、重新測試和重新認證,因此可將舊版應用程序迅速遷移到 Windows 7。通過對舊版應用程序進行虛擬化以便在 Windows 7 上部署,可以節省應用程序移植成本。更快的部署速度以及更少的測試,使得業務應用程序將能更快用於生產、最大限度減少停機時間,並降低業務風險。此外,如果您已借助適用於 XP 或其他版本 Windows 的 ThinApp 對應用程序打包,則可借助 Relink 將它們輕松轉換為 ThinApp Windows 7 格式。
可將整個應用程序及其設置打包到一個可部署到許多 Windows 操作環境的可執行文件中。這些 虛擬應用程序將相互隔離,並與操作系統隔離。打包的應用程序可以彼此識別但都獨立執行,而且對底層操作系統沒有任何修改,從而消除應用程序之間以及應用程序與操作系統之間的沖突。
應用虛擬化可將應用程序封裝到一個 .MSI 或 .EXE 可執行文件中。僅需插入一個 .MSI 或 .EXE 文件,即可部署虛擬系統環境(包括注冊表項、DLL、第三方庫及框架),而無需在端點設備上安裝任何代理。
由於技術原因或與數據隔離有關的問題,每台服務器一個應用程序的模式需要專用硬件用於無法共存的特定應用程序。借助 VMware ThinApp,可以消除這些應用程序小環境,從而提高現有資產的利用率,同時使得應用程序更加便於管理和部署。
無論是在路上還是在辦公室中,都能使您的用戶在他們具有訪問權限的幾乎任何一台計算機(包括信息亭和賓館 PC)上進行可靠而靈活的應用程序訪問。用戶不需要安裝軟件或設備驅動程序,也不需要擁有管理權限。可以直接從可移動存儲設備(包括閃存驅動器)運行應用程序。
ThinApp 動態應用程序交付無需額外的服務器或數據庫。以 .MSI 或 .EXE 格式創建的應用程序包將被復制到端點,或者通過文件共享執行。單個映像可執行文件可以集成到現有的企業軟件交付系統或流程中。還可使用 ThinApp SDK 或標准腳本編寫語言(如 VB、C 或 Java)進行自定義集成。
VMware ThinApp 實現了應用程序與底層操作系統的隔離,並將應用程序直接插入現有的虛擬及物理桌面管理工具和基礎架構之中,從而簡化了應用程序的交付過程。ThinApp 將應用程序封裝在一個虛擬操作系統中,該虛擬操作系統以透明方式將虛擬系統環境與真實系統環境融為一體。
全面支持 Windows 7
ThinApp 現在支持 Windows 7。現在,您可以將較舊 Windows 版本(如 Windows XP 和 Windows Vista)中的舊版應用程序打包到 ThinApp 包中,以便部署到 Windows 7 上。這樣可以避免成本高昂的重新編寫代碼和回歸測試,並能更快、更安全地將業務應用程序部署到 Windows 7。
如果您曾使用先前版本的 ThinApp 創建了應用程序包,則無需使用應用程序的相關項目文件,即可將這些現有的包升級為新的 ThinApp 4.5 格式。此實用程序可以加快現有 ThinApp 包的升級過程。
通過降低虛擬應用程序的頁面文件使用率和增加多個應用程序實例之間共享的內存容量,可改善向最終用戶的應用程序交付並使他們能夠更快地調用應用程序。這有助於改善用戶的 ThinApp 使用體驗,同時減少網絡帶寬使用量。
現在,客戶可以選擇在捕獲開始時與 VMware 共享應用程序打包結果,或通過 社區用戶網絡貢獻應用程序打包提示和訣竅。通過為用戶構建此支持體系,我們將會更好地了解產品的使用情況,進而提供更好的產品支持。
Run any version of virtually any application on a single operating system without conflicts. You can even run multiple versions of the same application. Plug VMware ThinApp, formerly known as Thinstall, into your existing management infrastructure and accelerate your software development and desktop deployment. Deliver and deploy applications more efficiently, more securely, and more cost-effectively with agentless application virtualization.
100% Agentless Application Virtualization
Application isolation. VIsolated applications run in a virtual bubble in restricted user accounts without requiring any host modification. Deploy Office 97, 2003, 2007, and .NET applications on the same OS without conflict as the applications run independent of one another.
Zero-runtime execution. With no installed agent, no footprint is left on the endpoint device. Applications run directly from the compressed state without first caching data to the hard disk, achieving better performance and security of data.
100% User Mode execution. Client runs on locked-down, unmanaged kiosk PCs without Admin rights to execute applications, enabling it to be used on managed and unmanaged PC.
Block-by-block network streaming. Applications virtualized execute once the minimum amount of code required to run the application is available in the desktops memory. For example, less than 10% of Microsoft Office needs to be physically streamed to the client in order for it to run. LAN streaming has an average start-up time of just a few seconds.
Sandbox environments for terminal services. Provide sandboxing for applications running in a terminal services environment so that multiple users can run their own sandboxed application without affecting each other. If one instance of the application tries to make system-wide changes, other users running the same applications are not affected.
64-bit operating system support. Enables applications to be virtualized and run on 64-bit systems.
Execution on thin clients. Tested and certified to run virtualized applications on Windows XP-based thin clients.
Compatibility with a broad range of applications. Proven deployments on simple-to-complex applications ranging from basic Microsoft Office to custom applications with Java or .NET.
Conflict-free Application Delivery
Active Directory integration. VMware ThinApp does not require any distribution, streaming, or activation servers or agents. It works with AD, ESD enforcement tools, and open protocols so no additional hardware, software licenses and ongoing maintenance costs for backend infrastructure is required.
Execution from USB key with portable profiles/user settings. Enable a user to run critical applications from a USB key while maintaining corporate security requirements.
Integration with 3rd-party application management solutions. Creates .MSI and/or .EXE file that plugs into existing electronic software delivery systems (Inventory, Configuration Management Database, Definitive Software Library, Packagers) without additional integrations required.
Application Sync. Enables application updates for mobile users as well as third parties on the corporate extranet, ensuring availability of the latest version of the application, reducing patch risks to machines that are taken off the network. Update virtual applications via http/https over the LAN or WAN leveraging existing software delivery systems.
Simplified Application Packaging
Application Link. Allows packaged applications to dynamically establish dependencies ("links") with other packaged applications. Administers create separate packages of interdependent components such as Java or .NET runtimes and the applications that rely on them. Each component is delivered independently while sharing resources across multiple ThinApp packages.
Package it once, deliver to many. Execute a packaged application on Windows NT, Windows PE, or XP Embedded without retesting or repackaging the application for each operating system.
System snapshots. Provides administrators with a rapid three-step process for pre- and post-install system states for packaging simplicity and for supporting applications that require a reboot during the installation process.
ISV embeddable. Organizations can deliver their custom application throughout their extranet using VMware ThinApp application virtualization technology.
Home Page - www.vmware.com/
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