《Photomatix曝光混合濾鏡》(Photomatix Tone Mapping Plug-In)v2.0.2/x86+x64/含注冊機[壓縮包] | |
下載分級 | 软件资源 |
資源類別 | 應用軟件 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/17 |
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問題反饋: [email protected]
網站鏈接: http://www.hdrsoft.com/download/pluginwin.html
Tone Mapping Plug-In for Photoshop 是 Photomatix Pro 將其調節映射(Tone Mapping)功能以濾鏡插件的形式制作成可用於 Photoshop CS2/CS3/CS4 的插件程序。
Photomatix Pro 是一款數字照片處理軟件,它能夠把不同曝光程度的多張照片混合到一張照片中,並保持高光和陰影區的細節。Photomatix 提供了兩種不同的解決方案:
多重曝光(Exposure Fusion) - 將不同曝光量的照片迭加在一起,從而擴大照片的動態范圍;
調節映射(HDR Tone Mapping) - 將高光過曝和缺少暗部細節的照片同時放入 HDR 文件內組合曝光,處理過後的照片保證出色的印刷質量。
你要做的只是打開在同一場景下拍攝的不同曝光度的照片,然後選擇一個曝光混合方法。Photomatix Pro 能讓你在6種聯合模式中選擇:平均+5種曝光混合方法,每個方法都基於不同的算法。最新 3.x 升級版提供了對諸多新上市的數碼相機,如 佳能 EOS 450D、尼康 D60 等的 RAW 文件的支持,功能和用戶界面都有所改進,值得一試。
Requirements Requirements:
The 32-bit edition of the Plug-In is compatible with Photoshop CS2, CS3, CS4 and CS5. It also works with Photoshop CS, Photoshop 7.0 and Photoshop Elements 4.0 and 5.0. However, it will be limited to images in 16 bits/channel in those cases, as only Photoshop CS2 or higher supports HDR images.
The 64-bit edition of the Plug-In can only be installed on a 64-bit OS and requires the 64-bit edition of Photoshop CS4 or CS5.
Installation instructions for the Tone Mapping Plug-In 32-bit:
1. Double-click on the file you downloaded to launch the installation setup wizard.
2. By default, the setup wizard points to the Plug-Ins directory of Photoshop CS4 and in English language.
If you have Photoshop CS5 instead, please select the Plug-Ins directory of Photoshop CS5:
C:/Program Files/Adobe/Photoshop CS5/Plug-Ins/
If you have Photoshop CS3, then select the Plug-Ins directory of Photoshop CS3:
C:/Program Files/Adobe/Photoshop CS3/Plug-Ins/
And if you have Photoshop CS2, then select the Plug-Ins directory of Photoshop CS2:
C:/Program Files/Adobe/Photoshop CS2/Plug-Ins/
If your language version of Photoshop is other than English, you may have to select another Plug-Ins folder name (for instance, "Zusatzmodule" in German, "Modules externes" in French, "Plug-In" in Italian, "Plugins" in Spanish, "Ekstramoduler" in Danish, ...)
3. Start or restart Photoshop.
4. Merge images to HDR or open an image.
5. Choose Filter > Photomatix > Tone Mapping.
Installation instructions for the Tone Mapping Plug-In 64-bit:
1. Double-click on the file you downloaded to launch the installation setup wizard.
2. By default, the setup wizard points to the Plug-Ins directory of Photoshop CS4 64-bit in English language.
If you have Photoshop CS5 instead, please select the Plug-Ins directory of Photoshop CS5:
C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)/Plug-ins/
If your language version of Photoshop is other than English, you may have to select another Plug-Ins folder name (for instance, "Zusatzmodule" in German, "Modules externes" in French, "Plug-In" in Italian, "Plugins" in Spanish, "Ekstramoduler" in Danish, ...)
3. Start or restart Photoshop.
4. Merge images to HDR or open an image.
5. Choose Filter > Photomatix > Tone Mapping.
The Tone Mapping plug-in processes High Dynamic Range images in order to reveal their details in highlights and shadows.
The resulting image can then be converted into an 8-bit or 16-bit file that shows the whole dynamic range available in the original HDR image. Because the tonal range has been compressed while maintaining local contrast, the tone mapped image is ready for display on standard monitors and prints.
The Tone Mapping plug-in can also be applied to a 16-bit image resulting from RAW conversion.
Updated in version 2.0:
- Added Tone Compressor tone mapping method.
- Multi-threading support: complete multi-threading for Tone Compressor method and partial for Details Enhancer method.
- Added support for tone mapping larger files than was previously possible
- Details Enhancer's Light Smoothing setting (renamed "Smoothing" in v1.1) has now two modes. The new mode is in the form of a slider and produces a slightly different effect. The behavior of previous versions corresponds to the "Light" mode which is in the form of five buttons named "Min", "Low", "Mid", "High" and "Max".
- Details Enhancer's Highlights Smoothness setting (i.e. the setting that avoids grey highlights and preserves "clean" skies) has been significantly improved.
- Added built-in presets for Details Enhancer. Presets are "Natural", "Smooth Skies", "Painterly" and "Grunge", and are accessible from the Presets combo-box.
- Added buttons for 'Undo' and 'Redo' of the last settings done
- Bug fixed: Tone mapping a large file sometimes causes Photoshop to crash when there is insufficient memory to perform the operation
Updated in version 1.2:
- Added six new settings: Gamma, Color Temperature, Saturation Highlights, Saturation Shadows, Highlights Smoothing, Shadows Smoothing and Shadows Clipping.
- Bug fixed: scripting should now be correctly supported.
- Bug fixed: actions calling the Tone Mapping plug-in should now play with the correct settings.
- Bug fixed: trying the plug-in on the new layer of an HDR image should not crash Photoshop anymore.
Updated in version 1.1:
- Added setting "Micro-smoothing". This setting smoothes out local details enhancements, which has for effect of reducing noise in the sky for instance and tends to give a "cleaner" look to the tone mapped image.
- Made the settings sticky.
- Renamed setting "Smoothing" into "Light Smoothing" and "Microcontrast" into "Micro-contrast", and changed the controls of both settings from pull-down menus to sliders. A value of "High" for Light Smoothing is now the equivalent of +1.
- Extended the range of setting "Light Smoothing": it can now take a value of +2 (equivalent of "Very High") as maximum instead of +1 (equivalent of "High").
- Fixed bug that produced almost black output, or white corners with some images.
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