應用平台:win 7/xp
這是剛剛發布不久的RayFire Tool最新版本,熟悉它的人都知道它的功能相當強大,在此不做贅述。
安裝方法:將壓縮包內的所有文件(那個.nfo文件除外)復制到Max的安裝目錄下並覆蓋即可,打開Max後找到RayFrie Tool點擊打開,會彈出需要注冊的對話框,輸入注冊碼即可。注冊碼在.nfo文件裡,用記事本將它打開即可
RayFire Tool feature list:
■NVidia PhysX Rigid Body support via RayFire user interface. Newest RayFire Tool 1.5 supports PhysX for 32 and 64 bit 3ds Max versions.
■NVidia PhysX Influence. Allows You to affect on objects in sumulation by forces, spacewarps and mouse cursor. Animatable Time Scale property allows You to create Bullet Time effect in a seconds.
■Glueing. Allows you to glue objects together and break connections between them during simulation.
■Interactive Demolition System for NVidia PhysX engine. Creates dynamic simulation and demolishes objects accordingly to their material and collision strength. Each fragment can demolish further with proper amount of collision strength.
■Different Fragmentation types. Allows you to fragment geometry objects. RayFire Tool supports Irregular, Uniform, Voronoi, Wood splinters fragmentation types. Ability to draw cuts over your objects by mouse.
■Explosion. Allows you to realistically explode objects.
■Reactor Rigid Body support via RayFire user interface.
■Reactor Hit, Displace, and Holes Impact dformations for shooting.
■Various effects for shooting, such as Impact flash, Muzzle Flash, Particle Debris, Geometry Debris, Fragmented Debris from Holes, Smoke, Sparks, Blood, Decals, Bullets and any Custom objects which you can define by yourself.
■Interactive Layer Manager. Allows you to interactively change properties in the already created effects, select, hide/unhide, freeze/unfreeze and delete any created layer or effect.
■Automatic update system.
Note: RayFire Tool 1.5 supports new Nvidia PhysX plugin 2.0 for 3ds Max but doesn't provide it. To use PhysX support via RayFire You need to get it and install manually from Nvidia developers zone since Nvidia doesn't allow any kind of distribution of their plugin.
You can get PhysX plugin 2.0 HERE.
Older RayFire Tool 1.46 contains all PhysX engine files inside it's installer, but it supports older Nvidia PhysX plugin version which doesn't support 64 bit 3ds Max.
安全檢測軟件:卡巴斯基安全部隊2011和360安全衛士 7.3正式版
已經過安裝測試,測試系統為windows 7 64位,Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 64位英文版。
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