UnitWriter 2 Software
for creating Curry/Samara Model units of study
Develop rich, exciting units of study for regular, gifted and inclusion classrooms with this user friendly, multi-faceted program. CSM units can also be used to support RTI initiatives; and because research has shown significant increases in student performance with ongoing use of our Model, training for and use of CSM materials is covered by many funding sources.
* Planning for differentiated instruction so that all students can engage in meaningful activities is made easy by the matrix format of our curriculum planning tool.
* Addressing thinking skills in the classroom is facilitated by built in guides and "cheat sheets" to assure varied instruction utilizing a wide range of thinking skills and learning styles.
* Authentic assessment is an integral part of creating curriculum using our software. Hundreds of product ideas, in four modalities are built into the program.
* Incorporating state standards into curriculum planning is simple. Standards for several states are included in a data base format (IL, IN, KY, MI, NC, OH, TX), and UnitWriter 2 provides links to every state department’s accountability page. Using the new “Add Custom Standards” function you can easily cut and paste a code and full text description into your lesson plan and matrix.
★ 請慎用自動升級功能,以免破解失效。
軟件類型: 應用軟件-教育教學
軟件性質: 無插件綠色軟件 / 共享軟件
應用平台: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
資源發布: 大軟件分享基地
版權聲明: 軟件版權歸原作者及原軟件公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版軟件,所提供之軟件只供學習用,由此產生的任何法律問題和經濟損失蓋不負責。
共享時間: 全天長期做種
共享服務器: eDonkeyServer No2
測試通過操作系統: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 (雲端版目前僅支持在32位 Windows 下運行)
查毒情況: 使用 Avira AntiVir 英文版(程序版本:,病毒庫版本:查毒,未發現報毒情況。
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