操作系統:Windows Vista & XP
Printers Apprentice是一款超強的字體管理工具,可用來查看字體及安裝與反安裝字體、且程序會自動搜尋硬盤中所有字體、 讓你方便的查看管理任何字體。對於字體管理是一套相當優秀的工具軟件。
Printers Apprentice 是一個用來管理字型檔案安裝、移除及字型檢閱的應用程序。直覺式的操作接口及明確的功能顯示,讓你在字型的操作管理及檢示方面更加的得心應手!
想在 Windows 中安裝新字型的人都知道,如果想要安裝一個新字型檔案,在安裝前只能在控制台的字型中看到它的字型名稱 (只看名稱誰知道這個字型長得如何呢?),或者需要直接執行字型文件才能看到它的字型顯示 (中文字型顯示更是要連續執行兩次才能出現中文字的展示畫面),而如果你需要安裝很多的字型,這樣重復尋找、檢示的動作真是讓人一個頭兩個大!
這個時候你就需要使用 Printer's Apprentice,因為它可以讓你輕輕松松的安裝移除、管理、觀看所需要使用的字型,再也不會認為安裝字型是一件麻煩事了!它會自動搜尋硬盤中所有安 裝的字型 (支持 TrueType 及 Adobe Type 1 (ATM) 的字型檔案),而在程序的執行窗口中,右邊是一個字型顯示及其它功能的展示區,左邊是字型名稱及安裝、反安裝的功能區。
字型展示區可用來檢視字型,使用者可以查閱每個字符 (單一文字符號) 的字型或以自行輸入整段文字 (支持中文字型輸入) 來觀看字型,而在展示時也可以自行調整顯示字形的大小;另外還有鍵盤的對照表,讓使用者可在其中尋找某些字型符號的輸入鍵…等。
檔案總管般的操作方式讓使用者更方便管理,而且也可以將各種字型分門別類 (font group);在字型的反安裝方面也提供多項的選擇,可以復制、移動、刪除…等。如果你常常為安裝新字型而煩惱的話,Printer's Apprentice 算是一套蠻不錯的字型管理工具程序喔!
Printer's Apprentice - A Font Manager for Windows Vista & XP
Printers Apprentice 8.0 is a fantastic font manager for Windows Vista & XP. Whether you are a graphic artist, a publishing professional or a software enthusiast, if you have a lot of fonts, Printer's Apprentice will help you organize your collection.
* Font browsing, previewing and printing works with TrueType, Adobe Type, and OpenType fonts. Font browsing and preview functions let you see and print fonts from any storage device without copying or installing files. You can look at every character of each font, see how fonts look in a paragraph, find symbol characters on the keyboard, and more!
* Intelligent font install and uninstall tools let you manage fonts with more options than the Windows Control Panel
* Font grouping quickly installs or uninstalls user defined batches of fonts with a couple of clicks.
* Printer's Apprentice shows you how fonts look on the printed page with nine (9) different sample sheets and eight (8) different catalogs. See the Font Catalogs & Sample Sheets page for more details.
* Do you have CDRs filled with fonts? Printer's Apprentice can print catalog listings of every font on the CD with no effort at all!
Printer's Apprentice is a shareware application. This means you can download the software free of charge and take it for a test drive to see if it meets your needs. It has a complete uninstaller to cleanly remove the software from your system if needed. So why not download Printer's Apprentice today?
What's New in Printer's Apprentice 8.0?
Printer's Apprentice 8.0 has been rebuilt from the ground up to work with Windows XP and Vista. The interface has been refined so the software fits right in with either operating system. All of your favorite classic Printer's Apprentice features are in 8.0 along with some new things such as the Compare Fonts tab and the super-sharp Print Preview window.
We are always adding new features to Printer's Apprentice. The complete list of changes is maintained in the versionhistory.txt file.
Printer's Apprentice 8.0 Features
* Windows Vista & XP ready! Printer's Apprentice 8.0 is for PCs running Windows Vista & XP. It looks great on either operating system.
* Supports Windows Visual Styles and themes.
* Extensive online help system and "How To" help for all dialogs and screens.
* Professional setup gets you up and running quickly. When needed, the uninstaller removes the application and all supporting files.
* Printer's Apprentice contains no spyware, no malware and no viruses.
Font Viewing
* Familiar Windows Explorer-style interface for quickly viewing installed fonts or browsing uninstalled font files on any media.
* "Preview without installing fonts" function supports TrueType, Adobe Type 1 and OpenType fonts.
* Toolbar provides fast and convenient access to frequently used features.
* Many dialogs have been redesigned so fewer steps are required to complete common tasks.
* Single character, character set, sample text and keyboard views are all integrated into the main interface via tabs across the top.
* Character set display can be displayed using a grid in a 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9 or 10x10 configuration.
* Keyboard display shows you where symbol and dingbat characters are on a standard PC keyboard.
* Easily examine copyright and other information embedded in font files.
* NEW! Compare Fonts tab shows you multiple fonts at once using your own sample text.
Font Management
* Use the Install and Uninstall features to quickly manage the TrueType, Adobe Type 1 and OpenType fonts on your system. No rebooting is needed.
* Any number of fonts can be installed or uninstalled at once.
* Uninstalled fonts can be previewed, printed and installed from any media including external drives, CDR, flash drives, floppies, etc.
* Uninstall functions removes fonts from Windows, deletes font-related Registry entries and can optionally move font files to another location for backup.
Font Groups
* Organize your TrueType, Adobe Type 1 and OpenType font files any way you like by sorting them into folder-based groups.
* Font group list is integrated into the main Printer's Apprentice window for easy browsing.
* Font groups are managed and navigated using the standard Windows Explorer style tree interface.
* Easily install and remove entire font groups with a few mouse clicks.
* Fonts stored in groups can be viewed and printed just like installed fonts.
* All printed catalogs and sample sheets are available for font groups.
* Easily print many sample sheets or catalogs for multiple fonts at once.
* Customizable sample text, headers and footers.
* Font catalogs print multiple fonts per page with customized point sizes.
* Font file name, path location and KB size are optionally printed for each font.
* NEW! Multi-page Print Preview window shows you what the output is going to look like.
* NEW! For printing many fonts in a listing, Printer's Apprentice has 9 different professionally designed catalogs. Layouts include Single Column (1, 2 and 3 lines of text), Two Columns, Three Columns, Four Columns, 3 Up Catalog, Keyboard Layouts and Catalog 2.
* NEW! For single font printing (one per page), Printer's Apprentice includes 9 customizable font sample sheets including Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4, Font Information Sheet, 72 Point Set, Keyboard Chart, Character Set 1 and Character Set 2.
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