"《iATKOS v2.0i.PC版蘋果美洲豹系統》(iATKOS v2.0i)v2.0i[ISO],操作系統、資源下載"介紹
中文名: iATKOS v2.0i.PC版蘋果美洲豹系統英文名: iATKOS v2.0i資源格式: 光盤鏡像版本: v2.0i發行時間: 2008年05月11日制作發行: uphuck地區: 大陸,美國簡介:
這是一個通過測試安裝的版本,現在正式為大家提供下載!2008-05-17 21:55
由於受512汶川7.8級地震影響,公司辦公大樓受災嚴重,5月12日下午3(原來錯誤的寫為13時,給大家帶來誤解,我在此深表歉意!)時左右服務器因供電關閉無法供源,5月13日10時左右到公司恢復服務器,目前應該可以正常供源!(2008-05-13 14:25)
殺毒軟件:AVG 病毒庫:2008-5-12
[通過安裝測試] 通過測試安裝
[共享時間]:每天24小時 帶寬為電信1M+網通2M光纖,由於使用公司服務器,白天上傳速度限制在200K,請見諒(除停電或者機器故障或是修路的挖斷了電信的光纖)
共享服務器:Razorback 3.1 / Razorback 3.0 / no1.eserver.emule.org.cn / no2.eserver.emule.org.cn
軟件名稱:iATKOS V2.0i
版本號: Mac OS X LEOPARD 10.5.2
軟件語言: 英文+簡體中文語言包
運行環境: PC X86平台
軟件大小: 2.64G
軟件分類: 操作系統/破解軟件
iATKOS 2.0i
intel only
MD5: f1ad86417c16c1ea873abb8114989d3e
據osx86.turk團隊的官方IRC頻道uphuck.com的 消息,代號為iATKOS的Mac OS X 10.5.2(9C7010)的發行版本已經於2008年5月11日被放到了一個“diamond ”種子站點上。iATKOS被osx86/hackintosh社區尊奉為 “white box PC”版的Leopard發展歷史上的一個聖杯。自從Leopard開發完畢之時起,iATKOS計劃發布了多個實驗性版本,修正了諸多bug,加入了許 多有用的附加軟件,並經歷了幾次延期和跳票。
該版本運行於Intel Core 2系統上,使用的是原版的Mac OS X核心,並能使用Apple Software Update升級系統。
Welcome to iATKOS v2.0i Installation
prepared by uphuck, eskurza and the rest of OSX86.Türk team..
Special thanks to people that support our work..
1- This DVD is designed for Intel architectures.
Minimum requirements Intel SSE3 CPU, 512MB RAM, 12GB free space on target partition.
最低要求:英特爾SSE3指令集的CPU , 512MB的內存, 12gb的可用空間的目標分區。
2- This DVD includes Apple s OS X Leopard 10.5.2 9C7010 installation.
這個DVD的包括蘋果公司的OS X 10.5.2豹( 9c7010 )安裝。
3- Make sure that the md5 checksum of your iATKOS iso image matches the one posted on our website. Otherwise you may have a faulty DVD image. Use quality media/burner and burn slowly.
切記檢查您的iATKOS iso映像文件md5和在我們的網站張貼的那個匹配. 否則您的DVD映像文件可能有問題。 使用質量好的刻錄設備低速刻錄。
- This release supports GPT Guid Partition Table partition map scheme. You can change your partition table type to GPT via Disk Utility or some other partition managers. We advice Parted Magic Live CD which is based on GParted.
這個發行支持GPT Guid分區表 分區表計劃。 您能改變您的分開類型到GPT通過磁盤應用程序或其他分區工具。 我們建議用Parted Magic Live CD分區。
- This release also includes Darwin EFI emulation boot for MBR Master Boot Record harddrives. Intel Core CPUs can use stock kernel and stock ACPIPlatform with EFI emulation on MBR and with GPT. This increases stability and performance.
這個發行也包括Darwin EFI模擬起動為MBR 主要引導記錄 硬盤。 英特爾酷睿CPU用EFI模擬或者GPT可以使用stock kernel原版核心和原版ACPIPlatform 在白話一點就是英特爾酷睿CPU要用EFI或者GUID啟動,可以選擇stock kernel原版核心和原版ACPIPlatform, 。 這樣增加了穩定性
- Intel CoreDuo Processors have appropriate SpeedStep Technology which is stable in OS X. If you have such processor, you can enable throttling feature using the SpeedStep package which you can find under system drivers section. Note that speedstep kernel is included in iATKOS main system, so don t select any of the kernels with speedstep support if you don t want to have kernel panic.
英特爾酷睿處理器如果支持SpeedStep技術在OS X是很穩定的。 如果您有這樣處理器,您使用能發現在系統驅動之下的“SpeedStep”使能節流的特點 估計可能就是降頻的那個 。 注意speedstep內核在iATKOS主系統包括,如果你不想有麻煩因此不要選擇其中任一個內核與speedstep支持。
- There are some boot options for some various hardware. Boot DVD, press F8 and enter nforce -v
-有一些起動選擇為一些各種各樣的硬件。 引導DVD,按F8並且輸入:nforce -v 這是輸入的命令
for nForce motherboards with intel SSE3 CPU
為nForce主板用英特爾SSE3 CPU
nforce_core -v5
for nForce motherboards with Intel Core CPU
為nForce主板用英特爾酷睿 CPU
for booting with ToH 9.2.0 kernel which works nice on many types of hardware
用TOH9.2.0內核引導能在很多硬件上工作良好, 我在K版10.5.2的時候無法進去安裝界面,加入TOH內核後,用TOH內核能進入界面,TOH這個內核看來來頭不小
1- Run Disk Utility via Utilities menu and erase the target partition for clean install. Do partitioning if you need to.
通過菜單打開磁盤應用工具並且抹乾淨目標盤。 如果您需要,請分區。
a- You can choose MBR Master Boot Record or GPT Guid Partition Table via partitioning options. If you want to change your existing partition table type, know that all your existing data on disk will be gone.
您可以通過分區選擇選擇MBR 主要引導記錄 或GPT Guid分開表 。 如果您想要改變您現有的分區類型,這將導致你盤上現有的所有數據都丟失.
b- For Windows fellows that has not tested this amazing system yet and that does not want to loose their windows software, *** and virus trojan archive on D , should use Parted Magic Live CD for preparing an active primary target partition and after that, just erase it via diskutil. Jump to Step 2.
2- Select the destination for installation.
3- Click customize and select what you need.
4- Click Install.
Install time is about 20 minutes.
iATKOS 2.0i has no integrated procedure for multibooting but preparing a multiboot GPT or MBR system with this release is easier than ever.
iATKOS 2.0i已經不集成太多的程序,但是這發行地GPT或者MBR系統比過去任何時候是更容易
Here is a How To for GPT and MBR triple boot including Mac-Vista-Linux.
- MBR Master Boot Record triple boot -
MBR主引導分區三個引導 意思就是MBR分區下引導三個系統
- Change your partition table type to MBR msdos type and create 3 primary partitions by using Parted Magic Live CD or iATKOS Disk Utility. HFS+ format for OS X target, Fat32 for the others.
改變你的分區表類型的M BR( msdos型) ,並 使用Parted Magic Live CD或者iATKOS的磁盤工具建立3個主分區。格式化成HFS+的裝OS X, FAT32的為其他的。
Note %99.99999 of the PC harddrives already have MBR partition map scheme msdos type which you can change it to GPT via Parted Magic CD or iATKOS Disk Utility if you like to.
注意 99.999999999%的電腦的硬盤已經有MBR分區 MSDOS類型 ,如果你願意你可以使用 Parted Magic CD or iATKOS的磁盤工具裝話成GPT分區
- Add boot flag to Vista or Linux target and install the OS in any order you like. For linux, do not install bootloader to MBR, install it to linux root.
- Boot iATKOS 2.0i DVD and install OS X to its target as usual.
啟動iATKOS 2.0i DVD 和安裝OS X到目標盤,和往常一樣
- Now you need to repair Vista. Add boot flag to Vista partition, boot Vista DVD, select repair, add boot flag to OS X partition, thats all.
現在您需要修復V ista。新增開機啟動Vista的分區,啟動Vista DVD選擇修理,添加開機到OS X分區
Now you have triple boot on MBR.
- Change your partition table type to GPT Guid Partition Table and create 3 partitions by using Parted Magic Live CD or iATKOS Disk Utility. HFS+ format for OS X target, Fat32 msdos for the others.
改變你的分區類型為GPT GUID分區表) ,並適用Parted Magic Live CD或者 iATKOS的磁盤工具 建立三分區。HFS+格式為OS X的目標,FAT32( msdos )為其他的。
- Boot iATKOS 2.0i DVD, install only bootloader to OS X target.
啟動 iATKOS 2.0i DVD,安裝bootloader 到OS X的目標盤
- Boot Vista DVD and install it to first Fat32 partition.
啟動Vista DVD 並安裝它到FAT32分區
Note System marks first Fat32 partition or booting Foreign OS . If you choose other than first Fat32 as target for Vista, then during installation, system will not continue install process at first Vista boot.
- Boot Linux media and install the OS. Install the bootloader to linux root.
啟動L inux的媒介和安裝操作系統。安裝引導到Linux的根目錄
Note Some live linux cd stuff knoppix, kanotix, parsix etc. has built-in installer applications and they use gparted for partitioning and formatting targets. At this point, formatting target to linux fs via Gparted is not a good choice, use fdisk just for changing the target partition type from c0 to 83 which is linux partition type and then continue installation.
注:一些Linux CD knoppix , kanotix , parsix等)具有內置在安裝應用程序和他們使用的gparted為分區和格式化的目標。在這一點上,格式化目標為LINUX gparted是不是一個好的選擇,使用Fdisk只是改變目標分區類型從 的C0 83 這是Linux分區類型,然後繼續安裝。 )
- Boot iATKOS 2.0i DVD and install OS X as usual.
啟動iATKOS 2.0i DVD和安裝OS X3
Now you have triple boot on GPT, thats all.
As you see, preparing multiboot system on GPT is more practical and easier.
Darwin on GPT will see other OS as Foreign Boot.
正如你看,准備多重系統在GPT是更實際和更容易。Darwin on GPT 會看到其他操作系統的引導
*** For pro-users You can re-install Darwin bootloader by booting the iATKOS DVD with -s. Boot with -s and enter darwin command, follow the instructions. For MBR HD, you can add boot flag via fdisk after darwin installation.
親愛用戶:你可以啟動ATKOS DVD並-S重新安裝Darwin bootloader由。啟動並 -S然後輸入darwin命令,按照指示安裝到MBR分區,,你可以添加硬盤引導信息
Known Issues
1- Jmicron IDE controllers are known to have issues with OS X.
IDE接口的控制器已知在OS X系統中有問題5
2- Some 965 chipset MSI and ASUS motherboards desktop and laptop have issues with this OS. ACPI errors while booting with DVD and also with hd. There will be patches for those uncompatible devices and there is also a patch for 1.0ir2.
在此系統中一些965芯片組的MSI和華碩主板(台式機和筆記本電腦)有問題。 ACPI的錯誤與DVD和硬盤有關系 。會有補丁對於那些不兼容設備,1.0ir2中也有
3- This dvd may not include all the necessary drivers required by your setup. Additional steps may be needed to be taken by the user to setup and use such components.
你安裝的時候這個D VD可能不包括所有必要的驅動程序,你需要額外安裝
4- Be sure that the labels of your hfs+ partitions are not similar. ie. Mac 1, MacOS or Leopard X, Leopard Y. Installer may fail to determine the target partition to install the system if the labels match.
要注意版本和HFS+分區是不是相符合,即MAC 1 ,MAC OS Leopard X, Leopard Y,可能會安裝失敗,要確定目標分區安裝系統
Unsuccessful Installation and Related Symptoms
1- I get the error com.apple.Boot.plist is not found while booting the DVD
-- You are probably trying to boot from an unsupported controller.
You should use usb dvd rom drive, or you may need sata-ide convertor for your dvd rom drive jmicron .
解決方法 ~你應該使用USB的DVD ROM驅動器,或您可能需要SATA的IDE的轉換器為你的DVD ROM驅動器
2- System freezes at grey screen by booting the DVD.
-- You probably have an unsupported chipset.2 J#?-~3p8r6O
*965 chipset ASUS or MSI motherboard/laptop
*many VIA, SIS, ATI chipset motherboards
一些VIA, SIS ,ATI芯片的主板
~ Change your hardware
解決方法 更換你的硬件
~ A patch can be possible for 965 ASUS/MSI hardware, so keep on watching this community.
iATKOS DVD is being uploaded to selected users ATM...
You will see the dvd iso on Demonoid, SUNDAY MAY 11th , 1.00pm GMT+2
hi people.
On this release of our team we mostly worked on GPT multi boot systems and fixed the boot errors of earlier versions. Having multi boot on GPT or MBR harddrives is easier with iATKOS 2.0i. We also added latest Apple updates, some vga drivers and nforce support. Size 2.64gb iso image.
This is for Intel sse3, optimizing iATKOS for less compatible systems may happen but this is not a promise because idebox is more exciting for us, at least for now
Thanks to my brother eskurza at first, missed you buddy..
Thanks to all osx86 devs.