《Mandriva 2008 加強版》(Mandriva 2008 PowerPack)包含32位及64位版本[ISO],操作系統、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: Mandriva 2008 加強版英文名: Mandriva 2008 PowerPack資源格式: 光盤鏡像版本: 包含32位及64位版本發行時間: 2007年制作發行: Mandriva地區: 大陸,美國簡介: [已通過安全檢測]Kaspersky Anti-Virus version 5.5 Linux,病毒庫:antivirus databases 13 October
"《Mandriva 2008 加強版》(Mandriva 2008 PowerPack)包含32位及64位版本[ISO],操作系統、資源下載"介紹
中文名: Mandriva 2008 加強版英文名: Mandriva 2008 PowerPack資源格式: 光盤鏡像版本: 包含32位及64位版本發行時間: 2007年制作發行: Mandriva地區: 大陸,美國簡介:
[已通過安全檢測]Kaspersky Anti-Virus version 5.5 Linux,病毒庫:antivirus databases 13 October 2007 at 09:01 (GMT +0400)
共享服務器:mldonkey共享,多服務器,一般在Razorback 3.0,www.UseNeXT.to, Saugstube
10-13號更新日志:增加mandriva 2008 powerpack 64位版本。
Powerpack:DVD 版本,包括技術支持、服務、以及重要的第三方私有軟件,如 LinDVD、Cedega、Fluendo multimedia codecs 等,而這些東西在其它版本裡是沒有的。
Mandriva Linux來自歐洲最大的Linux廠商之一Mandrakesoft,前身是Mandrake Linux,已有9年歷史,其宗旨是讓Linux對所有人都更易於使用。今天,Mandriva Linux 2008的最終正式版終於發布了。
Mandriva Linux 2008采用了全新的Linux內核2.6.22.9,並且集成了功能更為強大的硬件檢測功能,能夠支持更多的設備,比如最新的顯卡、聲卡和Wi-Fi芯片,新的Mandriva Linux 2008操作系統都能夠很好的支持,總之通過新操作系統的硬件檢測系統,我們可以很方便的安裝AGP顯卡和其他的PCI設備,系統會自動選擇最佳的驅動來支持所添加的硬件設備,而且基本不會有兼容性的問題出現,這和之前的Mandriva Linux操作系統比起來是一個很大的進步,性能進一步加強。
Mandriva Linux 2008還為我們帶來了Gnome 2.20、KDE 3.5.7、XFCE 4.4.1桌面操作界面,如果你擁有更好的顯卡的話,那麼你還可以選擇性能更強,畫面也更美觀的Compiz Fusion 0.5.2和Metisse 3-D等具有3D效果的全新界面。
Mandriva Linux 2008 包括以下幾種版本:
1. One:單 CD 版本,包括最新的私有驅動,可免費下載。此版本既可以作為 Live CD 使用,也能夠安裝到硬盤上。
2. Powerpack:DVD 版本,包括技術支持、服務、以及重要的第三方私有軟件,如 LinDVD、Cedega、Fluendo multimedia codecs 等,需付費購買。
3. Free:3 CD/1 DVD 版本,僅包含自由開源軟件,可免費下載。
Mandriva Linux 的強項:
運行 Mandriva Linux 操作系統的計算機使用的方便程度可以和使用 Windows 或 Mac OS 的計算機相比 -- 這是一個許多 IT 媒體承認的事實。CNET (非常流行的技術在線雜志)將 Mandrivalinux 授予“編輯選擇獎”,並發表評論說“新用戶,特別是那些想要查找 Windows 或 Mac OS 的簡單快速的替代品的用戶,將被 Linux 世界中居然存在這麼一種平穩方便的轉換過程深深震撼。”
作為比較,Mandriva Linux PowerPack 包含了數千多個高質量的應用程序,完整的辦公組件程序,以及安裝支持;而功能大體相同的 Microsoft Windows + MS Office 將要花費大約十倍的價格。
Mandriva Linux 需要更少的維護,因為其軟件管理系統會自動處理依賴關系並避免應用程序間的沖突。除此以外,Mandrivaupdate 工具允許通過 Internet 免費輕松的進行更新 -- 如果想要保持最新的安全相關的軟件更新,這無疑是理想的方式。
由於 Linux 的穩定性,典型的 Mandriva Linux 系統可以運行數月而無需重新啟動。除此以外,Mandrivalinux 的 i586 版本專為奔騰級別(及兼容處理器)所優化,這使得在此硬件上能夠獲得最高的性能。
在過去十年的廣泛使用中,僅有屈指可數的幾個病毒感染 Linux。這種強免疫性要歸功於系統的基礎架構。這一架構由相互無關的層組成,每層都有特定的功能和嚴格的許可。另外,普通用戶在 Linux 系統中是被嚴格限制的角色;只有“root”用戶(管理員)擁有可能導致系統損壞的權力。
x86, PPC, AMD64 和 IA64 的版本已存在
與其它 Linux 操作系統的區別:
Mandriva Linux 所使用的圖形化安裝程序已經被公認為是最好的安裝程序。它使得 Mandrivalinux 提供了效率最高的硬件檢測。
除了命令行之外,系統管理還有圖形化界面。Mandriva Linux 操作系統最大程度上使用用戶界面進行集成管理,這徹底打破了 Linux 系統只能用命令行或者文本方式管理的舊有觀念。
與像 KDE 和 GNOME 這樣界面友好的圖形化環境的完美集成,使得操作非常舒適易用。
Mandriva Linux 提供了預先配置的安全級別。這樣用戶就可以選擇專為他們自己的計算機所設計的目標等級。
感謝 Mandriva Linux 控制中心,用戶可以使用同一程序管理整個系統。
Home Page:
Mandriva Linux 2008 is coming this September. The planned schedule for pre-releases and the final release is here. The full, detailed technical specifications for the new release are here. This page provides a run down of the biggest new versions and features that will be coming with Mandriva Linux 2008. There will likely be other new features added as we move through the development cycle, but here s the stuff we re already pretty sure you ll be seeing in the next release.
Mandriva Linux 2008 includes the following versions of the major distribution components: kernel 2.6.22, X.org 7.2, KDE 3.5.7, GNOME 2.19.6, Mozilla Firefox, OpenOffice.org 2.2. Other major new features are the merging of the Beryl and Compiz 3D desktop technologies into Compiz Fusion, a new network management tool, a Windows documents and settings migration tool, and support for WPA-EAP. You can find an introduction to the most interesting new features in What s coming in Mandriva Linux 2008.
Mandriva Linux 2008 is the ultimate version of Mandriva Linux. It is the fruit of the convergence of three technologies: Mandriva, Conectiva and Lycoris.
Mandriva Linux 2008 is also more easy-to-use, more user-friendly and more powerful. It is ideal for the needs of all customers, from the beginner to the SOHO user.
Mandriva Linux 2008 is available in three editions: One, Powerpack and Free, for both i586 and x86-64 architectures. One and Free can be downloaded free of charge from official Mandriva mirrors and via BitTorrent.
Mandriva Linux (formerly known as Mandrake Linux) was created in 1998 with the goal of making Linux easier to use for everyone. At that time, Linux was already well-known as a powerful and stable operating system.
With this innovative approach, Mandriva offers all the power and stability of Linux to both individuals and professional users in an easy-to-use and pleasant environment. Thousands of new users are discovering Linux each and every day and finding it a complete replacement for their previous operating system. Linux as a server or workstation has no reason to be jealous of any other more established operating systems.
Free/Open Source Free Software licensing govern the development and redistribution of Mandriva Linux. FOSS licensing provides everyone the right to copy, distribute, examine, modify and improve the system as long as the results of these modifications are returned to the community. It is this development model that allows Mandrivalinux Linux to collect the best ideas from developers users from across the globe to result in a rich variety of techniques and solutions.
Here are some key features of Mandriva Linux :
· A computer running the Mandriva Linux operating system can be as easy to use as a computer which uses Windows or Mac OS -- a fact which has been Confirmed by many IT publications. CNET (a popular technical online magazine) awarded Mandrivalinux Linux their Editor s Choice saying: New users, especially those looking for a quick and easy alternative to Windows or the Mac OS, will be hard pressed to find a smoother, easier transition to the world of Linux.
· For comparison, the Mandriva Linux PowerPack contains thousands high-quality applications including a complete Office Suite, plus installation support, for a cost of approximately 10 times less than the equivalent Microsoft Windows + MS Office cost, which comes without any technical support.
· Mandriva Linux requires little maintenance as its software management system automatically handles dependency issues and avoids conflicts between applications. Additionally, the MandrivaUpdate utility allows free and easy updates through the Internet -- this is an ideal way to stay current with the latest security-related software updates.
· Due to the strength of Linux, a typical Mandriva Linux system can run for months without a reboot. Additionally, the i586 version of Mandrivalinux Linux is optimized for Pentium class (and compatible processors) to provide the highest performance on this hardware.
· In over ten years of widespread use, only a few rumored viruses have ever been recorded that affect Linux. This strong immunity can be explained by the fundamental architecture of the system which consists of independent layers that have specific features and strict permissions. Additionally, normal users have a strict and limited role on a Linux system; it s only the root user (administrator) who has the power to expose an entire system to possible danger.
· Versions exist for x86, PPC, AMD64 and IA64.
Differences with other Linux operating systems:
· With a graphical installation process recognized by many as the best available, Mandriva Linux offers the most advanced and efficient hardware detection.
· A graphical approach to system administration, in addition to the command line, makes Mandriva Linux the operating system which takes integration and management of a user interface the furthest to dispel the image of a Linux system managed only via command line or text mode.
· Friendly and integrated environments
· Perfect integration of user-friendly graphical environments such as KDE and GNOME provide comfort and ease-of-use.
· Several pre-configured security levels
· Mandriva Linux offers several pre-configured levels of security. A user can therefore choose a desired degree of security specifically for their computer.
· Centralized configuration system
· Thanks to the Mandriva Linux Control Center, a user can resort to a single panel to administer the entire system.
Who uses Mandriva Linux?
· Individual users without specific IT knowledge who require a Linux distribution that is simple to use. Mandriva Linux is by far the easiest and the most comprehensive.
· Experienced users who prefer not spending hours installing and configuring their Linux machine. Mandriva Linux is the most effortless Linux system to install and maintain.
· Professionals who need powerful and stable systems. Mandriva Linux is one of the most complete Linux distributions and is quickly becoming one of the most favored systems in businesses (see Mandriva s customer case studies for many examples of Mandriva in the workplace).
A few examples of how Mandriva Linux is being used :
Personal purposes:
· Office (OpenOffice.org, KOffice, Abiword, Gnumeric)
· Internet (Web, Email...)
· Multimedia (Video, Audio MP3, RealPlayer, Flash player...)
· 2D and 3D games
· Advanced programming (C/C++/Java/Assembler/Perl/Python/HTML/PHP/GTK/QT)
Server use:
· Web server (Apache with HTTP, PHP, Webdav...): Mandriva Linux is used to operate computers that deliver web pages.
· Database Server (PostgreSQL, MySQL, IBM DB2, Oracle...)
Mandriva Linux is a useful operating system for computers designed to host database and to link them with Internet servers.
· LDAP Server
A LDAP server stocks one or various directory data bases.
· FTP Server
FTP Server are the computers that deliver files following the FTP protocol.
· DNS Server
A DNS server attributes the IP addresses (numeric addresses) of computers linked to the Internet.
· NIS Server
A NIS Server enables the globalization of user accounts on a given network
· File Server in a Windows environment
Mandriva Linux manages the attribution and sending of files in a network of computers running on Windows thanks to the Samba application
· Email Internet Server (SMTP, POP3, IMAP...)
Mandriva Linux is used in companies and on the Internet to manage employees electronic mail.
· Print Server
Mandriva Linux administers printing services for all machines in the computer network.
· Scientific calculations (SMP, Clusters...)
Mandriva Linux is widely applauded by organizations and all those who need to carry out scientific calculations. Its optimization for modern processors gives Mandrivalinux Linux a significant advantage in comparison to other Linux systems.