![IPB Image](https://www.ed2k.online/software/UploadFiles_5327/201707/2017071216485432.jpg)
殺毒軟件:kaspersky ( Personal Pro 5.0.388 )
病毒庫:2006-3-1 8:37:35
共享時間:10:00 AM - 24:00 PM(除非線路故障或者機器重啟)
共享服務器:BiG BanG 1
VMWare 5.5.1 19175 ( Alcohol 120% 1.9.5 - Bulid 3105 )
由於此源過多,本人只針對 64 bit 放源7天.如有需要的朋友請抓緊時間
Windows Vista 硬件要求詳細曝光
1.在32位環境需要1GB內存獲得性能明顯提升,64位系統環境則需要2GB DDR3內存
4.圖形顯卡以及系統總線:PCI x16必不可少,至少擁有128MB顯存。
The February Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Community Technology Preview (CTP) is the fourth in a series of early Windows Vista builds being released to an extensive technical community. The CTP program is designed to involve customers and partners in the various stages of Windows Vista development by facilitating timely and relevant feedback. The Vista CTP program will help enable Microsoft to provide testers with a feature-complete version of the product sooner than for any previous Windows® release.
The February CTP offers developers, IT professionals, and Windows enthusiasts an opportunity to review and test some of the operating system’s significant security and performance enhancements and innovations. It also showcases progress on the overall user experience and design elements in Windows Vista.
As with the previous CTPs, the February CTP is intended for use by developers, IT professionals and the technical community. Given the nature of software development and the feedback process, many of the features in this CTP will continue to evolve throughout the development cycle. End users interested in testing pre-release versions of Windows Vista should continue to wait until the beta 2 version becomes available.
Windows Vista 驅動列表
Windows Vista 顯卡驅動程序
ATI Windows Vista 驅動 (LDDM)
Nvidia Windows Vista 驅動 (LDDM)
Windows Vista 聲卡驅動程序
Nvidia nForce 聲卡驅動
Windows Vista 網卡驅動程序
Nvidia nForce 網卡驅動
Intel 網卡驅動程序
Intel PRO/Wireless 2100
Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG / 2915ABG
特放上 Windows Longhorn Professional Edition Beta 1 Windows Driver Kit (English) 和針對此版本的幾個優化程序,有喜歡的朋友可以試試 :)