《Linux Knoppix 6.0 》(Linux Knoppix 6.0 )ADRIANE V1.1 - Live CD[光盤鏡像] | |
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因為KNOPPIX是由德文發音,念法是「k'nopiks」,第一個 k 音短,重音在 no。
KNOPPIX是由德國程式設計師克勞斯(Klaus Knopper)設計的,他把他的姓Knopper和Linux結合在一起稱為「KNOPPIX」。在最近兩年來,Linux系統的X-Window介面已經設計得非常完善與實用,而且在介面的美化上並不輸給Windows系統,例如目前知名的Red Hat Linux、Mandrake Linux,由於Linux系統在安裝上並不像Windows系統那麼方便,外人總是誤解「Linux安裝不方便、介面不好用」而排拒Linux,因此Klaus特別把KDE版的Linux改寫成速成光碟版,使用者只要把KNOPPIX光碟放入光碟機中,開機時更改成從光碟開機,就可以使用Linux,省去安裝Linux的麻煩,而且不會對主機現有硬碟造成任何影響。
安裝到硬盤方法(Live CD、Live DVD通用):
待Knoppix光盤版完全加載,打開指令,輸入"sudo knoppix-installer"打開安裝程序,一般電腦需要進行分區調整,否則打開後就只有兩個選項:1、分區管理 2、退出。選擇“分區管理”,選擇需要安裝的硬盤,如果硬盤之前已經有操作系統或已經分過區了,就選擇1、啟用qtparted 進行分區調整;如果是新硬盤,可以選擇2、自動調整一個1Gswap盤,然後進行安裝,設一個swap盤和ext3的盤,設ext3為active,應用設置,退出後,出現6項,選擇1、安裝調整,選3、knoppix 然後進行調整,調整完畢恩繼續自動回到主選單,選擇2、開始安裝 就可以了。安裝後您可以重新啟動,自動進入lilo引導菜單,可以選擇啟動Windows還是Knoppix了。
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KNOPPIX is a GNU/Linux distribution that boots and runs entirely from CD or DVD without prior harddisk installation. Aside of a rescue-system, software for productive work with GNU/Linux, like OpenOffice, Firefox/Thunderbird and GIMP are included.
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KNOPPIX 6.0 / ADRIANE 1.1 - Live CD
"Microknoppix" is a complete rewrite of the KNOPPIX boot system with the following features:
High compatibility with its Debian base: Aside from configuration files, nothing gets changed in Debians standard installation.
Accellerated boot procedure: Independently from the usual SysV bootscripts, multiple tasks of system initialization are run in parallel, so that interactive desktops are reached very fast. The slowest factor is still udev, start time is reduced to about half compared to versions 5.x.
LXDE is used as graphical environment, which is a very slim and fast desktop with extremely short starttime and low resource requirements. Because of its GTK2 base, LXDE works together nicely with screenreader Orca.
Amount of installed software has been greatly reduced in this first CD-version, so that custom remasters based on CD are possible again. In general, there are much fewer dependencies for the KNOPPIX-specific components, so that even small remasters, 256MB and less, can be created (hence the "Micro" part).
Network configuration is being handled by NetworkManager with nm-applet in graphics mode, and textual GUIs in textmode (compatible to Debians /etc/network/interfaces specification, but without ifup/ifdown).
A persistent image for saving personal settings and additionally installed programs, KNOPPIX/knoppix-data.img, is supported on the boot device. That way, even the boot system and startup scripts can be changed in the persistent image.
A.D.R.I.A.N.E. (Audio Desktop Reference Implementation And Networking Environment) is a talking menu system, which is supposed to make work and internet access easier for computer beginners, even if they have no sight contact to the computers monitor. A graohical environment with also talking programs and arbitrary magnification using compiz-fusion, is another option.
In the current release of KNOPPIX 6.0 CD (ADRIANE 1.1), starting with speech support in text menu mode is set as default. That way, blind computer users can use the system without having to enter boot options blindly.
Boot options and controls
Overview of the most important functions. A complete description and listing of shortcuts can be found in the configurations of sbl, orca and compiz-fusion.
Boot options (can be entered in the startup screen)
adriane Start ADRIANE with speech (default)
knoppix Start KNOPPIX with graphical environment
knoppix/adriane acpi=off noapic nolapic pci=bios ...
problem solvers, if computer doesn't start
ADRIANE navigation in text mode
CapsLock + space read current line
CapsLock + arrow up read previous line
CapsLock + arrow down read next line
CapsLock + pageup read from beginning of page to current position
CapsLock + pagedown read from here to end of page
CapsLock + arrow left/right spell charwise
Navigation with compiz and orca in graphics mode
Super + mouse wheel Set/scale magnification
Super + l Lock or release magnification area
Super + m small mouse lens
mouse to upper right corner window overview
CapsLock + space start orca preferences
Super = penguin- or "window"-key left
The system can easily be modified, so that it starts into graphics mode directly without having to type "knoppix" as boot option, by changing syslinux.cfg after having copied the CD to a bootable memorystick using "flash-knoppix":
Change the upper two lines
DEFAULT adriane
APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=de vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=0x311 initrd=minirt.gz nomce elevator=anticipatory quiet loglevel=0 pci=routeirq adriane
DEFAULT knoppix
APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 lang=de vt.default_utf8=0 apm=power-off vga=0x311 initrd=minirt.gz nomce elevator=anticipatory quiet loglevel=0 pci=routeirq
KNOPPIX 6.0.0 / ADRIANE 1.1 is available for download from the usual KNOPPIX mirror sites.
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