SpaceClaim 是世界首個自然方式3D 設計系統 – 用戶可以比以往任何時候更快的速度進行模型的創建和編輯。不同於基於特征的參數化CAD系統,SpaceClaim 能夠讓您設計如您所思;以你最直觀的方式對模型直接編輯,自然流暢地進行不可思議的模型操作,無需關注模型的建立過程。
SpaceClaim 作為全球運行最快且最有創意的3D建模解決方案,日前推出了其第四代產品,SpaceClaim Engineer 和 SpaceClaim Style。這些直接建模工具象征了這10多年來3D工程領域最顯著的技術進步,從簡單發展到能夠專供工程師和工業設計師自由靈活操作,快速捕捉靈感,可以隨意編輯實體模型而不用考慮坐標原點,並為分析,原型,制造做設計准備。
SpaceClaim支持標准數據交換格式如ACIS, STEP, IGES, ECAD, Rhinoceros®, DWG, DXF, STL, OBJ, XAML, VRML, 3D PDF,包括與Bunkspeed® 、HyperShot®的 的交互。安裝附加模塊後,SpaceClaim Engineer還可以直接導入並編輯Pro/ENGINEER®, Autodesk® Inventor®, CATIA® v4 and v5, VDA, Parasolid®, SolidWorks®, JT™, and NX® 的文件。
SpaceClaim 的建模工具可以在零件或裝配的任意截面視圖、二維工程圖以及任意3D視圖下工作,甚至是SpaceClaim 的3D標注環境下工作。用戶可以在熟悉的2D設計視圖下通過一個布局或對2D元素進行回轉、對稱等操作即可輕松得到三維的部件。
SpaceClaim 提供了全世界最快、最直覺的創新3D建模工具,使得所有使用者能比以前更加簡便地設計他們所想要的產品。在SpaceClaim直覺易用的使用者介面中,您可以直接對您在螢幕中所看到的設計進行操作,無須任何事前規劃。甚至您在其他任何CAD系統中所做過的設計,都可以直接放進SpaceClaim中做直接且有效率的編輯。
SpaceClaim 適合對象
● 若您需花費許多時間學習CAD或訓練您的使用者。
● 若您清楚知道您想要做的設計,但卻無法畫出錯綜復雜的模型特徵。
● 若您無法想像模型將如何變化,或該如何變化,正計畫要重新建立一個模型。
● 若您正在參數眾多而雜亂的模型中死命掙扎。
● 若您無法藉由文字或語言,告訴顧客或其他設計者您腦海中的構想。
SpaceClaim 主要特色
● 建模方式直覺、快速且簡單使用
● 價格便宜、且與所有CAD軟體相容
● 修改、設計能力強、且可配合Ansys等分析軟體
● 中/英/法語等多種語言介面
● 介面簡單、容易上手,設計者與客戶容易合作交流
● 與目前各種主流CAD系統交換CAD/CAE數據
支援ACIS 、IGES、STEP、Parasolid、STL等數據模型及多種CAD系統文件,並與ALGOR完整分享資料。
SpaceClaim 使用領域
● 工業設計、產品概念設計 您曾經遇到想設計一個新穎的產品外型,但您使用的軟體卻總是要您輸入一堆尺寸參數,以致於您無從下手,甚或放棄設計的念頭嗎?利用SpaceClaim,您可以隨心所欲地建構您想像中的產品,並且利用HyperShot做高效能的渲染,將您的設計做完美的展示。需要生產時,可進一步調整尺寸,或直接輸出到其他CAD、CAM軟體中,無須為轉檔而困擾。
● CAE 您是否為元件的外形復雜,分析不易而苦惱?您是否為分析過後,不知如何向CAD設計者提出需進行哪些修改?您是否因此而花錢進修、花很長的時間學習高階的參數繪圖軟體?利用SpaceClaim,您可以輕易地對現有的設計進行修改,或將2D設計修改成3D、填補原先設計的缺陷等...。此外,因為SpaceClaim容易上手的特性,只需一兩天即可輕鬆學會,為您省下學習的時間及費用。
● CAD 直覺式的3D繪圖方式,已被預測為未來建模的主流,許多繪圖軟體的大廠也紛紛朝這個方向跟進,而SpaceClaim正是這種建模潮流的先驅!它的工作介面簡單、功能強大、價格便宜且不失精度,絕對不是後來跟進的軟體可以相提並論的。您想跟上這個潮流,徹底改變您的設計方式嗎?您只需不到十分之一的價格,就可讓您的設計師或學生進入一個嶄新的3D繪圖領域、提升工作效率,千萬不要錯過這個機會!
SpaceClaim提供了世界上最快的、最具創意的直接建模解決方案。在具有豐富經驗的世界級的管理和開發團隊的領導下(包括基於特征建模的發明者),把這個新的3D設計軟件帶入了市場。 SpaceClaim創造了工程生產力的飛躍,無論你是專業工程師還是兼職設計師,都能輕松3D實體建模。
SpaceClaim 2012 introduces significant new capabilities in model preparation for simulation, manufacturing, data-geometry reuse. These new capabilities build on SpaceClaim’s accessibility, ease-of-use, and low total-cost-of-ownership, enabling even more engineers, designers, and analysts to complete their projects with SpaceClaim’s innovative 3D direct modeling technology.
SpaceClaim, the leader in easy and accessible 3D CAD for engineering, mechanical design, and manufacturing, announced the availability of SpaceClaim Engineer 2012. This release introduces significant new capabilities in reverse engineering, model preparation for simulation, manufacturing, and data reuse. These new capabilities build on SpaceClaim’s accessibility, ease-of-use, and low total-cost-of-ownership, enabling even more engineers, designers, and analysts to complete their projects with SpaceClaim’s innovative 3D direct modeling technology.
The combination of ease-of-use and lower cost ensures that the total cost of ownership of SpaceClaim is less than 50% of the cost of traditional CAD products. With this release, SpaceClaim continues to expand into markets where its unique tools address previously unsolved problems and where SpaceClaim Engineer meets users’ complete CAD needs. SpaceClaim continues to penetrate markets where traditional CAD is the wrong product for basic engineering tasks, and where ease-of-use, interoperability, and maturity are required to enable engineers, designers, and machinists to work in 3D.
New capabilities in SpaceClaim 2012 include:
- New SketchUp conversion detects regions where SketchUp’s approximated, facetted geometry was derived from analytic surfaces such as cylinders and cones, and automatically replaces them with precise geometry.
- Multiple solid editing capabilities, such as cone manipulation, surface pivoting and distance-by-angle chamfers, extend SpaceClaim’s lead in direct modeling.
- Smart tools for manufacturing, such as recognition and editing of standard holes, make SpaceClaim increasingly practical for machine shops and detailed design.
- Significant performance improvements to large parts and drawings further confirms that SpaceClaim is the fastest 3D direct modeler available.
- A new lightweight viewer and Microsoft extensions that allow viewing of models from compatible programs such as Microsoft Outlook and Explorer, as well as from a new standalone application.
- JT with PMI export, in addition to existing capabilities, makes SpaceClaim the most comprehensive JT editor on the market today.
- Detailing improvements including exploded views, aligned and unfolded sections, arc length dimensions, text fitting and alignment tools, and BOM templates let more users create detailed drawings in SpaceClaim.
- A new set of 2D and 3D curve repair tools facilitate working with existing drawings and wireframe data and converting them to solid models.
- Several sheet metal enhancements representing unprecedented depth, including mitered flanges, faster unfolding, weld tabs, and improved identification and interaction with sheet metal features.
- Environment reflection and textures enable users to work interactively on more realistic looking models.
- Usability improvements, such as improved selection rendering and reduced selection flashing, make it easier to work on large models.
- Flexible configuration and IT-friendly options facilitate large rollouts to corporate, government, and educational customers.
- Improved interoperability with support for KeyShot 3, Creo 1.0, SolidWorks 2012, and Inventor 2012 ensures compatibility with data from colleagues, customers and suppliers.
- The improved batch file translation utility now supports all formats that SpaceClaim can read and write.
- Expanded API coverage now includes access to more sheet metal parameters, drawing view renderings, and advanced mass properties.
About SpaceClaim Corporation
SpaceClaim, the leading provider of 3D Direct Modeling software, develops the best direct modeling solution for engineering and manufacturing. SpaceClaim’s acclaimed software is easy to learn and use and is completely CAD-neutral. It enables engineers and other manufacturing professionals to rapidly create new designs or manipulate and edit existing 2D and 3D geometry, without the complexity of traditional CAD. Customers include Toyota Motor Corporation, Nokia Siemens Networks, Bosch, TE Connectivity, BorgWarner, Medtronic, Lotus Cars, Sharp, Ford Motor Company, LG Electronics, Eaton, K2 Medical Systems, FuelCell Energy, Emhart Glass, GE Aviation, Carl Zeiss, General Dynamics, and the U.S. Navy. SpaceClaim is privately held and backed by Borealis Ventures, Kodiak Venture Partners, North Bridge Venture Partners, and Needham Capital.
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