Stata 12增加了許多新的特征,比如結構方程模型(SEM),ARFIMA,Contrasts,ROC分析,自動內存管理等。更多內容歡迎訪問Stata 12新特征。
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您能夠在季度Stata Journal中讀到有關統計和Stata新特征的文檔。Stata News是一份季度出版的包含新的版本和更新,NetCourse計劃,新的書籍,用戶組會議,新的產品和其它Stata用戶感興趣內容的公告。Stata Press同樣也會出版關於使用Stata和適用專家級研究者的統計主題內容書籍。
Stata is a complete, integrated statistical package that provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics. Stata is not sold in modules, which means you get everything you need in one package. And, you can choose a perpetual license, with nothing more to buy ever. Annual licenses are also available.
Stata 12 adds many new features such as structural equation modeling (SEM), contrasts, ARFIMA, business calendars, chained equations for multiple imputation, contour plots, automatic memory management, importing and exporting of Excel files, and more.
New in Stata 12
Stata 12 now shipping. Highlights are shown below. Select any header to find out more.
Structural equation modeling (SEM)
Path diagrams
Graphical model builder
Standardized and unstandardized estimates
Modification indices
Direct and indirect effects
Score tests and Wald tests
Factors scores and other predictions
Goodness of fit
Estimation with groups and tests of invariance
Survey data and clustered data
Raw or statistical summary data
FIML estimation with missing at random (MAR) data
Maximum likelihood, ADF, and GMM estimation
Flexible extension of multivariate regression, instrumental variables, and simultaneous systems
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), correlated uniqueness models, latent growth models, multiple indicators and multiple causes (MIMIC), ...
Compare reference or adjacent categories
Compare to grand mean
Orthogonal polynomials
Treatment effects
Pairwise comparisons
Compare means, intercepts, or slopes
Compare odds ratios
Bonferroni, Scheffé, Tukey, Dunnett, and other adjustments
Margins plots
Profile and interaction plots
Margins, contrasts, and pairwise comparisons
Potential outcomes
Comparative graphs
Multiple imputation
Chained equations
Conditional imputation
Impute separately within groups
Linear and nonlinear predictions
Measure simulation error
Panel data and multilevel models
Impute continuous, ordinal, cardinal, and count variables
ROC analysis
Parametric and nonparametric
Adjustments for covariates
Case-control regression models
Bootstrap and model-based SEs
Area under the curve (AUC) and partial AUC
Contour plots
Multilevel mixed-effects models
Complex survey data
Frequency and sampling weights
Robust and clustered SEs
Weighting at each level
Residual covariance structures: exponential, banded, and Toeplitz
Excel® import/export
Preview tool
Adjust import based on preview
More data management: ODBC connections strings, EBCDIC, rename groups of variables, ...
Unobserved components model (UCM)
Trend, seasonal, and cyclical components
Static and dynamic forecasts of components
Stochastic cycles
Automatic memory management
Automatically adjusts to dataset size
Up to 1 terabyte of memory
Long-memory processes
Fractional integration
Robust variance estimates
Static and dynamic forecasts
Linear constraints
Manage variables, storage types, notes, and formats without leaving the main interface
Select variables using filters
Filter prior commands and search results
Tabbed Viewer
Jump to dialogs, related commands, and sections in the online help
Hide, show, reorder, and filter variables in the Data Editor
Preview before pasting data
PDF export of results and graphs
New Mac interface
Multivariate GARCH
Constant conditional correlations (CCC)
Dynamic conditional correlations (DCC)
Varying conditional correlations (VCC)
Multivariate normal and Students’ t errors
Robust variance estimates
Level and variance predictions
Static and dynamic forecasts
Spectral density
Parametric estimates after ARIMA, ARFIMA, and UCM
Assess importance of frequencies
Installation Qualification
Downloadable tool
Report for submission to regulatory agencies
Time-series filters
Trend and cycle decompositions
Christiano–Fitzgerald band-pass filter
Baxter–King band-pass filter
Hodrick–Prescott high-pass filter
Butterworth high-pass filter
More estimators
Up to 64 cores
Business calendars
Trading days
User definable
Lags and leads using business days
Conversions from standard calendar
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