The most powerful stamping analysis tool for blank development, process design, and incremental simulation combines: FASTFORM Advanced, FASTFORM MultiStage, and FASTIncremental
This seamless scenario covers the entire process from quoting to process design to virtual prove-out with speed and efficiency not seen before.
Eliminates duplication of data entry
Creates the complete tooling process
Accurately determines material thinning and wrinkling
Automatic extraction of tooling geometry
FormingSuite Professional is a user-friendly combination one-step, implicit and explicit incremental analysis solution that provides a complete virtual die development and tryout for tool and die makers. It requires no FEA background. It offers many new advanced features such as automatic blank size, shape and location, automatic process setup, and automatic binder closing and wrap.
Accurate blank shape and trim line development
Binder wrap calculation based on inverse technology
Automated tool extraction from provided first form geometry
Analysis controlled through FormingSuite graphical user environment
Pre- and Post-Processing is done in a single, intuitive to use environment
Fully associative and regenerative to drastically reduce downstream design changes
Based on LSTC's proven LS-DYNA solver
FTI 是一套物超所值、界面親和的軟件解決方案,能在數分鐘內幫您完成钣金成形工藝性及毛坯展開形狀的預測分析。
FTI 是那些需要對零件的幾何形狀和設計開發的可行性與成本給出快速評估的用戶的理想工具。它可快速確定成形工藝性問題,同時可僅僅依據幾何形狀精確地計算出復雜形狀沖壓件的毛坯展開尺寸。
以友好的使用界面進行網格化處理, 工件導向以及壓邊力和材料的選擇,能使用戶在短時間內完成分析工作。在數分鐘內使用 FTI 完成工業基准確定的快速分析。
除了快速與精確性以外,FTI 還提供了必要的處理和可視化工具來測定對零件和設計方案的改進是否必要。
FTI 是一套非常經濟實惠的解決方案,用以在設計階段鑒別出問題的存在,貫穿於整個項目的生命周期,可為您省下數千美圓。FTI 能預先評估零件的可行性,在報價和制造階段降低風險和成本。
FTI 能提供精確的毛坯展開形狀,在報價之前為用戶提供更理想的選材建議。
FTI 能在十分鐘內確定一個零件的形狀或設計方案的可行性。
FTI 是一種易於使用的程序,完全適合於設計工程師、項目工程師以及模具技師等,而無須具備FEA(有限元分析)的專業經驗。
FTI 是以簡單易用的理念來設計的。明快的圖標和功能強大的可視化工具使得軟件更易使用。簡潔的軟件界面已將繁雜的操作扔到模擬分析以外。
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