Autodesk Alias Design軟件是Autodesk數字樣機解決方案的一部分,專門面向消費產品設計師——他們負責控制從概念到最終曲面的整個設計流程,直到曲面進入工程設計階段。軟件支持設計師利用草圖、插圖、照片級渲染和動畫快速開發和交流產品設計概念。
Autodesk Alias Design產品建模軟件為您提供了用於優化概念設計流程的所有工具。讓我們一起來了解其中支持概念探索、設計建模、設計可視化和交流的諸多功能與特性。
利用支持解決問題並大膽試驗的功能,充分釋放創新能力。Autodesk? Alias? Design軟件提供了性能更 強大的整套草圖繪制、插圖和圖像編輯工具。
快速進行設計概念的迭代、優化和評估。Autodesk? Alias? Design提供了曲面建模、動態形狀建模、快速樣機制造以及更多工具,可以幫助您自如地完成消費品設計。
評估設計方案,交流設計意圖。Alias? Design?中包含用於創建逼真圖像、環境和渲染圖的工具。
導入工程數據並利用其繪制草圖。與Autodesk Inventor?等工程設計軟件交換數據。Alias Design支持與領先的CAD軟件快速交換數據。
利用標記菜單、可定制工具和統一的著色環境提高工作效率——支持Apple Macintosh?和Windows Vista?平台。Alias Design采用了專為消費品設計師量身打造的用戶友好界面。
Autodesk Alias Design software enables designers to rapidly develop and communicate product design concepts using sketches, illustrations, photorealistic renderings, and animations. A version – Autodesk Alias Design for Inventor – is also available. It is built specifically for Inventor® users and provides integrated freeform shape modeling capabilities directly within the Inventor environment.
Autodesk Alias Design includes a complete set of tools to develop and communicate product design. It is also available in a version design specifically for Autodesk® Inventor® users.
* Concept exploration/integrated sketching—Tools for sketching, illustration, and image editing.
* Design modeling—Rapidly iterate, refine, and evaluate product design concepts.
* Productivity tools—Rely on a user-friendly, customizable interface tailored for the needs of industrial designers.
* Precision surface modeling—Create high-quality surface models, including Class-A surfaces.
* Alias Design for Inventor—Created specifically for Autodesk Inventor users to provide fully integrated freeform shape modeling capabilities directly within the Inventor® environment.
* Reverse engineering—Incorporate changes made to physical models back to digital prototypes.
* Visualization and communication—Evaluate product design options and communicate design intent.
* CAD Interoperability—Exchange digital design data with Autodesk Inventor and other third-party CAD applications.
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