Geoweb 3D 是一個獨立的GIS可視化應用程序,可以創建先進的三維地理信息系統數據圖形 它是專為不具備軟件開發經驗或三維圖形知識用戶,而提供的全面和精干的地理可視化產品。
該產品集成了3D可視化引擎,Web浏覽器引擎,和ArcGIS Engine在一個輕松的學習,創新的用戶界面,直觀和有趣的使用軟件包內。
Due to the economy of scale of the gaming industry, commodity hardware now has the capability to produce high-fidelity geospatial visualization and analysis directly from native GIS data. The 3D engine maximizes use of the GPU to remove conventional barriers with respect to size, resolution, and complexity.
Geoweb3d entered the GIS market because, for the first time, it could offer this military-grade visualization to the commercial geospatial community at a reasonable cost.
Using your GIS data
Geoweb3d has direct, native support for most commonly-used raster and vector GIS formats, and on the fly reprojection means no preprocessing of data. Users add their own GIS data to Geoweb3d to generate rich 3D scenery for viewing and analysis. Drag in unaltered data and immersive, detailed 3D scenes are just a few clicks away.
Embedded Browser and ArcGIS
Geoweb3d Desktop embeds a full web browser and ArcGIS Engine to provide the most comprehensive GIS visualization solution for today’s GIS users. Integrating the web brings effortless interoperability with the growing volume of online geospatial content.
Using a tabbed approach similar to a web browser, any number of 3D, web, and ArcGIS views can be opened for a seamless GIS workflow.
Easy to use
Geoweb3d Desktop was designed for those users who desire more capable geospatial visualization – not 3D experts. The user interface represents a new concept of modern contextual design that makes 3D simple and intuitive.
Thematic rendering
3D visualization is all about effectively communicating information to others. Often, this requires that realistic content be supplemented with thematic representations of data. A hybrid of realistic and thematic visualization is good for emphasizing areas and layers of interest. A user may also create alternative presentations of the same location and switch between them simply by clicking a checkbox.
CAD / BIM 3D model support
Users with high-fidelity 3D models from CAD resources may place them in their proper geographic location and fuse them with GIS data, feeds, web services, and more.
3D buildings do not need to be simple textured boxes as much as trees don’t need to be simple polygon models. You have the hardware already, let Geoweb3d provide the software that puts it to work.
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