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OLIGO 是一個從序列文件中搜索和選擇寡核苷酸的多功能程序,應用於聚合酶鏈反應(PCR),DNA測序,定點突變及各種各樣的雜交研究。
OLIGO根據最近鄰熱力學值計算寡核苷酸的雜交溫度和二級結構。 這個好工具也用於構建合成基因,在已合成的基因中發現適當的序列引物,發現和多元化一致的引物和探針, 甚至發現蛋白質潛在的限制位點。
OlIGO 產品特色:
1. 分析TM和內部穩定性,繪制溶解溫度圖和穩定性圖;
2. 給出寡核苷酸的重要相關信息;
3. 顯示正向引物、反向引物和當前的OLIGO裡潛在的連接物。潛在的二聚物也可顯示出來;
4. 分析顯示在選中的正向引物或反向引物中基本的成份和溶解溫度;
5. 精確地分析出生物信息軟件中的錯配位點;
6. 正向引物和反向引物選中後,能自動產生PCR實驗條件和PCR產物信息。
OLIGO Primer Analysis Software is the essential tool for designing and analyzing sequencing and PCR primers, synthetic genes, and various kinds of probes including siRNA and molecular beacons.
Based on the most up-to date nearest neighbor thermodynamic data, Oligo's search algorithms find optimal primers for PCR, including TaqMan, highly multiplexed, consensus or degenerate primers. Multiple file batch processing is possible. It is also an invaluable tool for site directed mutagenesis.
For each primer or primer pair, Oligo's various analysis windows show a multitude of useful data, such as DNA and RNA secondary structure, dimer formation, false priming and homology, internal stability, composition and physical properties. With Oligo you can analyze open reading frames down to predicted molecular weight and pKa of proteins, and search for restriction enzyme sites, not only in DNA but also in reverse-translated proteins.
The first version of the software appeared on the market in 1989. It went through several modifications, and the last one, the change from version 6 to 7, was the most comprehensive. Oligo 7 can automatically select multiplex primers, process sequence files in batch modes, automatically design PCR primers to cover multiple DNA regions in just one search and automatically find primer/probe sets for real time PCR or finds nested primers sets. Oligo search protocols (scoring system) may be customized in detail, so you may optimize the results according to your specific needs.
Oligo runs on Macintosh and Windows and it may be downloaded from this site. Click on the Tutorials link above to see Oligo 7 general overview and the major windows screen designs.
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