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MSC Nastran
MSC Nastran的是世界上使用最廣泛的有限元分析(FEA)求解器。當涉及到模擬壓力,動力,還是現實世界的震動以及復雜的系統時,MSC Nastran仍然是目前世界上最好的和最值得信賴的軟件。今天,有限元求解器是可靠和准確的,足以通過FAA和其他監管機構的認證,所以零件到復雜裝配的制造商都選擇了有限元求解器。
MSC Nastran是建立在由美國國家航空和航天管理局的科學家和研究人員所做的工作基礎上的,是值得信賴的設計,並且用在每個行業的關鍵任務系統。幾乎每一個航天器,飛機,以及在過去40年來設計的車輛都通過使用MSC Nastran進行了分析。近年來,我們已經將了CAE最優秀的科學家投入到MSC Nastran中,以擴大其力量和效率,從而確保了它能夠在目前持續維持世界最好的,最值得信賴的,最廣泛使用的有限元軟件的地位。新的模塊化打包讓您只得到您需要的部分,這使得您比以往擁有Nastran所花費的費用要少。
MD Nastran保證兼容性
MSC Nastran
Accurate, Efficient & Affordable Finite Element Analysis
MSC Nastran is the world's most widely used Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solver. When it comes to simulating stress, dynamics, or vibration of real-world, complex systems, MSC Nastran is still the best and most trusted software in the world – period. Today, manufacturers of everything from parts to complex assemblies are choosing the FEA solver that is reliable and accurate enough to be certified by the FAA and other regulatory agencies.
Engineers and analysts tasked with virtual prototyping are challenged to produce results fast enough to impact design decisions, and accurate enough to give their companies and management the confidence to replace physical prototypes. In today's world, nobody has time or budget to spend evaluating the accuracy of their FEA software – you need to know it's right.
MSC Nastran is built on work done by NASA scientists and researchers, and is trusted to design mission critical systems in every industry. Nearly every spacecraft, aircraft, and vehicle designed in the last 40 years has been analyzed using MSC Nastran. In recent years, we've applied some of the best and brightest scientists in CAE to extend MSC Nastran's power and efficiency, resulting in its continued status as the world's best, most trusted, and most widely used FEA software – period. New modular packaging that enable you to get only what you need makes it more affordable to own Nastran than ever.
As part of our commitment to quality, the MSC Nastran Software Quality Assurance Program complies with the applicable portions of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, Reporting of Safety Related Defects and Non-Compliances.
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