色彩技術領域的全球領軍企業愛色麗股份有限公司納斯達克:(XRIT),宣布了對其油墨配色軟件InkFormulation (IFS) 增加一系列全新功能。愛色麗的IFS專為自行配制油墨的油墨制造商和印刷商而開發,它能夠為膠版印刷、凸版和凹版印刷的油墨提供快速、准確而一致的配方設計。IFS 的新版本支持下一代 CxF (色彩信息交換格式,一種用於色彩傳輸的文件格式)。它還具備彩通® Goe™ 系統,彩通配色系統®和 HKS 數字庫。 愛色麗的InkFormulation油墨配色軟件提供一個強大的高端油墨配方設計引擎。有了這個引擎,用戶就能測量色彩並快速獲取油墨配方,而無須通過麻煩而昂貴的反復試驗流程。這大幅減少了浪費,並縮短了印刷修正所要求的停工時間。有了愛色麗的InkFormulation軟件,至今不具備內部油墨配方設計能力的印刷商就能夠通過改進油墨混合和配色流程而節省時間和金錢。
愛色麗公司發布第6版InkFormulation油墨配色軟件。愛色麗InkFormulation專為油墨制造廠和需要自行配制油墨的印刷廠而研發,為膠印油墨、柔性版印刷油墨、凹版印刷油墨和絲網印刷油墨提供快速、准確、一致的油墨配色、配方創建、存儲、審批和檢索解決方案。新版InkFormulation 6軟件令油墨提供商和印刷廠在油墨配方和種類上享有更大的靈活性,提高了基礎物料處理能力、可自動確定正確的油墨厚度、並有助於消除有害的廢墨。
由於先進的數學引擎可更好地預測油墨和印刷材料之間的相互作用,InkFormulation 6能夠根據印刷工藝、油墨、照明條件、顏料價格和擬用的部件和材料數量計算出最佳的、成本最低的油墨配方。InkFormulation 6可在各種印刷材料和墨層厚度上(包括透明薄膜和金屬印刷材料)生成一致的、可重復的效果,可幫助印刷廠和油墨供應商加快油墨配色工作流程的速度(包括特種油墨)。它還可以提高色彩精確度,幫助您更好地符合色彩規范。
憑借新的墨層厚度校准模塊,用戶可以快速精確地確定用於柔性版印刷、凹版印刷和絲網印刷的正確油墨厚度。用戶再也不用因為網線數或墨輥的不同而重新測量已知的配方並手動調整墨層厚度;只需輸入墨輥或絲網的參數即可。軟件會自動計算需要的墨層厚度並將其用於整個油墨系列中。InkFormulation 6可根據單張配方自動校准墨輥,無需針對每個墨輥創建單獨的油墨系列。
太陽化學公司(Sun Chemical Corporation)的色彩物理學家Danny Rich博士說道:“InkFormulation 6全新改進的基礎物料模塊使我們可靈活改變配方中的添加劑,這是一項很重要的增值功能,並且非常適用於現代液體專色油墨的配制。我們尤其喜歡新的配色向導,它允許我們隨時在配色流程中返回上一步。InkFormulation 6全新的打印版面編輯器允許我們對印張添加個性化特征。我們期待使用InkFormulation 6,它將給我們帶來更大的靈活性和多種功能改進,可幫助我們節約時間和成本。”
富林特集團德國公司(Flint Group Germany GmbH)包裝油墨技術服務經理Marcus Gampper說 :“我們已經對新版InkFormulation 6進行了一段時間的測試,新功能將有助於大大簡化並自動化我們的工作流程,我們對此很有信心。令我們感到特別興奮的是全新打印版面編輯器帶給我們的靈活性,並且,改進的基礎物料模塊可大大簡化對油墨種類和配方的處理。”
盛威科油墨公司(Siegwerk Druckfarben AG)柔性版包裝印刷部門色彩服務團隊經理Rainer Jentzsch表示:“全自動墨層厚度校准功能易於使用,可幫助我們節約大量時間。改進的基礎物料模塊令我們能夠更好地控制並切實簡化工作流程。不論對我們還是我們的客戶來說,新版InkFormulation軟件都是一款非常優秀的軟件。我們期待在工作中大大提高效率和精確性,並節約成本!” InkFormulation 6還包含了愛色麗知名的余墨管理功能,可在配色過程中將余墨重新用於新配方中。
New! InkFormulation 6
When printers need special colors, delays in getting the right ink on press can cost precious time, result in costly waste and affect customer satisfaction. In addition, the rising cost of crude oil is affecting ink prices!
InkFormulation software provides a fast, accurate and consistent ink formulation, formula creation, storage, approval and retrieval solution for offset, flexographic, gravure and screen-printing inks. The new InkFormulation 6 software gives ink suppliers and printers more flexibility over recipes and assortments, improves basic materials handling, automatically determines the right ink film thickness and helps to eliminate hazardous waste.
Thanks to a sophisticated math engine that provides better prediction of ink interactivity with substrates, InkFormulation 6 is able to rapidly calculate the optimal and most cost-effective recipe based on the printing process, ink, illumination, pigment pricing, and number of components and materials to be used. InkFormulation 6 helps printers and ink suppliers speed up the ink formulation workflow process (including special inks), with consistent, reproducible results on a broad variety of substrates and ink film thicknesses, including transparent films and metalized substrates. It also increases color accuracy, helping to meet color specifications better than ever before. InkFormulation 6 also supports XRGA.
Improved Basic Material Module:
With version 6's newly improved Basic Material Module, users can work with a variety of additives within one assortment, allowing them to change a single additive in a recipe without having to re-do the draw down or create a completely new assortment. This new enhancements of this module significantly simplifies the handling of assortments and recipes, giving users more control over their ink database.
Film Thickness Calibration Module:
The new Film Thickness Calibration Module allows users to quickly and precisely determine the right ink thickness for flexo, gravure and screen-printing. Users no longer need to re-measure known recipes for different line screens or rollers and adjust the film thickness manually; they can simply enter the roller or screen as a parameter. The software will automatically calculate the required film thickness and apply it to the whole assortment. InkFormulation 6 automatically calibrates a roller with a single recipe, thereby eliminating the need to create separate assortments for each roller.
Leftover Management Feature:
X-Rite's renowned Leftover Management feature, also included in InkFormulation 6 allows leftover inks to be reused in new recipes during the formulation process. InkFormulation provides recommendations on how to reduce the amount of leftover inks and allows for any leftovers to be reworked into new formulations, reducing inventory and waste, lowering disposal costs and providing a rapid return on users' InkFormulation investment (typical ROI for spot color printers, especially in flexo, gravure and screen printing is less than 6 months).
Data Exchange:
InkFormulation 6 offers unsurpassed flexibility of data exchange with networked databases and Internet communication features so ink suppliers and printers can efficiently share color data with locations across the globe. The new version also supports the latest generation of CxF (Color Exchange Format), the universal file format for color communication, allowing them to accurately and unambiguously communicate all commercially significant aspects of their ink's formulation requirements. At each step of the process, colors are defined and stored as CxF files so that they can be seamlessly and faithfully exchanged between instruments and applications throughout the printing workflow. InkFormulation 6 data can also be seamlessly integrated into other business management processes. The data can be accessed through third-party applications, allowing customers to import recipes and other data into their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, such as SAP.
Usability Enhancements:
InkFormulation 6 also features a number of usability enhancements including: more flexible sorting criteria for recipes; direct and simplified substrate database access; a new Print Layout Editor to allow users to define and customize their print layouts (logos, images and labels can be inserted and printed to label ink cans and simplify inventory creation); a new 'undo' function to allow users to return to the preceding step within the formulation workflow rather than having to begin all over again; simplified user administration tools.
Seamless transition of ink databases now possible!
Current users of X-Rite's Color Master software who choose to switch to InkFormulation 6 to take advantage of these new ground-breaking features will also be able to easily import their existing databases.
Available Digital Libraries
Includes the PANTONE® PLUS SERIES (C,U), PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® (C,U, M), and PANTONE® Goe™ System (C,U) for No-Filter, Pol-Filter, D65 and UVcut, and also the HKS libraries (E,K,N,Z).
Product Packages
InkFormulation is available modular packages, ensuring you only buy the functionality your really need:
InkFormulation PrinterBasic
A cost-effective system designed for small to medium sized printers. You can easily and quickly formulate custom inks, working with a database supplied by your preferred ink manufacturer. Configured with an X-Rite Color Handheld device, this solution is ideal for the printer that previously could not justify having in-house formulation capabilities.
InkFormulation PrinterPro
Formulate custom inks without creating and maintaining a colorant database. You can import and work with colorant databases supplied by your preferred ink manufacturer. Includes ColorQuality software to guarantee precise measurement, continuous control, and consistent documentation.
InkFormulation Manufacturer
A full version of InkFormulation designed for the Ink Manufacturer, providing the ability to create, store, and modify a colorant database. This allows you to build and maintain a complete colorant database featuring all the inks you use.
InkFormulation Online
A web-client solution for ink manufacturers and suppliers that allows their customers to access a centralized, easily-updatable database of InkFormulation via the Internet. Printers that do not wish to install local ink formulation capability can easily access high quality ink formulation databases - developed by experts – that they can rely on for mixing and matching inks.
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