jHepWork是一套功能完整的面向對象科學數據分析框架。 Jython宏是用來展示一維和二維直方圖的數據。該程序包括許多工具,可以用來和二維三維的科學圖形進行互動。
jHepWork是一套以 jython 打造的資料分析框架與系統,採用 jython 的好處是可以透過 Python 簡潔的語法編寫程式,而又能透過 java 所寫的 Python 解譯環境,直接取用各種以 java 打造的各類程式資源.
另外一個值得高興的是, jython 自從原創者被微軟挖角去打造通往 .NET 的 ironpython 後,一度看似岌岌可危,但是最新版的 jython 2 推出後,對於 jython 能否持續發展,應該給了明確的答桉, python 與 java 的攜手合作,前景實在非常令人期待, jHepWork 的出現,就是最好的例證.
jHepWork is a full-featured multiplatform data-analysis framework for scientists, engineers and students. jHepWork is a 100% pure Java package with numerical and graphical libraries for data-analysis applications. It uses Jython in order to bring more power and simplicity to scientific computing. jHepWork includes:
Data analysis tools
* Based on Jython, an implementation of the high-level language Python written in Java.
* Includes numerical Java libraries integrated with a graphical user interface for data manipulation. See jHepWork examples. The main programming language in all these examples is Python (actually, Jython). Data manipulation is assumed to be done using Jython scripting, but also BeanShell and plain Java can be used.
* Data structures and data manipulation methods, integrated with Java and JAIDA classes, combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. jHepWork includes high-level data types for manipulations, calculations of systematical errors and visualization (plots, tables, spreadsheet, file input/output) which have no analogy in other data analysis frameworks. Programs written using the jHepWork framework are usually very short due to high-level constructions of the jHPlot package.
* Enhanced console for BeanShell and Jython with syntax highlighting and built-in macro language for custom commands. Macros based on the jEdit textArea can be reused.
* Many mathematical and physics libraries are linked automatically. Fully compatible with FreeHEP libraries for data manipulation, histograms and fits.
* Comprehensive. More than 10 thousand classes and methods are packed in 27 MB (this excludes those from the native Java API). Most libraries were designed for data analysis and mathematical operations. For example, JEHEP IDE editor contains about 500 classes and methods, while the core package JHPLOT (the main graphical canvas and data structures) has about 1200 classes and methods. The rest are third-party libraries. The native code assist or external IDE (NetBeans or Eclipse) can help to navigate between classes and methods.
* Native Java I/O based on serialization. Platform-neutral file formats based on XML and compressed Google's Protocol Buffers records.
* Professional graphics. Output to the vector format (PostScript, EPS) and other formats (PDF, PNG, JPG, etc.)
* Seamlessly integrated with Java-based Linear Collider Detector (LCD) software concept.
A powerful Python/Jython friendly IDE with a code assist
which also supports many programming languages: C/C++, JAVA, PHP, FORTRAN and many more. It is also specially designed for editing LaTeX files. It has several unique features, such as:
* The only Java-based editor with on-fly spell checking
* The only editor with color syntax highlighting for all classes and methods of ROOT
* Color syntax highlighting for many programming languages
* Multiple clipboards
* Multiple Eclipse-like bookmarks
* File browser
* Multi-document support
* Linux/Unix - like commands cp, mv, rm, cat etc. are supported.
* Extensive LaTeX support: a structure viewer, build-in Bibtex manager (JabRef) and LatexTools
* A document structure viewer for fast navigation
* Extensive configurability
Look at how it compares to other free packages: JAS and ROOT.
jHepWork license
Copyright © 2006 S.Chekanov: jHepWork.
The core packages of this project, jHPlot and JeHEP IDE, are licensed by the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Read jHepWork License Terms and Conditions. Read JHPlot License Terms and Conditions.
The source code for a particular module can be sent by request.
The GNU General Public License (GPL) is here.
Note: jHepWork is NOT COMMERCIAL product, although it is professionally written and many libraries have tested by large scientific community. I cannot guarantee that it is fault free in all possible foreseeable situations. Therefore, you use this package at your own risk.
It is important to note that some third-party libraries and certain pieces of code integrated into the jHepWork software package are not licensed by the GPL license and free only for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes (science and education only). If you will use it for COMMERCIAL purposes, you should contact the author to receive a version of this program with pure-GNU license.
The NA_WorkSheet is a collective aggregation of algorithms coded in Java
that implements various Numerical Analysis solutions/techniques in one
easy to use opensource tool. The application may be used for graphing,
root finding, differentiation, integration, interpolation, linear systems
solving, and matrix operations.
Code Cleanup.
Update graph interface and scaling capability.
Modified data import to eliminate CSV separator characters.
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