- 3D處理軟件工具
- SolidWorks教程/視頻教程/軟件
- CAD輔助設計軟件工具
軟件類型:行業軟件 - CAD/CAM
應用平台:Windows® XP, Windows Vista® (Business or Ultimate), or Windows® 7 (Professional or Ultimate)
問題反饋: http://www.mastercam.com/Support/Default.aspx
網站鏈接: http://www.mastercam.com/Products/MastercamForSolidworks/Default.aspx
1) Unpack.
2) Install.
3) Read Lz0/install.txt for info.
4) Enjoy!
System Requirements
* Processor: 1.5 GHz (minimum) 32-bit Intel®-compatible processor; 64-bit Intel-compatible processors are supported.
* Operating System: Windows® XP, Windows Vista® (Business or Ultimate), or Windows® 7 (Professional or Ultimate) including the latest service packs and recommended updates;
Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework (installed with Mastercam).
* Memory: 2 GB (minimum), 1.7 GB available hard disk space.
* Graphics: 128 MB OpenGL-compatible graphics card (minimum).
* Monitor: 1024 x 768 at 96 DPI (minimum).
* Mouse: Windows-compatible 2-button or 3-button mouse (or with middle mouse wheel).
Additional Software: SolidWorks 2008, 2009, or 2010. You will also need the latest version of Adobe Flash to view the videos that accompany Mastercam for SolidWorks. You can download the viewer from www.adobe.com.
* Internet® Explorer® 7
* DVD drive
Mastercam X4 includes many exciting new tools, including:
* Multi-threading
* New Dynamic Mill toolpath
* Feature Based Machining (FBM) Drill enhancements
* Feature Based Machining (FBM) Mill enhancements
* Tree-style dialog boxes for 2D toolpaths
* New toolpath refinement delivers improved 3D surface finish
* New Circle 5-axis toolpath
* Multiple materials for generic Mastercam Automatic Toolpathing (ATP)
* Nesting drag-and-drop support
* Vertical/horizontal cut-off options in Nesting
* Updated dialogs for Lathe C-axis toolpaths
* Lathe grooving enhancements
* Support for Agie EDM with Agievision controls
* Post debugger enhancements and new features
* New Dynamic Plane creation method for defining parameters
* Level Manager improvements and reorganization
* Viewsheet improvements
* Wireframe feature recognition in chaining
* User-customizable setup sheet
* Rewritten surface fillet code to improve surfaces
* New Dynamic Xform function
* And much more…
Mastercam系統中,型腔銑削、輪廓銑削和點位加工的刀具路徑與被加工零件的模型是相關一致的。當零件幾何模型或加工參數修改後,Mastercam能迅速准確地自動更新相應的刀具路徑,無需重新設計和計算刀具路徑。 利用上述功能,用戶可把常用的加工方法及加工參數存儲於數據庫中。實際加工之前,從庫中選取相似的加工方法,對其編輯修改,使其適合當前的任務。這樣可以大大提高數控程序設計效率及計算的自動化程度。例如,數據庫中已存儲有一系列的點位加工方法(包括工序、刀具、加工參數等),若要鑽、鉸、攻絲一組孔,就可以從庫中選取相似的加工方法,適當修改後,直接加工。
(1) 零件幾何造型(CAD)設計階段:此階段可利用Mastercam自身的design模塊來完成,也可通過軟件系統提供的圖形轉換接口把其他CAD軟件生成的圖形轉換成Mastercam的圖形文件來完成。
(2) 加工(CAM)階段:根據所需加工產品的幾何形狀確定加工方式後,運用Mastercam系統提供的功能選擇合適的刀具、材料和工藝參數等,然後產生刀具路徑和生成刀具的運動軌跡數據。之後還可進行加工模擬,以檢測進行中的錯誤並進行修正。
(3) 生成數控加工程序並輸出階段:這是一種後處理的過程。因為世界上有幾百種型號的數控系統,如法蘭克、西門子等,它們的指令格式不完全相同。因此 Mastercam軟件系統應針對某一特定的數控系統生成特定的數控加工程序,才能完成數控加工,得到理想中的產品。