Quote:LMS Test.Lab是一整套的振動噪聲試驗解決方案,是高速多通道數據采集與試驗、分析、電子報告工具的完美結合,包括數據采集、數字信號處理、結構試驗、旋轉機械分析、聲學和環境試驗。同時它也是一個應用開發平台。LMS Test.Lab是LMS公司20多年的技術和眾多LMS Cada-X系統用戶的工程經驗的總結。LMS Test.Lab不僅僅是新一代的系統,它的開發引入了全新的設計理念,從數據采集、數據诠釋,到可用性。
LMS Test.Lab是一整套的振動噪聲試驗解決方案,是高速多通道數據采集與試驗、分析、電子報告工具的完美結合,包括數據采集、數字信號處理、結構試驗、旋轉機械分析、聲學和環境試驗。同時它也是一個應用開發平台。
基於LMS SCADAS III前端的優異性能,LMS Test.Lab為未來的振動噪聲試驗方式,提供了新的突破。其獨特的工作流程設計界面,使得LMS Test.Lab為系統的易用性、高效率和數據一致性確立了新的標准。更容易設置、更快的試驗、更好的數據溝通,使用LMS Test.Lab,你就能更充分地利用您的硬件和軟件。
同時,LMS Test.Lab可以和LMS Tec.Manager無縫集成,進行試驗數據管理,可以和LMS Virtual.Lab無縫集成,用於虛擬樣機的仿真,從而賦予'集成試驗室'這一概念以新的內涵。未來的試驗將不再是獨立的行為,而是推動整個開發過程的關鍵因素:從目標設定、支持虛擬仿真、一直到最終的產品優化和認定。
LMS Test.Lab第七版集成了600多項新功能和改進,適用於各種試驗任務。此外,LMS Test.Lab第七版還新增了移動測試功能,為用戶提供適用於車內或現場試驗的最佳便攜性,以及直觀的系統交互性。LMS Test.Lab第七版,與緊湊可靠的LMS SCADAS Mobile前端完美結合,可支持單人數據采集,同時提供靈活的快捷鍵和友好的操作界面。
新版本另一項特點是提供世界上首個自動化模態分析解決方案,具有最佳的模態一致性和最短的分析時間。自動化模態參數選擇(AMPS)可以在10分鐘內建立非常復雜或高阻尼結構的高質量模態模型,而且不受操作者人為影響。LMS Test.Lab第七版利用創新性技術和工作流程驅動的方法,提高了從標定試驗到系統級問題診斷整個開發流程中每個階段的工作效率。
LMS Test.Lab第七版新功能:
- 新的移動測試用戶界面,為車載試驗提供最理想的便攜性
- 完全支持LMS SCADAS Mobile,適用於譜和實時特征信號采集,錘擊模態試驗和實時倍頻程試驗
- 可以靈活選擇在線、嵌入和離線三種處理方式
- 離線RPM提取,如果沒有測量轉速信號也能夠精確捕捉RPM信號,用於振動或聲學階次分析
- 自動化模態參數選擇(AMPS)——精確、可靠、快速,且不受操作者影響
- 穩態和瞬態陣列——用於聲源定位——形成了以特有的聲聚焦為核心的一整套聲源定位方法
- 沖擊響應合成和試驗序列自動化——支持無人監控的長時間的且具有多種振動控制的鑒定試驗
引用LMS Test.Lab
The Integrated Environment for Functional Performance Engineering
The pressure in Noise and Vibration Engineering is enormous; legislation continues to dictate ever-tougher noise and vibration limits; marketing wants to maintain core brand values but at reduced cost; customers demand products that are better and more refined. Yet at the same time, the move towards the digital development process means that fewer prototypes are available and must be tested in greater detail. And everything has to happen in less time and with fewer resources. LMS Test.Lab provides the right answers to these challenges.
The evolving role of Test
Testing is not only limited to the validation and troubleshooting phase of the development. It is also used to front-load data into the hybrid simulation process by testing existing components and benchmarking competitive products for target setting purposes. It is more and more routinely used to provide loading information and feedback to update the CAE models. It is systematically used to provide test-derived models of components and sub-assemblies that will be added into hybrid CAE models at the full assembly level. It continues to be used for final production validation and monitoring throughout the lifetime of the product.
Making Testing easier and more productive
LMS Test.Lab is a complete solution for test-based engineering combining high-speed multichannel data acquisition with a suite of integrated testing, analysis, and report generation tools. LMS Test.Lab is designed to make testing more efficient and more convenient for the users. It enables testing departments to increase the volume of test work, and to get a higher return out of existing testing facilities. It allows delivering more reliable results, even when the availability of prototypes is dramatically reduced. It enables an efficient use of testing knowledge within the extended organization.
A complete portfolio
LMS Test.Lab offers a complete portfolio for noise and vibration testing. It includes solutions for rotating machinery, structural and acoustic testing, environmental testing, vibration control, reporting and data sharing.
Built-in productivity
LMS Test.Lab has been developed from scratch to introduce innovative concepts for data acquisition, data interpretation and usability. It builds upon the blistering performance of the LMS SCADAS III data acquisition front-end to create a breakthrough in noise and vibration testing. With its unique workfl ow-based interface, Test.Lab sets new standards for ease-of-use, productivity and data consistency. Extensive customer benchmarks of LMS Test.Lab for modal testing jobs and for typical NVH chassis-dyno testing procedures proved a reduction in total elapsed testing time of 50 to 60%, thus doubling the productivity of the entire test facility.
Better engineering insights…
LMS Test.Lab makes testing easier and more productive - without compromizing data consistency. Moreover, it gives better insights through measurement and analysis innovation to support the complete development process. In the near future, test will no longer be a stand-alone activity but a critical enabler of the complete development process: from target setting, through supporting virtual simulation, to final product refinement and qualification.
…that make virtual simulation work
Virtual models have no value unless they accurately represent real life. This requires high-quality modeling and loads information. LMS Test.Lab is used to front-load data into the simulation process by testing existing components and benchmarking competitive products for target setting purposes. It is routinely used to provide loading information and feedback to update virtual models. It is systematically used to provide test-derived models of components and sub-assemblies that are too difficult or take too long to model. Combining virtual and test-based models results in faster and more reliable simulation.
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