殺毒軟件:Symantec AntiVirus
共享時間:10:00 AM - 24:00 PM(除非線路故障或者機器故障)
共享服務器:Razorback 2.0
[通過安裝測試]Windows2000 SP4
支持LabVIEW 7.0及後續版本,Visual Studio 6.0及後續版本,LabWindowsT/CVIT 7.0及後續版本
NI公司的視覺開發模塊是專為開發機器視覺和科學成像應用的工程師及科學家而設計。該模塊包括NI Vision Builder和IMAQ Vision兩部分。NI Vision Builder是一個交互式的開發環境,開發人員無需編程,即能快速完成視覺應用系統的模型建立;IMAQ Vision是一套包含各種圖像處理函數的功能庫,它將400多種函數集成到LabVIEW和Measurement Studio,LabWindows/CVI,Visual C++及Visual Basic開發環境中,為圖像處理提供了完整的開發功能。
NI Vision Builder與IMAQ Vision軟件配合工作,能大大簡化視覺系統的開發工作。NI Vision Builder能夠自動產生一個在LabVIEW環境下運行的IMAQ Vision框圖,框圖包括與您在NI Vision Builder中所進行一系列操作相同的功能。
NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (AI) is configurable machine vision software that you can use to prototype, benchmark, and deploy applications. NI Vision Builder AI does not require programming, yet it is scalable to powerful programming environments such as National Instruments LabVIEW. You can use the built-in deployment interface to quickly deploy your inspection, guidance, and identification applications. The software also features the ability to set up complex pass/fail decisions, control digital I/O devices, and communicate with serial devices such as PLCs.
With the Standard Service Program (SSP), you receive the latest NI software technology through automatic upgrades and an elevated level of technical support from NI applications engineers through phone and e-mail. You also receive a 10 percent discount on NI training courses and materials. A one-year subscription to SSP is less than the cost of purchasing a single upgrade.
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